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Why is it that people think we just believe just what we are taught?

Pastor Matt

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13 minutes ago, PastorMatt said:

I'm glad that can study the Bible out myself and come to my own conclusions.

Yes, I truly believe that the Lord gives us individual soul liberty (if that is the right term) - gives me His wisdom and His Holy Spirit to understand His Word, and the knowledge and understanding to put it all together as I read and study it.

I had a nominal religious background which I have rejected (at first because of the hypocrisy of it all, but then later seeing what is wrong with those beliefs and practices according to the Bible). ALL of my beliefs come from first hand studying of the Bible on my own. Yes, I do read books and commentaries, listen to sermons, watch videos, etc. - but I diligently compare all that is said and reject what does not line up with God's Word. If too much is disagreeable or too many doctrines )or fundamental ones) are off kilter, I reject that writer or preacher. I don't accept something because this person or that person, or even my pastor or preacher says something. In fact, my preacher appreciates that I critique what he says and brings it to his attention if I believe he is missing something or something he said seems to contradict the Word of God (see Acts 17:11). For both of us, the Word of God takes top priority, even if it means I need to adjust or correct my beliefs, which I have even done on these boards recently in a certain thread.

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This thread is titled: "Why is it that people think we just believe just what we are taught?

Your reply below should be posted in the thread where the actual is discussion is taking place. 

1 hour ago, Richg said:

We're not getting anywhere because you have never answered my original question, tell me why the Bible says AFTER the tribulation of those days (Mark 13:24) (what days? The days he just got through describing for 20 verses) the elect (that's us) will be gathered from the 4 corners of the earth, what, is He picking us up to go to the movies ? If you have to read it & get back with me tomorrow thats fine, but read it first !

I'll be merging the topics together


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I was not raised in a Christian home  and was from a broken family. I was saved in a Bible believing, small church in the wilds of Alaska. As a babe in Christ, as every new believer is, I had no other method of learning other than what was taught by my missionary pastor and Sunday School teacher.

Most new believers who have never been exposed to religion of any sort are at a loss as to how to even study. In the beginning they have to just trust that what they are being told is the truth. Growing in Christ is a process of learning, submitting to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and proper, diligent study. In my opinion, anyone that denies they have been influenced by the teaching of others is deluding themselves. This does not mean that we have to hold to our original teaching if there may be error in it somewhere. But we should follow good, proper and biblical teaching, as the Holy Spirit guides us. Paul spoke of this concept when he wrote: 2 Timothy 2:2 (KJV) And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

Learning within the halls if our local church is the method that God has chosen for our edification; after all, the local church is called "the pillar and ground of the truth". As such, it is a beginning point of learning, but our learning process should not stop there, for we are instructed otherwise. 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Granted, there are those that will always declare that we only believe what we have been taught; these are usually people that cannot defend their position on doctrine and usually have an argumentative spirit. Just because my interpretation of a subject or doctrine lines up with what someone else may hold to, does not mean that I have not arrived at the same conclusion on my own.

Of course there is always the case where my diligent study has backed up what someone else has previously taught. in that case I would be teaching what I have been taught, but only after proving it biblically.

So, I think that anyone that asserts that I only believe what I have been taught, cannot possibly know of my study habits. diligent study and submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in my life. In other words, they declare that I only believe what I have been taught, as a defense when they cannot defend their position on any given subject. They have usually run out of contextual, comparative Scripture at this point.

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I'm blessed. I've had the Bible and exceptional study resources for decades. I've had opportunity to compare doctrine with doctrine and practice with practice. My pastor presented me with something new this past Wednesday and I will not rest until I've exhausted every resource (scripture with scripture FIRST) at my disposal to validate His comment. 

Similar to those at Berea, I needed to know if these things were true, of course I've not gained insight for every doctrine or faith practice; that won't happen until I get to glory.  I'm a skeptic by nature, but this one thing I know 1 Timothy 1:15. I'm blessed.

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If I believe what my Dad taught I would be, well, I don't know. He refused to talk anything about "religion" even though he was baptized a Mormon. I think he went along with my stepmother to keep peace.

My mother, well, she believes Jesus was a prophet but also the illegitimate son of Mary.

So, that accusation is laughable with me.

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6 hours ago, SureWord said:

If I believe what my Dad taught I would be, well, I don't know. He refused to talk anything about "religion" even though he was baptized a Mormon. I think he went along with my stepmother to keep peace.

My mother, well, she believes Jesus was a prophet but also the illegitimate son of Mary.

So, that accusation is laughable with me.

Why are you confused, BroTony?

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10 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Which accusation are you addressing? I didn't read back through the whole thread...just lightly skimmed it and didn't see the accusation.

Any accusation saying I only believe what I do because of my parents when that's so far off the truth.

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22 hours ago, SureWord said:

If I believe what my Dad taught I would be, well, I don't know. He refused to talk anything about "religion" even though he was baptized a Mormon. I think he went along with my stepmother to keep peace.

My mother, well, she believes Jesus was a prophet but also the illegitimate son of Mary.

So, that accusation is laughable with me.

I think I've got you. I had a somewhat 'Heinz' variety religious background before I found sound teaching from the Bible within the IFB community; stressing individual need to get into and know the Bible. 

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7 hours ago, JenM said:

In some cases, they're not wrong.

I think it also makes it very easy for them to dismiss what we believe as nonsense with no basis in reality.

Who is we...and what is it you're supposed to believe? Just for reference....Thanks.

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The only problem I can see with the independent fundamental Baptist and all other denominations, is that we fall into a routine traditional ways of given a church service. Music to start, Announcements, more music, Love offering, preaching, more singing. Prayer or invitation . Many churches, not all, fall into a routine that never changes. How about singing, Preaching, more singing and prayer, then love offering or tithes, end the service. What is wrong with this, nothing at all. Try changing the service just a little bit, nobody’s gonna get hurt. Enjoy 

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