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Cowboy Churches


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I have seen these cowboy churches in action on a few occasions at cowboy action shooting matches. The ones I have seen are held when a championship takes place partially on a Sunday. They are not denominational and align with no one that I could tell. Although Jesus is mentioned and the Gospel hinted at, no real Bible preaching was done (at the ones I saw anyway). it is just religious with a conservative republican push mainly. You know, God, guns, guts and lets send all those Mexicans back to Africa type deal. 

That is good posting other than the wretched geography.  Also, God, guns, and guts.  Why do you find it necessary to bring cowboy's big guts into this conversation. :puzzled3:


God bless,


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That is good posting other than the wretched geography.  Also, God, guns, and guts.  Why do you find it necessary to bring cowboy's big guts into this conversation. :puzzled3:


God bless,


Cowboy's big guts?? Must be drugstore cowboys!

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I do not believe it's right to hold special services for bikers, surfers or cowboys or to cater specifically to them.  There's even a "church" that meets on a beach at a bar and holds services while everyone is drinking booze with umbrellas in their glasses.


There's a CoC in town that caters to bikers and all these folks park their Harley's outside and head inside dressed like rebels, thugs, bums and murderers some with their "old ladies" in tow which are in the attire of harlots.  Fools, all of them, from the pastor on down.


Now, let's say a bunch of oil drillers and such were in your neighborhood and many started attending because folks were witnessing to them and winning them for the Lord and for some reason changing the appointed hour to assemble would be more helpful to them; well, if the body agrees, that would certainly be in accord with the scriptures.

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I agree, churches shouldn't change in unbiblical ways to accommodate certain others.


I also agree, if a church changed their hours of services for the benefit of the congregation, that would be fine. In fact, our early morning service began as a way for a growing number of members to have better access to our services. Since then the early service has grown so it's almost equal in size (and every so often greater than) our "regular" service time.


Both services are the same, nothing other than the time is different. The same sermon is preached, the same hymns are sung.


If I recall, Cowboy church started as a way for Cowboys to be able to attend a church service on the rodeo grounds. It grew and morphed into other things from there. The Cowboy churches and biker churches I've read about or seen on TV were formed as such. While there might be, I don't know of any existing churches that turned themselves into a biker church or such.


From what I've seen of Cowboy churches and biker churches, they bring far too much of the world into their churches and they conform their church and services to fit their particular lifestyles rather than conforming themselves and their church in the image of Christ.

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A lot of so-called IFB churches are similar to cowboy/biker churches. Come as you are and leave as you came. One sermon fits all; since man knows; more than God, what man needs.

I think that a "cowgirl" church would be more more entertaining than a cowboy church.

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There are some of those sort of IFB churches in this area. They aren't dressing like bikers or cowboys, not yet anyway, but they are rather casual in their dress, have really watered down the preaching, some have added modern style music, MVs and dropped separation in favor of cooperation with even the RCC for political and other purposes. Sad.

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I mean if there are cowboy churches that can preach the truth why not a Star Trek Church that does the same.

Just kidding about all this but you could see where all this could go if man keep finding new ways to try and reach people in their genre.

Star Trek has been to the heavens already, they are out of this World.... :)
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I remember back in the eighties when I driving the big rigs over the road that some truck stops would have a trailer parked on their lot with a church in it.  There would be a preacher in there to talk to and sermons on Sunday for the truckers or anyone else that happened to be around on that day.  I don't know if they are still around but I hope so.


God bless,


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