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Why are Christians voting for Donald Trump?

John Young

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2 minutes ago, heartstrings said:

If you can't figure that out, there's no need for me to discuss it.

I lived through the Clinton years and wasn't mournful. Things in this part of the country were pretty good from the time of the Reagan Recovery to near the end of Bush the Second.

It was a sincere question. Perhaps I'm not understanding what you mean by mournful.

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Mike Huckabee called the quest for the White House a two-man race after tonight’s state primaries around the nation.

He addressed Ted Cruz’s Houston speech following most of the Super Tuesday II contests, where the Texas senator told supporters there is “a clear choice” between him and Donald Trump.

“Ted Cruz said something tonight in his speech a few moments ago that is probably exactly right,” Huckabee said on The Kelly File.

“After tonight, it’s a two-person race. But the two people are Hillary and Trump.”

“Like everybody else, I underestimated [Trump],” the former Arkansas governor explained.

But the Democrats – and Clintons – won’t know what to do with Trump’s campaign, he added.

“I can tell you, Hillary is in for the ride of her life when she has to take on Donald Trump. It will be unlike anything she or her husband have ever faced before.”

Megyn asked why Huckabee was ruling out Ted Cruz, considering his strong showing in previous contests and current delegate count in the race.

“If he doesn’t win Missouri, he wins nothing,” said Huckabee.


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Florida Gov. Rick Scott has officially endorsed Donald Trump for president.

In a Facebook post, Scott called for all Republicans to come together and coalesce behind Trump.

"If we spend another four months tearing each other apart, we will damage our ability to win in November," Scott wrote. "It’s time for an end to the Republican on Republican violence. It’s time for us to begin coming together, we’ve had a vigorous primary, now let’s get serious about winning in November."

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2 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

A whoremongering president; you're asking what's wrong with that?

I asked what was mournful during his presidency. I'm well aware of the many ills of the man.

During the Clinton years the economy was pretty good, Hillarycare went down to defeat, the Republicans took congress, President Clinton was moderated after that, and the country was ready to try a Republican president in 2000.

I don't recall the country being mournful during that time, not even among Christians.

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12 hours ago, heartstrings said:

And why in the world would a Christian choose a man whose only principles seem to be "greatness" and "winning", ...I don't get it.

It is because most of them are not really Christians at all.  They were not saved the bible's way but after the tradition of men and still on their way to hell.  The others are immature, mere babes in Christ misled by the rock-n-roll, feel good preachers that dominate the landscape and have little to no knowledge of the scriptures.

As for Clinton's Presidency, it was a time of another housing collapse.  I was a realtor then and while housing prices remained stagnant for many years, other areas of the country suffered greatly.  It was also a time of even greater moral depravity, modest clothing completely went out the window and America's young women were taught that certain sexual activities did not really count as sex at all.  Our military was again gutted and used up and wore out.  Then there was the Tailhook witch hunt that destroyed the careers of hundreds of naval aviators many of whom had no involvement of the incidents that took place for which they were blamed for.  Do we have to remind you brother John about the rise of the Taliban and Al Queda and Osama bin Laden?  His attacks on our serviceman, soil and embassy's that went without consequence?  Remember the Battle of Mogadishu when our soldiers were sent into battle without enough firepower to assure victory and their dead bodies being paraded through the streets?

Our memories are so short and we remember not the atrocities and depravity that is ingrained in the history of the Democrat Party and with each passing decade, the GOPs actors, not platform, performing more and more much like their beloved enemy.

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As I recall, there was plenty of depravity at hand during every presidency I lived through. Free love, rise of different drugs, abortion on demand, continued legal abortions, no fault divorce, acceptance of pre-marital sex and adultery, tolerance of homosexuality, homosexuals in the government, legalized homosexual marriage, wars involving Israel, Arab oil embargo, hijackings, murder of Israeli Olympic athletes, rise of PLO, toleration of PLO, acceptance of PLO and its leader along with partitioning of land in Israel, terrorist incidents at home and abroad, undeclared wars, continual trampling of the First and Second amendments, near total trampling of the 9th and 10th amendments, rise of mass immigration of those not wanting to become Americans, those not Christians and those who are anti-America, growing federal control of education, education turned into indoctrination centers, social experimenting the military, continual growth of the federal government, continued operation of unconstitutional government agencies and programs, added unconstitutional government agencies and programs, growing governmental control and interference in various sectors of the economy, ruinous trade deals which have gutted American manufacturing and other industries, rises and falls of various economic sectors, banking scandals, ever coarsening of popular music, dress and morals, mainstreaming of pornography, corruption in many pulpits, deterioration of many churches, biblical Christianity on a steady decline, and on and on from one president to the next with America getting closer to the cliff regardless of who was in office.

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10 hours ago, swathdiver said:

It is because most of them are not really Christians at all.  They were not saved the bible's way but after the tradition of men and still on their way to hell.  The others are immature, mere babes in Christ misled by the rock-n-roll, feel good preachers that dominate the landscape and have little to no knowledge of the scriptures.

As for Clinton's Presidency, it was a time of another housing collapse.  I was a realtor then and while housing prices remained stagnant for many years, other areas of the country suffered greatly.  It was also a time of even greater moral depravity, modest clothing completely went out the window and America's young women were taught that certain sexual activities did not really count as sex at all.  Our military was again gutted and used up and wore out.  Then there was the Tailhook witch hunt that destroyed the careers of hundreds of naval aviators many of whom had no involvement of the incidents that took place for which they were blamed for.  Do we have to remind you brother John about the rise of the Taliban and Al Queda and Osama bin Laden?  His attacks on our serviceman, soil and embassy's that went without consequence?  Remember the Battle of Mogadishu when our soldiers were sent into battle without enough firepower to assure victory and their dead bodies being paraded through the streets?

Our memories are so short and we remember not the atrocities and depravity that is ingrained in the history of the Democrat Party and with each passing decade, the GOPs actors, not platform, performing more and more much like their beloved enemy.

Then there was Janet Reno, Ruby Ridge, Waco and Elian Gonzales. So, IMO, we also got a glimpse of what a totalitarian police state will be like. 


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On Monday, March 07, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Ronda said:

I personally would never vote for Hilary, but my point is... WHY  is it that: "some Christians can't in good conscience vote for a woman president?" The presidential position is NOT a church leadership position. So what is your reasoning for this??? Sounds a bit more than chauvinisistic to me.

Why not a Woman as head? first of all coming from Britain which has and has had its fair share of good woman heads (2, Our current Queen, and Maggie Thatcher) the women seem to outshine the wimps in the most part, I put that down to the spirit of antichrist. Man is the Head of the woman just as God is the head of Christ and Christ is the head of the Church,1Cor that is the created factual order. And it doesn't feel right. (nature). I don't know much about 'chauvinisistic'  stuff, I thought that was to do with men looking after (loving) women as the 'weaker vesel'   ..giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life...

Is that related to 'chivalry', 'an honorable and polite way of behaving especially toward women'

The two words look related but one of them is a distorted view through an evil mind i guess.

Edited by Old-Pilgrim
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On Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 4:58 PM, heartstrings said:

Proverbs 18:23 The poor useth intreaties; but the rich answereth roughly.


Donald Trump can afford to say whatever he feels like saying. Just because you say whatever you want, do whatever you want, drink and cuss, sleep around and shoot'em-up like "John Wayne" and "Clint Eastwood" while having no real principles, doesn't make you a man...not the Biblical model of one anyway.


Here's one spiritual application for that Proverbs 18:23 verse too, BTW:  A person who is "poor in spirit" can humbly preach the Gospel, in it's simplicity,  preach against the dangers of sin and the love of Jesus with TEARS in his eyes and compassion in his heart, and draw people to Jesus. A "rich" one, on the other hand, can brag about how he "preaches the Bible" while spending too much time of it on talking about how those liberals down the street don't, and pridefully use a lot of fancy, supposedly "deep" stuff, or "skin folks alive" with NO compassion and do far more harm than good. I've seen it both ways, and I'll take the former any day.

HS I don't follow politics, but I know without looking into it that you have no godly honorable persons running for office, the smooth talking honey-lipped are most likely worse than the rough rouge.

2Co 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2Co 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

This is true not only of the 'church' but it is also true in politics.

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