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Baptist are Saved by Faith, and not by Works


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1 minute ago, E Morales said:

What others denomination can say this, We are Saved by Grace, Faith, and in accepting Christ alone.


Many of the Free Methodists i know can say this...as can some of the Weslyans I know. I even have some CoG friends and relatives who are teachers and preacher in that denomination, and their church teaches saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. It's not common, but there are a few out there that do seem to hold to Baptist doctrine more closely than their own denomination. 

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Most, if not all, "evangelical" (and most who would consider themselves Protestant) churches at one point in time taught and preached this. The Bible teaches we are in the time of the falling away before the return of Christ, and I believe there are many who no longer stand where they once did - including even many "Baptist" churches.

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1 hour ago, Hugh_Flower said:

Even most calvinists claim this 

 You're right, they do. The problem is that they count "faith" as a work that can only come after God imputes his righteousness upon them. 

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On 3/11/2022 at 2:02 AM, Jerry said:

Most, if not all, "evangelical" (and most who would consider themselves Protestant) churches at one point in time taught and preached this. The Bible teaches we are in the time of the falling away before the return of Christ, and I believe there are many who no longer stand where they once did - including even many "Baptist" churches.

I have not met any Evangelical churches that call themselves Protestant. I have been in Baptist churches that call themselves Protestant.  Most of all of them would be called reformed.

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IFWIW, I think most evangelicals do not have enough understanding of the history of the churches to know what to call themselves.
I don’t personally consider Baptist churches Protestant, but I can see the Baptists who do not know their history considering themselves such. And to be fair, reformed Churches are much closer to a protestant heritage, since Calvin would be a Protestant. (He also persecuted Baptists, so there’s some interesting mingling of doctrine there!)

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On 3/10/2022 at 7:52 PM, BrotherTony said:

Many of the Free Methodists i know can say this...as can some of the Weslyans I know. I even have some CoG friends and relatives who are teachers and preacher in that denomination, and their church teaches saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. It's not common, but there are a few out there that do seem to hold to Baptist doctrine more closely than their own denomination. 

I can think of one, now in glory, Ian Paisley, great orator and defender of the faith in Northern Ireland.

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Ian Paisley was a Free Presbyterian. Aside from his Calvinism and heavy emphasis on preaching against Catholicism, Free Presbyterians have a lot in common with Independant Fundamental Baptists, even the same King James Bible. I have actually been blessed through the years by listening to several Free Presbyterian preachers.

1 hour ago, Invicta said:

I have not met any Evangelical churches that call themselves Protestant.

Poor wording on my part perhaps - but I was saying many evangelicals and many Protestants (not saying they were the same people) at one time preached the true Gospel of salvation by grace through faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Yes, he was a Free Presbyterian. I was privileged to hear him in person on two separate occasions. As far as Calvinist, I will not agree with you. The Free Presbyterian Church is a fundamentalist, evangelical church, requiring strict separation from "any church which has departed from the fundamental doctrines of the Word of God." My pastor at the time, Rodney Bell, Tabernacle Baptist Church, Va, Bch,, Va., and President of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship, would not risk an association with someone who was not a  fundamentalist. It was there, my home church, TBC in Va, Bch., where I heard Dr. Paisley preach. He preached salvation by grace through faith, and yes, against the RCC as well.


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Just wanted to make this statement about E Morales's post here....EVERYONE who is truly saved is saved by faith through God's grace and not because of works....not just the Baptists. Some people really hold an incorrect view of salvation and theology. This isn't a slam on Morales, because I believe that he already knows this. But, in posting on other sites, I find this to be the case...especially lately.  

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Free Presbyterians are fundamentalists - but they are also clearly Calvinists, and that can be verified by reading their individual church/ministry doctrinal statements, and the official (if that is the right term) doctrine of the Free Presbyterian denomination. And according to the posters in this thread, if someone is an evangelical they are not a Protestant and vice verse - Free Presbyterians are definitely Protestants**, heavy emphasis on protesting against the Catholic church (Paisley especially).

**Nothing wrong with being a Protestant - what matters is the doctrine and what Gospel they are trusting in. I considered myself a protestant for at least the first six years of being saved, though I was saved in an Evangelical church. I am still a Protestant in the sense of protesting the Catholic church, though now doctrinally I am an Independent Fundamental Baptist (believing all the Baptist Distinctives). Though technically, I personally qualify as a Protestant as I came out of a (nominal) Catholic background.

If that was confusing, sorry about that.

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Jerry, I totally understood that statement. I was raised the first 8 years of my life in an 'old time" separatist Methodist (Free, now) church in Bloomington, IN. They were "disfellowshipped" by the Methodists in town, and believed more like Baptists than Methodists. Guess that was why it was so easy for my mother to become an Independent Baptist when I was 9. 

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