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Bouncing Bill

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I like proverbs of all kinds, those small sentences containing a nugget of truth. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs in the Old Testament. Read one chapter a day corresponding to the date of the month and everyday you will find something that applies to your life that day. For instance, verse 34 & 35of Chapter 8 says, Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. That proverb speaks to me today, the 8th of February. Try it, it will benefit you.

Every culture had its proverbs and probably every areas of life. I ran across on this morning in the world of investing I though was quite interesting. It read; "Buy on rumor, sell on news." Investors and, thus, the market, is always looking forward. Rumors of what might be prompts smart money to buy and when new is published that future is now and it is time to sell.

Interestingly there are proverbs that contradict each o \ther, but are still both true in their own way. I'll give an example, also from the world of investing and other areas of life.

1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

2. Put all your eggs in one basket and really watch that basket.

Do you have any proverbs that you especially like?

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I love the book of Proverbs! I used to go through it monthly, but now don't every month. However, I still love to read it. I like other proverbs as well, especially those that have a biblical truth to them.

"Two wrongs don't make a right."

"No man is an island."

"The squeaky wheel gets the grease."  I use this one often. =D

"Better late than never." I heard a nice addition to this years ago: "But better never late."

"There's no such thing as a free lunch."

"Discretion is the better part of valor."

Just a few of the ones I like.


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Not really considered proverbs but more tongue-in-cheek maxims but I always found some truth in Murphy's Law and it's corollaries.

"Only the tool you can’t find is the one you need right now."

"Anything dropped will find the most inaccessible place to rest"

Anyone working on a car or really anything mechanical will finds these two adages to be true on more than one occasion. 

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"Never lay a tool down without looking where you put it."


I hate it when I am working on something, lay the tool down, do a bit more and then need that tool and cannot find it. I have not moved. I know it is within arms length and yet now it is hidden and it takes me ten minutes to find it. LOL

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If the sun is shining while it rains, it will rain tomorrow.


Heard this as a kid. I don't think it holds however.

If it starts to rain and the chickens go inside, it will soon stop. If it starts to rain and the chickens stay outside, it will rain all day.

This one seems true. It hold for birds in your yard as well. Watch them the next time it rains.

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"A bird in hand is worth two in the bush".

This is how the PA town Bird-in-Hand got its name. The Quakers who settled there were heading to Philadelphia but liked the area so much they said the above quote so stayed where they were at.

Personally, I've made a few life decisions based on this maxim.

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On 2/13/2021 at 8:40 AM, Bouncing Bill said:

Adversity and loss make a man wise.

Reminds me of a quote from a book I just read... "The areas in which you are experiencing the most adversity are the areas in which God is at work."  How To Handle Adversity, Dr. Charles Stanley

Note: Dr. Stanley's book is written with the Christian in mind.
P.S. I know what denomination he is in.

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