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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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2 hours ago, wretched said:


The lockdowns, pandemic, vaccines, and masks are all indications of the beast activity, and most people accept it, go along with it,  willingly wittingly (understanding) or not.

15 hours ago, Bouncing Bill said:

So tell me. Why is it that less than 1% of COVID hospital patents are vaccinated while over 99% are unvaccinated?


16 hours ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

Sorry, as usual your facts like your sources are false, deceiving , wrong, and inaccurate totally.

The saga continues.   The facts of the anti-christ sources in the world overcome most people,   the whole world is deceived as written,  and 

while the truth is called a lie,  and the lie is broadcast daily thousands, millions of times deceiving all who listen to it and go along with it instead of turning to Jesus to learn the truth.

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4 minutes ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

The lockdowns, pandemic, vaccines, and masks are all indications of the beast activity, and most people accept it, go along with it,  willingly wittingly (understanding) or not.


The saga continues.   The facts of the anti-christ sources in the world overcome most people,   the whole world is deceived as written,  and 

while the truth is called a lie,  and the lie is broadcast daily thousands, millions of times deceiving all who listen to it and go along with it instead of turning to Jesus to learn the truth.

Please stop the false, fake news. Please answer my question. Thanks in advance.

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BB.  in your posts for as long as they have been seen, you have been a fountain of only fraud and fake news and rejected the KJV Bible and do not seem to know at all what the Bible says clearly.  You have quoted many many false teachers and pagan advocates, and it seems that all the ones you trust, the sources you repeat and repeat and continue to deceive with,  are unfaithful, unbelievers,  degenerate liars of the world in high places (evil spiritual forces in high places working through the world through them).

20 hours ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

About any virus, germ, drug, vitamin, food, water, aire, people ,

Trust God,

not epa, not fda, not ama, not usa.

US EPA Scientist Fired For Trying To Tell The Truth .....

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The public has been trained and conditioned to believe that federal agencies like the EPA exist to watch over them and warn them of any potential dangers. This notion could not be further from the truth. Though there are honest and caring people within these agencies (like the scientist who has drafted the statement below), the institutions as a whole ...


Edited by Martyr_4_FutureJoy
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2 minutes ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

BB.  in your posts for as long as they have been seen, you have been a fountain of only fraud and fake news and rejected the KJV Bible and do not seem to know at all what the Bible says clearly.  You have quoted many many false teachers and pagan advocates, and it seems that all the ones you trust, the sources you repeat and repeat and continue to deceive with,  are unfaithful, unbelievers,  degenerate liars of the world in high places (evil spiritual forces in high places working through the world through them).


More of your false posts. Please answer my question.

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More of your false posts BB.   Like Ananias and Sapphira in the Bible, eh ? 

Read some hopeful true news as noted for over a year by honest doctors and scientists worldwide.    "The pandemic is fake".  The measures and mandates are by the global elite to buy and sell people like chattel,  to control them, and for population control.   Whoever trusts in the government , whoever serves the government of the world , whoever worships the government and its minions of doctors under pharmakeia,  is guilty.

13 hours ago, wretched said:

Here are some real scientists with real data to counter the reprobate globalist/CCP propaganda of satan's main stream media:


Now that you have read that, you now know where these variants come from:


20 hours ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

About any virus, germ, drug, vitamin, food, water, aire, people ,

Trust God,

not epa, not fda, not ama, not usa.

US EPA Scientist Fired For Trying To Tell The Truth .....

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The public has been trained and conditioned to believe that federal agencies like the EPA exist to watch over them and warn them of any potential dangers. This notion could not be further from the truth. Though there are honest and caring people within these agencies (like the scientist who has drafted the statement below), the institutions as a whole ...


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Citizens / dwellers in hades (super archers) 

Struggling in Hades! :: Titan Quest Anniversary Edition Általános ...

https://steamcommunity.com › app › discussions

Between the murderous bullfrogs, that extremely powerful boat demon, ... I also went on the actual wiki, apparently the super archers do piercing, bleeding, ...

(Dangerous)  i.e. how the duper archers will attack and destroy many organs at once in the body of those infected with the germ warfare / engineered vaccines.

The villains will not protect against any virus (no need to in fact, but lies prevail), 

but will 'protect' a person from his own organs, like good little demons !! (i.e. destroy the lungs, liver, spleen, brain(already done for many), kidneys, blood (with many clots already)

====== Fake news below from demonsources ==========

3 hours ago, Bouncing Bill said:

How the mRNA vaccine protects you against COVID-19.


Edited by Martyr_4_FutureJoy
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"And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle. 

And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. 

And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.  "

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On 5/6/2021 at 2:42 PM, Salyan said:

This vaccine push is so messed up. I was sick the last week (didn't get tested, but probably Covid), so now I have some nice, natural antibodies to protect me next time. 

Many months later, today 9.16.21 I heard on NPR  a woman traveling all the way from Egypt to get a vaccine here in the US. Amazing 

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As I mentioned in a deleted thread my aunt and uncle, who both were vaccinated, have the WuFlu. They put my aunt into the ward with the dying elderly patients. Yes, she had an underlying medical condition but a few weeks after getting the Fauci jab she started developing all kinds of complications. Just as my mother who developed blood clots in her lungs around six months after the jab. Thankfully, my mother has survived but it was touch and go there for a while.


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1 hour ago, SureWord said:

As I mentioned in a deleted thread my aunt and uncle, who both were vaccinated, have the WuFlu. They put my aunt into the ward with the dying elderly patients. Yes, she had an underlying medical condition but a few weeks after getting the Fauci jab she started developing all kinds of complications. Just as my mother who developed blood clots in her lungs around six months after the jab. Thankfully, my mother has survived but it was touch and go there for a while.


I'm sorry for deleting the prior post, it was best that I did. Many leaders and members here were not happy with it. Vaccine or COVID is a very touchy subject here, for some. I'm glad your mother is doing better. 

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On 8/13/2021 at 11:25 AM, Salyan said:

I just read an interesting article where a Conservative Yukon politician got booted out of the party for supporting freedom of choice for Covid injections. We have a federal election in September - I have no clue which party to vote for. They're all in on this removal of our liberties and freedoms.

BB, you do realize that if the right for liberty and freedom of choice is removed, eventually the government will make a decision you don't agree with - and there will be no remaining chance to fight for those freedoms. You better fight for EVERYONE'S freedom of choice now - even those you disagree with - before that freedom is gone for good.

I am a staunch patriot, and never dreamed of leaving Canada, but.... anyone want to sponsor a church pianist/organist to escape this country? :think_smiley_11:


First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

~ att. to Martin Niemoller

We need a piano player...come on down! =D

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Why can't the FDA and the CDC agree on the boosters and who needs them? Even at the medical school one of my nieces went to there is huge controversy over the vaccines and the boosters themselves. Many of the nurses, students and others who were last years "hero's" who have thus far worked without the vaccines as hero's are now being told to get ready to lose their jobs if they don't take the vaccine. This isn't about health...it never has been...if it was, more people would see the need for the vaccines without being coerced into taking them....And, WHY is it that the CDC is only recommending the Pfizer Vaccine (did you know that the top 70 people who OWN the Pfizer company are CCP Members?) is being recommended for those 65 and older? There have been problems with blood clots in the lungs and other challenges with this vaccine as well...would this not be a "great way" to thin out the population of the baby-boomers? This isn't conspiracy....it's fact...three differing stories on MSN in the last two days on thsi vaccine.  One of them is below...


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