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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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7 hours ago, SureWord said:

The Gorsuch/Sotomayor story is fake news.

So is the claim of "hundreds of thousands" of children in hospitals with Covid. Another fake story by the judge herself.

Bill loves fake news.

Are 'Bill' and 'Razor' the same person?

14 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

It sounds like more leftist voter suppression of conservatives is at work, again.

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So my local hospital, UVA, took a man off the list for a kidney transplant because he wasn't vaxed even though he already had the Delta infection.  Apparently, he said he'd rather die than take Fauci's money jab.



Edited by SureWord
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3 hours ago, SureWord said:

So my local hospital, UVA, took a man of the list for a kidney transplant because he wasn't vaxed even though he already had the Delta infection.  Apparently, he said he'd rather die than take Fauci's money jab.



A principled man! 

Spent another couple days in the hospital for my ticker, surrounded by covid cases.  Tested negative of course, thank God for natural immunity!

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13 hours ago, SureWord said:

So my local hospital, UVA, took a man off the list for a kidney transplant because he wasn't vaxed even though he already had the Delta infection.  Apparently, he said he'd rather die than take Fauci's money jab.



I have a friend who was all set for a kidney transplant in a Seattle hospital. But then she got her letter stating that no transplants will be performed on those who refuse the jab. It's happening all over the country, mostly in Dem-controlled states (doesn't mean the GOP is all rosy...).

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12 minutes ago, HappyChristian said:

I have a friend who was all set for a kidney transplant in a Seattle hospital. But then she got her letter stating that no transplants will be performed on those who refuse the jab. It's happening all over the country, mostly in Dem-controlled states (doesn't mean the GOP is all rosy...).

We're acquainted with a few...one needs a liver transplant, but they're being refused on the basis of the shot. That is against the policy listed for the hospital, and for the doctors, but they seem wiling to override their own oaths. One reason physicians and hospitals are no longer trusted.

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Concerning not treating people who have not had a COVID show brings up the question, not just with COVID but with other conditions also. When should they be treated and when should treatment be denied.

I went through elementary school with a fellow who was an alcoholic by the time he was in his mid teens. Years later, was in depart need of a liver transplant. Knowing he was an alcoholic and knowing he was not going to stop drinking, should he be given a transplant or should the kidney when it became available be given to the next person on the list where it was a match?

They gave him the liver transplant. He continued heavy drinking and destroyed that liver also. Was that the proper thing for and doctors to do?

When does the greater good outweigh the lesser good? To me it is a hard ethical question. 

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7 minutes ago, Jim_Alaska said:

"Do No Harm"  This is the critical part of their oath. If they can choose between doing the transplant or not, and choose not to; that is doing harm.

Is it harm to do the transplant knowing the recipient will end up destroying it and the other person will die waiting for a transplant? No matter what the original decision is, someone will be harmed. That is, to me, what makes this such a hard ethical issue.  

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There is no way they can "know" that the patient will destroy it, just because someone else did once, especially in the case of a kidney.

Someone that has waited in some cases for years for an organ, is not likely to destroy it.

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2 hours ago, Jim_Alaska said:

"Do No Harm"  This is the critical part of their oath. If they can choose between doing the transplant or not, and choose not to; that is doing harm.

That's a big deal with my nieces and nephews who are in the nursing profession. Some of them have left doctors recently who hold to treating those who aren't vaccinated as second class patients and won't treat them. 

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The truth of these fake vaccines will come out sooner than expected, I reckon:

NEW - British Medical Journal – one of the world's oldest general medical journals – calls for the full and immediate release of all data related to COVID vaccines and treatments.
The BMJ is a weekly peer-reviewed medical trade journal, published by the trade union the British Medical Association. The BMJ has editorial freedom from the BMA.

Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now

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44 minutes ago, wretched said:

The truth of these fake vaccines will come out sooner than expected, I reckon:

NEW - British Medical Journal – one of the world's oldest general medical journals – calls for the full and immediate release of all data related to COVID vaccines and treatments.
The BMJ is a weekly peer-reviewed medical trade journal, published by the trade union the British Medical Association. The BMJ has editorial freedom from the BMA.

Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now

I think even if they release all the data nobody will believe what the CDC, FDA, WHO, or the NIH will say. Millions of people's confidence in these groups had been shattered.

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6 hours ago, Razor said:

Is it harm to do the transplant knowing the recipient will end up destroying it and the other person will die waiting for a transplant? No matter what the original decision is, someone will be harmed. That is, to me, what makes this such a hard ethical issue.  

Your hypothetical is a non sequitur for the context of the transplant discussion. Anyway, how on earth would a doctor know if the "alcoholic" in your dramatic scenario would return to alcoholism? He wouldn't. It is a travesty when a flu virus is the determining factor for who receives essential care to preserve a life. 

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On 1/19/2022 at 7:10 PM, 1Timothy115 said:

Are 'Bill' and 'Razor' the same person?

It sounds like more leftist voter suppression of conservatives is at work, again.

I can't say for certain, but it seems so. The attitude and the leftist posting are all there, and the total lack of respect for the moderators and administrators is there as well. Until proven otherwise, in my eyes, that's where my suspicions are.

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