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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

Forehead…  ? 

I still think everyone should get vaccinated, you have nothing to loose. 


And this is what all of these debates are about period! Where do we get our world views and current events from?
Those whom believe that the reprobate main stream media is the truth, follow that media. Those whom can discern good from evil, do not.

POLL: 4 out of 5 Democrats have already been turned into COVID “obedienc...

A new Axios-Ipsos poll has found that 82 percent of all Democrats in the United States are willing to wear a mas...


Why is the question: The answer is easy, these main stream outlets, television programming and constant propaganda commercials all tickle their lifeless ears and tell them that there is no God whom will judge them later. That they are not accountable to anyone for the life they live. That God's Word is homo, trans and xenophobic. The main stream media is Satan's "world" view in every Scriptural sense of it.

All main stream "news" outlets support, promote and celebrate the satanic lies of Godless sodomy, transsexual deviance, murder in the womb on demand, etc. Seems some want to follow, believe and defend the reprobates, citing these sources constantly on these forums as factual. These are the same ones whom label independent news whom espouse traditional Bible based values as conspiracy theorists. It goes with how the world has fallen away now. 

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2 hours ago, E Morales said:

Forehead…  ? 

I still think everyone should get vaccinated, you have nothing to loose. 

That's your opinion, and you welcome to it. Many believe the DO have something to lose and choose NOT to get the vaccine. We're not telling others NOT to get vaccinated..yet others still want to PUSH their OPINION on others to get the vaccine.

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I do not condemn those who do get the vaccine - yet, as more as more time goes on, I am more and more reluctant to get it. I do not like the enforced vaccination (and the view that you are not doing your part to make society safe by following along with the crowd), and I have seen and heard about too many who had serious complications. This totally fits with this time according to Daniel 2:

Daniel 2:40-42 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.

We are not in the time of the 10 toes (that is the final seven year rule of the antichrist, the 10 kings of the final kingdom - or final form of the last kingdom would be a better way to state it), but we certainly are at the bottom of the legs at this time. They are enforcing their iron rule to make everyone comply or make them seem like they are a lesser citizen, then start ostracizing them and taking away their rights. Yes, that is a reality we are hearing about now in North America, let alone what they are enforcing on other countries of the world.

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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

There is better results to those that get it. Not 100 percent, but still very good. That’s why I said, nothing to loose.

Many of us have seen and have had friends and loved ones who have experienced otherwise. If you've gotten the vaccine...good for you...but those of us who HAVEN'T gotten vaccinated probably never will because of what we've seen and experienced through watching people we know.  They have a LOT to lose by taking the vaccine as research and the VAERS site will reveal.

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2 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Many of us have seen and have had friends and loved ones who have experienced otherwise. If you've gotten the vaccine...good for you...but those of us who HAVEN'T gotten vaccinated probably never will because of what we've seen and experienced through watching people we know.  They have a LOT to lose by taking the vaccine as research and the VAERS site will reveal.

November, I mentioned will probably go to a lockdown, by the end of the year. Look like it might be..  Be Safe

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The powers that be will never allow a good crisis to go to waste. Having succeeded in keeping us separated from others, even family and demanding that we wear a mask; they are not about to give up that kind of control over their "subjects".

So, another lock down? Could be, it would be in line with total control. They have already caused thousands of businesses to close up shop and gone a long way toward wrecking the economy of the entire world.

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Covid will not go away. Corona viruses never do. They just hide out in animals until they strike again. We'll have to learn to live with Fauci's man-made virus. Lockdowns are not the answer and cause more severe long term problems.  Remember, the survival rate is still over 98%.

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10 hours ago, E Morales said:

November, I mentioned will probably go to a lockdown, by the end of the year. Look like it might be..  Be Safe

A lockdown may indeed be suggested, but that doesn't mean we have to follow it, especially if we know that it's about control. Civil disobedience isn't necessarily a bad thing when the government/powers that be are wrong! And, they ARE wrong!

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

A lockdown may indeed be suggested, but that doesn't mean we have to follow it, especially if we know that it's about control. Civil disobedience isn't necessarily a bad thing when the government/powers that be are wrong! And, they ARE wrong!

What does the Bible says about following orders from the government, and who established the government. Give to Cesar that is of Cesar, and that of the Lord, to the Lord. Should we disobey our government, Bro. Tony.

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12 minutes ago, E Morales said:

What does the Bible says about following orders from the government, and who established the government. Give to Cesar that is of Cesar, and that of the Lord, to the Lord. Should we disobey our government, Bro. Tony.

Yes, in certain instances we should, and this is one of them. My body doesn't belong to the government...it belongs to God, and none of the lefts twisting of words, or "Christians" twisting of Scriptures will change what the Bible says. We ought to obey GOD rather than men. We're commanded to take care of our bodies as the temple of God, where the Holy Spriit indwells us. Context and content, @E Morales

Christians consistantly disobeyed the Roman government concerning the teaching of the cross. If we listened to and followed command the government gave us, Christianity would be much, MUCH smaller today than it is. It wouldn't have spread throughout the world. 

Edited by BrotherTony
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23 hours ago, E Morales said:

Forehead…  ? 

I still think everyone should get vaccinated, you have nothing to loose. 


Uh… except your health and your life. There’s been a ton of side effects that aren’t commonly reported, and the VAERS system has more reported deaths from the Covid vaccine in one year than all other vaccines put together over the past 30 years of tracking. 

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19 hours ago, Salyan said:

Uh… except your health and your life. There’s been a ton of side effects that aren’t commonly reported, and the VAERS system has more reported deaths from the Covid vaccine in one year than all other vaccines put together over the past 30 years of tracking. 

I am sorry, but I’ve not heard of these reports you mention. I do make sure that the news I listen to, are not from Facebook. To much fake news there.

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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

I am sorry, but I’ve not heard of these reports you mention. I do make sure that the news I listen to, are not from Facebook. To much fake news there.

VAERS isn't a "facebook" news item..In fact, FB usually tries to block statistics FROM VAERS! Maybe you should check them out.

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VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System. It's a bit of a slog going through the data, but it's all right there. https://vaers.hhs.gov/

If you are listening to pretty much any mainstream news, you are being fed false information. I was sitting in a dentist's office with a TV for half a hour last year, and couldn't believe how wrong the data was - and how much fear mongering they were doing! Every report I heard and constant banners reinforced the false narrative. 

I had the privilege of helping with the Alberta Boots Project this weekend. Last Monday, December 13, Alberta Health Services (which runs ALL healthcare in Alberta), put all unvaccinated staff on unpaid leaves of absence. Paramedics, firefighters, nurses, doctors - even admin assistants, and outside groundskeepers.  The project collected boots from over 700 of these (many, many more) health care and emergency workers to display them on the grounds of our provincial Legislature building to represent the empty shoes these people are leaving behind. 

I spent Saturday afternoon helping a bunch of volunteers working on the project - mostly paramedics forced out of work due to this mandate. The stories they were telling! First hand accounts of friends who took one dose and were instantly paralyzed - the number of severe adverse effects occurring immediately after vaccination before the person can leave the clinic! - the increased cases they responded to. One paramedic said that for the last three months, the first question she's been asking at the scene was 'When was your last vaccination.' After listing to this for just a few minutes, you understand why they refused to be vaccinated - these are the front line health workers seeing the problem for themselves! They worked through Covid - hailed as heroes - and are now being forced out of work. This isn't 'facebook reporting', GloryLand, this is front line experience. And how!  We tracked the combined years of experience represented - at the 653 shoe mark it add up to 10,000 years of health care experience. I can't even...

Oh, and while we were working, news came that a paramedic friend from southern Alberta had died. He had had a heart attack, and no ambulance was available to respond in time.  We've had ambulance shortage problems already - but how many more will we have with the loss of thousands of health care workers and paramedics?

Here's the link - these pictures will break your heart. 

Oh, and these empty shoes? They belong to my retired pastor's wife - a midwife for 29 years. 
May be an image of footwear and text that says 'ALBERTA 1043 BOOT PROJECT'

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