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Christmas Tree Or No?


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, Sun Day, (could be any sun god)


Actually I found a note, 2 times in my bible, that calls Sunday - 'Upon the first day of the week which the Scripture calleth the Lords day, others Sonday', spelled both times with the first three letters 'Son'.

May not be much, but there it is, the translators put it in the gloss of the bible in 1560.

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Actually I found a note, 2 times in my bible, that calls Sunday - 'Upon the first day of the week which the Scripture calleth the Lords day, others Sonday', spelled both times with the first three letters 'Son'.

May not be much, but there it is, the translators put it in the gloss of the bible in 1560.

I have seen older writings that spelled it Sunday as well. I suspect, (my thoughts), the writers of the Geneva may have referred to believers, who, meeting on 'Sunday" preferred to refer to it as Sonday, thinking toward Christ, which would make perfect sense, as well as 'taking back', if you will, the Lord's day from the false sun god.

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I agree except I think we should go all the way and name them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7.  Takes up a lot less space, and besides the space, ink for my printer is not cheap.  :verymad:

:ot: Boy, Howdy! I just bought a new printer last night, because my older laser printer, a very nice Kyocera, needed a new black toner. Last one I bought was about $45-now, I can't find one for under $125, and the three color toners used to sell for about $55 each, now, $185 each!!! :bawling: One set of cartridges would now be more expensive than the printer in the first place, which was about $700.00.   Holy Jumpin' Weasel Fritters on a Hot Cross Bun!

Okay... :11backtotopic:

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With all due respect HC, I think you are wrong.


There is a great difference between the days of the week,the names of the months, compared with Christmas.  


The days and months are just names.  Christmas is a pagan festival renamed by the papacy to unite paganism with Christianity. There is barely a year goes by when one secular newspaper or another publishes an article saying that Christmas is really Saturnalia.  So if the world can see it, why can't Christians?


The thing is, I don't think the world 'recognizes' Christmas as not being Christian because they're acknowledging the true roots or seeing that Christians shouldn't claim it as their own. I think they're digging to find reasons that Christmas doesn't have to be about Christ because they don't want to be reminded about Him at any point in time and therefore wish to remove any tentative connection He is still given in the holiday. SWIM? One cannot say that 'oh, the world recognizes that Christmas isn't christian so neither should Christians' because their motives and intent are completely different than that of said Christians. The world doesn't wish us to separate so we can be holy (if such is necessary here), they want to separate God from anything they do. Just think that we should ascribe the world their true motives and intents if we're going to use them as 'proof' for anything.

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:ot: Boy, Howdy! I just bought a new printer last night, because my older laser printer, a very nice Kyocera, needed a new black toner. Last one I bought was about $45-now, I can't find one for under $125, and the three color toners used to sell for about $55 each, now, $185 each!!! :bawling: One set of cartridges would now be more expensive than the printer in the first place, which was about $700.00.   Holy Jumpin' Weasel Fritters on a Hot Cross Bun!

Okay... :11backtotopic:

I have bought my toner now online from LD Products for years. They are always MUCH cheaper for just about any printer out there.  



Bro. Garry

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Well, I do have to say, christmas time in 'the world' is, [weirdly], a more peaceful and accepting time of the year. I know not all people are nicer, but my wife and I do notice peoples attitudes are much more like 'neighbors' out in public. So we do enjoy 'society' that does celebrate the 'season'.

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Well, I do have to say, christmas time in 'the world' is, [weirdly], a more peaceful and accepting time of the year. I know not all people are nicer, but my wife and I do notice peoples attitudes are much more like 'neighbors' out in public. So we do enjoy 'society' that does celebrate the 'season'.


I used to work in London/  One year came up to London with me on Christmas eve. She was shocked by the sight of drunken women  office cleaners dancing the Hokey Cokey at 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning.


Pubs in London which you would hardly notice at any other time would me overflowing on to the streets at that time. That is what the world thinks of Christmas.


I watched a Hairy Bikers show a couple of years ago when they made a Christmas Cake,  The added  "a  little baby Jesus, ahh." to it.  That is what the world thinks of Christmas.  A little baby Jesus.  A baby makes no demands on them, they are quite happy to accept that, but tell them of the crucified Jesus who died to save them and they are not interested.  

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I used to work in London/  One year came up to London with me on Christmas eve. She was shocked by the sight of drunken women  office cleaners dancing the Hokey Cokey at 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning.


Pubs in London which you would hardly notice at any other time would me overflowing on to the streets at that time. That is what the world thinks of Christmas.


I watched a Hairy Bikers show a couple of years ago when they made a Christmas Cake,  The added  "a  little baby Jesus, ahh." to it.  That is what the world thinks of Christmas.  A little baby Jesus.  A baby makes no demands on them, they are quite happy to accept that, but tell them of the crucified Jesus who died to save them and they are not interested.  


Well we do live in a small rural community in Indiana, that's a bit less worldly than, say Cincinnati even. And by less worldly I mean, people here still have 'some' moral decency, and some respect for what they say the season is about, 'peace on earth' etc.

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