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Trump would have won if

Bouncing Bill

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21 hours ago, Bouncing Bill said:

How can you continue to believe there was widespread fraud when it was Republican controlled states that made the difference in this election. I am genuinely curious about this, not arguing.  Let's look at the list;

  • Arizona
  • Georgia
  • Pennsylvania
  • Michigan
  • Wisconsin

Surely you do not believe these Republican controlled states would not have challenged the results if there had been widespread fraud?

Also Federal judges appointed by Trump have thrown cases out, often with caustic remarks about no evidence. 

If the Supreme Court rules without evidence, they everyone of every persuasion is in serous trouble. We are a country of law and if we abandon that then our future is very bleak.

Facts are nasty things sometimes and hard to swallow. 

You do realize that the democrats can cheat in any state, right? I don't understand how you can believe that there isn't fraud. MI and PA have vile, evil governors...dems...so, no, they aren't GOP controlled. Both of those governors have joined the ranks of petty tyrants. The problem, though, is that it doesn't have to matter who "controls" the state (really, WE the PEOPLE are supposed to); what matters is if cheaters can get away with it. And at this point, they are because  the average citizen has allowed themselves to be hoodwinked into believing that Joe - the pedo wannabe - and Kamala - the one NOBODY but people like Soros wanted - actually got the number of votes they are claiming. Did.Not.Happen.

1.8 million mail in ballots sent out in PA. 2.5 million counted. Even you have to admit those numbers simply don't add up. 

Where in the world did you get the idea that SCOTUS would rule without evidence? JUST BECAUSE a judge throws something out with a caustic remark doesn't make them correct, regardless of who appointed them (let's all remember that a GOP POTUS appointed left-leaning [more and more as days go by] Roberts). Several of the justices on SCOTUS appointed by GOP POTUS' have severely disappointed constitutionalists. So there is no guarantee that, just because a judge is appointed by a particular POTUS, they will always rule in favor of him/her.

Yes, facts are nasty things. And sometimes it's hard for people to admit the fact that they've allowed themselves to be hoodwinked by the lying media. 

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6 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

You do realize that the democrats can cheat in any state, right? I don't understand how you can believe that there isn't fraud. MI and PA have vile, evil governors...dems...so, no, they aren't GOP controlled. Both of those governors have joined the ranks of petty tyrants. The problem, though, is that it doesn't have to matter who "controls" the state (really, WE the PEOPLE are supposed to); what matters is if cheaters can get away with it. And at this point, they are because  the average citizen has allowed themselves to be hoodwinked into believing that Joe - the pedo wannabe - and Kamala - the one NOBODY but people like Soros wanted - actually got the number of votes they are claiming. Did.Not.Happen.

1.8 million mail in ballots sent out in PA. 2.5 million counted. Even you have to admit those numbers simply don't add up. 

Where in the world did you get the idea that SCOTUS would rule without evidence? JUST BECAUSE a judge throws something out with a caustic remark doesn't make them correct, regardless of who appointed them (let's all remember that a GOP POTUS appointed left-leaning [more and more as days go by] Roberts). Several of the justices on SCOTUS appointed by GOP POTUS' have severely disappointed constitutionalists. So there is no guarantee that, just because a judge is appointed by a particular POTUS, they will always rule in favor of him/her.

Yes, facts are nasty things. And sometimes it's hard for people to admit the fact that they've allowed themselves to be hoodwinked by the lying media. 

There is no proof of any of these charges. That is why the courts are throwing them out. Trump's lawyers are not even alleging fraud in their arguments. As one of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court judges aid, "“They have failed to allege that even a single mail-in ballot was fraudulently cast or counted,” justice David Wecht wrote in a concurring opinion.


You are right, SCOTUS, will probably not even take up the case for obvious reasons. 


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18 hours ago, Bouncing Bill said:

There is no proof of any of these charges. That is why the courts are throwing them out. Trump's lawyers are not even alleging fraud in their arguments. As one of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court judges aid, "“They have failed to allege that even a single mail-in ballot was fraudulently cast or counted,” justice David Wecht wrote in a concurring opinion.


You are right, SCOTUS, will probably not even take up the case for obvious reasons. 


Do not put words in my mouth. I DID NOT say SCOTUS would probably not take up the case. I said they would not decide when there is no evidence.  You continue to listen to mainstream media and that is where you are getting your "information." I think you might be in for a surprise. But we'll see. I'm gonna bow out of this conversation now because it just keeps going round and round saying basically the same thing. The fact remains that this election is not over yet. Regardless of what the MSM is spewing.


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1 hour ago, SureWord said:

Breaking News: China bought Dominion Voting back on October 8th.


False news!  Dominion voting is a privately held company. 

From an article on November 26th, 2020 ---

  • Dominion has no ties to the Venezuelan government, nor any other foreign government, including China and Iran. Dominion has never participated in any elections in Venezuela and has no connection or relationship with the now deceased former Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.
  • Dominion Voting Systems are in fact auditable—and are audited and tested regularly by multiple government agencies and independent third parties. All electronic devices used in the U.S. must be designed to be audited.
  • Dominion's system does in fact include a paper ballot backup to verify results. In fact, thousands of elections officials in Georgia just completed the largest vote recount in American history using the paper ballots produced by Dominion devices.
  • Dominion's system cannot be manipulated by a technician in the way Powell alleges. This has been confirmed by the government agencies that have certified Dominion equipment.
  • Despite repeated counts and audits, there is no evidence of any kind that any voting system deleted, lost, or changed votes in Georgia, or in any of the other 28 states that use Dominion devices. Certifications and audits have instead shown the accuracy, transparency, and reliability of Dominion's systems.
  • The federal government agency that oversees U.S. election security verified that there is no evidence that this election was in any way compromised. In fact, they have called it the most secure election in American history.
  • Servers that run Dominion software are located in local election offices, and data never leaves the control of local election officials.
  • There were no "glitches" with Dominion's voting systems, and no unauthorized or last-minute software updates occurred.
  • There were no "data breaches" of Dominion software by anyone, let alone rogue foreign actors.
  • Human errors did occur in some counties but were resolved quickly by county officials before the canvass process.
  • Votes are not processed outside the United States. Votes are counted and reported by county and state election officials—not by Dominion, or any other election technology company.
  • Election safeguards—from testing and certification of voting systems to canvassing and auditing—prevent malicious actors from tampering with results.
  • Sidney Powell's wild and reckless allegations are not only demonstrably false, they have led to stalking, harassment, and death threats to Dominion employees. This criminal activity has been duly reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and we intend to hold Ms. Powell, and those aiding and abetting her fraudulent actions, accountable for any harm that may occur as a result.

  • Other companies have serviced elections in Venezuela, but Dominion is not one of themhttps://www.dominionvoting.com/dominion-statement-on-sidney-powell-charges/
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4 hours ago, Bouncing Bill said:

Convince me with evidence. Thanks.

You mean "evidence " like you posted above? I am not positive, but do think that cut and paste bulleted points from "other" sources than yourself should not be considered as :evidence" either.

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