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Do You Have Your Communion Kit?


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When you're not signed in you get to see these kind of advertisements...



Take Communion at Home


Daily Communion Kits Remembering His sacrifice at Home



At the web site...



Instructions on How to Take Communion

This emblem of Holy Communion represents the Blood Covenant between Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Believers.

When you look at the Bread and the Cup – see the Lord’s love for you.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for this privilege of remembering Jesus’ Body & Blood. As I take this bread, I remember Jesus’ body, broken for my health.

As I take this cup, I remember Jesus’ Blood for forgiveness and paying for all of the sins of my life. Jesus’ Body, Blood, Death. and Resurrection was for my health and abundant life.

I have been set free by Jesus’ sacrifice in all ways. Mentally, emotionally, physically, financially & spiritually! Thank you Jesus"


Hmmm...Is this some 'New Age' thing?


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Broken for our health?  Hmmmm.  So my COPD is, what?, a fig newton of my imaginabisco?

Yup... New age for sure.    PrOBably basing it on "by His stripes we ye were healed."  PrOBlem is, it was not speaking of physical healing.  If it were, no one would be sick and there would be absolutely no need for hospitals.

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I'm glad you posted this as I've been meaning to ask about the practice partaking of the Lord's Supper at home.


Over the past year or so I've encountered several Christians who do this. Most are Pentecostal or Charismatic, but much more than a few are Baptist, as well as assorted "others". Some say that when facing a difficult crisis or when they are praying for something major, they partake of the Lord's Supper at home as a family. Different folks give differing accounts of how they believe this is helpful. For some it sounds almost as if it's just a family version of what we do in church and they believe it helps them to focus upon Christ and His sufficiency for whatever they are facing. Some others see it as somehow drawing them closer to the Lord during crisis. For others they almost ascribe some form of power coming forth as a result of this; not actually magic as they believe it's coming from God, but as they describe it the first thought in my mind is "magic".


Anyway, I was going to post about this sometime and ask if others are aware of this; what it actually means, can it be a good thing, where did this practice originate, is this a modern thing or something others have done over the centuries?

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I've never met a Christian who does this. Never heard of it before I saw the add. I can imagine folks do this around the new age mega churches in larger communities. But, I'm not going to waste my time on it.

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Myself, I don't see the point. The Lord's supper is to be done in remembrance of Christ and what He did for us. We do this as a fellowship of believers when we are assembled together for church (in our church, once a month).


While I understand the biblical concept of fasting and how that can be used in times of crisis and aspects of prayer, I don't see any biblical aspects of family communion nor of family partaking of the Lord's Supper to help during times of crisis or to enhance prayer.


Seeing as I find no biblical basis for this practice, it's not for me or my family.

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One ad I get a lot since we had a thread on the Church of God some time ago if for the RCG, the Restored Church of God.  I also get ads for other wierd religious groups from time to time.


The practice you describe seems to be based on the RC teaching.  In 50 Years in The Church of Rome, Chiniquy dxescribe takiong the consecrated host, or the "Bon Dieu" as he calls it, to sick parishoners.  Once he describes as it was lost in the snow and another time it was dropped in a baby's potty.  This "Good God" was buried in the garden together with the baby's dooings.  


The elder of a church once showed me a home communion kit which he said they had discovered when clearing out the church, but did not know if or when it had been used.  He said they were going to get rid of it, so I suppose they did.

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It does seem to kind of be a catholc-thing.


  I fellow I knew, who considered himself a chaplain, having received his ordination through a mail-in company, (he always refered to himself as the chaplain of whatever town he was living in, "Hi, I'm chaplain Mitch Easterday, chaplain of Herlong"), and he had his own private communion set, of which he was very proud. Took it with him all the time just in case there needed to be an emergency communion. I never say him do it, but I assume he did the whole transubstantiation thing, though I doubt Jesus ever showed up, since he couldn't control his own dogs,much less the Saviour of the world.  


He wasn't exactly Catholic, but held to certain tenants of it, while rejecting others. Kind of like many so-cllaed Christians today

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we had someone at our church last year get a "pastor" certificate from a mail in company too. He tried to tell me he had to study and take classes and pastor knew all about it and had okayed it, which of course, was a lie, I checked with pastor. He put pictures on Facebook of him standing behind our church's pulpit making it look like he was preaching. He's in jail now, again.

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A few people called of God into some service for Him will get a by mail or online ministry certification (a few do have requirements to meet but most are basically 'send us money and we'll send you the papers you need') however it seems most who get these ministerial papers are doing so for improper reasons.

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This fellow who had the mail-in ordination as a chaplain was telling my wife and I that he was going to get his bishop's ordination, and then he would have authority as the area bishop over our church and all the churches in the area. We tried to tell him that such a thing would be ignored and wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. But he still insisted, so my wife and I made a plan to teach him a lesson.


One thing this man was right about, was that he believed a woman shouldn't be a pastor/leader, etc in a church. Sooooo....


My wife applied to the same company, now online, and for all of $50, and a few questions, NONE of which had anything to do with "Are you born again?", and my wife became an O-FISHAL bishop. She got a nice certificate, (suitable for framing), and a card to carry about-she's a card-carrying bishop, and some various paperwork about what she could do AS a bishop. And we went and she showed it to this fellow.


  Well, he was a bit confused, because on the one hand he didn't believe in a woman being a bishop, but on the other hand, to reject her authority would show, (her having been approved by the same group that approved him), that it would nullify his own perceived authority he received from them.


Later, he dumped the 'chaplain' thing and, through a DIFFERENT company, got his Evangelist credentials. But he never agains sought to be a bishop.


Lesson learned. And once in a while we pull out her certificate and have a laugh.

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Broken for our health? Hmmmm. So my COPD is, what?, a fig newton of my imaginabisco?

Yup... New age for sure. PrOBably basing it on "by His stripes we ye were healed." PrOBlem is, it was not speaking of physical healing. If it were, no one would be sick and there would be absolutely no need for hospitals.

I once told an Assembly of God family member, who was pushing this hippy junk, that all of the Apostles died....duh!
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