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Why King James Only?

Jordan Kurecki

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With regards to what Jim brought up, I think the great danger lies with so many these days either replacing the local church with TV preachers, books by various Christian authors, radio sermons, online preaching; or in giving little heed to their local church pastor while looking to others for spiritual guidance.


I don't think there is anything wrong with listening to or reading Pastor Markle's sermons which he posts here (for instance) but we shouldn't skip attending a home church to do so. The same is true with reading or listening to other Christian authors and preachers.


Hopefully, we each have at least a good, if not very good, home church and pastor, and that's where we should receive most of our Christian teaching and training; that's where our spiritual gifts and "works" should go to, or through.


When it comes to Christian authors or preachers who ere on some points, who may be weak in some areas, or who might be outright fraudulent in some cases, it's up to each of us to decide if they are worth our time and attention. Myself, those who have proven to be fraudulent time and again, I would want nothing to do with, regardless of how sound they might be on some point. There are other, non-fraudulent authors/preachers out there who would be better to give attention to. When it comes to the others I mentioned, there are some I might read or listen to some of their stuff, but if they are very far off on some things I wouldn't recommend them to others.


I read a lot, but my main feasting is upon what I receive from sermons, Sunday school and Bible studies at my home church led by our pastor.

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Matt, this is why your site is dead. You allow blatant heretics to teach their rotten calvinism and to the praise of several here who should know better and you allow a mod to operate who does not accept the doctrinal position of this board. You either need to get a spine Matt or change the doctrinal statement.



Thank you for your input my friend. Let me know if you are even in New England so we can do lunch.

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i have a copy if the 1611 KJV bible in it has the book of apocrypha which was around 274 yrs. then they removed it in 1885.  i do use the 1885 KJV the more you read it the more it comes to life and you know it better. 

Edited by allen32
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it was included in the 1611 kvj and here are the books. 1 esdras, 2esdras, tOBit , judith , addition to esther , wisdom of solomon , ecclesiasticus , baruch , letter of jeremian , prayer of azariah,susanna , bel and the dragon , prayer or manasseh , 1 maccabees and 2 maccabees they were taking out if the KJV in 1885 

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Let me apologize for unintentionally mis-directing this post with my statement on Peter Ruckman. It wasn't really meant as an all-out attack or repudiation on his work-I have read many good things by him. I was merely trying to state in what way I am KJV only.


We've had a lot ab0out Riplinger and Ruckman on the subject: there are many other very good writers on the subject. Maybe we should investigate some of them.

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I completely understood Riplinger's point in Hazardous Materials, basically she says your stupid for using Greek and Hebrew because Satan is corrupting the bible through corrupt lexicons, all based on quotes that you can't even trust.

Walk into your Church bookstore, pick up the college textbook on exegesis, read the intro where the editor thanks Zondervan for the use of the NIV on CD to aid in his study.

Then get back to me on "corrupt".

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