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Biden had a great speech today...


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The only thing that Biden has been right about since he became the POTUS is......


Good speech? The truth? Mr. Biden wouldn't be able to deliver a "good speech" unless it was his resignation and turning over his son and himself for taking money from China. And, he wouldn't know the truth if it were printed on the back of his hand. 

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I did not vote for this man Biden, but what happen, did happen, Trump was 100 present wrong to do what he did. We should not be blind to this. I am sorry folks, we need to say it, the way it is. I voted for Trump 2 times 3 with the primary. No More, he mess up big time. in my opinion

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Dick Cheney says he's 'deeply disappointed' in GOP leadership

Asked why he came to the Capitol this day, Cheney said, "It's an important historical event," referring to the anniversary of the insurrection. "You can't overestimate how important it is."


PHOTO: Former Vice President Dick Cheney and Rep. Liz Cheney recite the pledge of allegiance on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, on Jan. 6, 2021.

House TVHouse TV
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and Rep. Liz Cheney recite the pledge of allegiance.

He added, "I'm deeply disappointed we don't have better leadership in the Republican Party to restore the Constitution."


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5 minutes ago, Razor said:

Dick Cheney says he's 'deeply disappointed' in GOP leadership

Asked why he came to the Capitol this day, Cheney said, "It's an important historical event," referring to the anniversary of the insurrection. "You can't overestimate how important it is."


PHOTO: Former Vice President Dick Cheney and Rep. Liz Cheney recite the pledge of allegiance on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, on Jan. 6, 2021.

House TVHouse TV
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and Rep. Liz Cheney recite the pledge of allegiance.

He added, "I'm deeply disappointed we don't have better leadership in the Republican Party to restore the Constitution."


It is too late now, the only way republicans can win now, is to become more liberal, and less christian. Sad

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29 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I did not vote for this man Biden, but what happen, did happen, Trump was 100 present wrong to do what he did. We should not be blind to this. I am sorry folks, we need to say it, the way it is. I voted for Trump 2 times 3 with the primary. No More, he mess up big time. in my opinion

Trump didn't incite an insurrection, and anyone who believes he did is drinking the MSM's Biden infested Kool-Aid. I voted for Trump 3x...in the second primary and both general elections. I wouldn't vote for him again, though. Still, I won't charge him with something he didn't do, as some here are doing.

1 hour ago, SureWord said:

Biden was instigating civil war. He was comparing Trump supporters to those who want to overthrow democracy. He was talking like Hitler.

Bouncing Bill, you need to wake up and smell the coffee for once.

Biden has been instigating Civil War for quite a while. And yes, I agree that the BB clone (don't act so surprised, Morales) needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

19 minutes ago, E Morales said:

It is too late now, the only way republicans can win now, is to become more liberal, and less christian. Sad

Wrong. The Republicans have to do very little to win in the mid=terms. People are fed up with this feeble minded old man in office now.

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It will be a blowout during the midterms. This is why the Commicrats and the weak Republicons are pushing the insurrection narrative. They are hoping it will scare people away from supporting conservatism.

The Uniparty's only hope is Dominion machines, felons, illegals and graveyards. 

Edited by SureWord
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