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A Recommendation For Mature Christians


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Please tell me you are not a Riplingerite?


I had never heard of the term..you made me Google it.  I would not be a Riplingerite.  I do prefer letting the bible define it's own terms through how it uses the word throughout the bible, but some words are used only once or twice, or the same word has multiple meanings.  For instance, I will give you two words that have multiple meanings:  Star and son.  I have used Greek and Hebrew texts sometimes to get the exact tense of a word.  I have not found a Strong's Hebrew definition to be in error yet; I will not say there are none, just that of the words I have used it for, it seems accurate. 


Bro. Garry

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Please tell me you are not a Riplingerite?

Not at all.  this was an OBservation from my own reading through the AV scriptures since 2003.  It was by 2005 I came to realize the the AV was the perfect, preserved, inspired and complete word of God.


I don't follow men, denominations, or sects.   I follow God, his word and the leading of the Holy Ghost. 


Like me I read the AV through slowly and with interest and I discovered the built in Cross reference that not many people see in it.  I found that it cross-references words, phrases and verses contextually throughout the AV Bible.  and certain words alone you can develop deeper understanding of this not fully revealed in the AV Scriptures.  i.e cross reference the word "beginning" and from that a true believer in the word of God will see that the beginning in Genesis 1 (beginning of God's word), Proverbs 8 (middle of Gods word) and John 1 (beginning of the NT) and 1 John ( the end of God's word) represent different times,and two of them represent only what we know as "From Everlasting".


It also defines all the words employed in it by the different context in which you find those words.


None of these conclusion came from any man they come from the AV scriptures alone.  And anyone who is willing to take the journey and use no Commentaries, Lexicons, Dictionaries or Concordances can only come to these conclusions if they will really look at what they are OBserving.



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I had never heard of the term..you made me Google it.  I would not be a Riplingerite.  I do prefer letting the bible define it's own terms through how it uses the word throughout the bible, but some words are used only once or twice, or the same word has multiple meanings.  For instance, I will give you two words that have multiple meanings:  Star and son.  I have used Greek and Hebrew texts sometimes to get the exact tense of a word.  I have not found a Strong's Hebrew definition to be in error yet; I will not say there are none, just that of the words I have used it for, it seems accurate. 


Bro. Garry

Stars n Genesis 1 is speaking of physical stars, in JOB it is speaking of angelic beings of some sort.  In any case the word defines itself in the Context. so context is important.


Just because you may have similar leanings in you conclusion of the AV text does not make you a Riplingerite or a Ruckmanite.  those are hard core individuals who are stuck on personalities rather than the word of God and many will label anyone who even remotely agrees with what they say.   Like the one who asked is I was one of those factions because he would like to put me in his little preconceived box and label me something I am not.


Don't let yourself be put in a box with the others, but rather let yourself be put in the Book of the words of God.

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Leviticus and Numbers both have some good points, but they both also have a lot that unless one is studying that particular aspect for some reason, is a dull row to hoe.
Genesis, Psalms, Ephesians, James..., well, I could go on, but it's tough to name only one or even a few favorites from Scripture.

My wife and I are going through numbers in our daily readings. We have nearly finished.
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I've never noticed that. The new bulbs screw into the fixtures, and they work in most of the old fixtures here, but there are two fixtures they will screw into but they won't light.

I think I'll just buy a few flood lights, that should brighten the house up!

I had some spotlights in my conservatory and the fitting for two of them burnt out very quickly. The electrician wanted £50 plus the cost of the fitting, so I bought a LED striplight from Amazon and fitted it my self. this was much cheaper and uses less electricity and gives more light. It uses about six and a half Watts.
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A Quid is slang for a pound. A pound is worth about 1.5 dollars or so. A penny, plural pence, is 100 th of a pound or about 1.5 cents, or so, although it depends on the exchange rate of the day, or even on the same day. For instance, I am in France at present, and paying in Euros. When I looked at my credit card statement for last at

Thursday, my our the exchange rate for our lunch was 1.24888888 Euros to the pound, but the next day it was 1.247

I am having prOBlems with typing as I spilled a glass of water over the keyboard of my laptop and it isn' working so I am posting on my Galaxy Tab, Which I am not familiar with and keep posting before I have finished typing.

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If you are like me and have been saved for over 30 years, you have most likely read the bible cover to cover multiple times over the years (of course if you have it has made you IFB).  I found myself not getting as much out my reading after so many times through it that I had to try something that would get me to a deeper understanding of the Bible while using the Bible only. I generally try to stay away from all the commentaries. 


Solution:  I hand wrote the bible verse by verse in it's entirety.  I am on my second time now.  It takes me about 2 years to complete, but it sure does give you a in depth look at the bible and it's amazing how you pick up on individual words that you failed to notice before.   It is tedious but greatly rewarding and I recommend it to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible. 


Bro. Garry

In His will.  By His power,  For His glory.


Brother, you and I both agree "to God be the glory", but at the same time my hat is off to you. Thank you and God bless you for the timely encouragement and testimony. I needed it.

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