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How Old Is The Earth


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Then I ask again: How can" the sixth day" be "the sixth day" if there is one day or 1000 years inbetween two of those first days? There's a reason the Lord uses such specific terms, six days, made up of an evening and a morning-it just doesn't allow any more days for it to be from THE first day through THE sixth day, and THE seventh day, God rested. Was it THE seventh day, or THE 8th, or THE 1008th?


"In six days God made, heaven, the earth, the seas and all that in them is"- Not six a six-day work, broken by 1 day to 1000 years, rather 6 days, God made. Everything. IN Heaven AND in earth AND in the seas-that would have to include the heaven;y beings, which would have to include Lucifer and the other angels, both those that fell, and those that didn't.

I believe something took place to which the bible does not speak on it, and it was that God had tested the Created Angelic beings that resulted in the flood of waters that were out of their decreed place (fountains) that we find in Gen1:2.   God was overseeing the destruction of some sort of work that had been carried out on the earth, and I believe it was a throne work, to which Lucifer stumbled with pride over his creation of this throne.  The earth is a place of trials and testing even unto this day.


From the beginning God planned on exalting His Son and created the earth for that purpose.  Once the the angelic beings (the anointed cherub that covereth, and his angles) Fell into transgression and God's judgement was carried out on them (the flood ofGen1:2), he began a six day work to make the earth habitable for his next creation Man to be tested.  When he saw all was good and finished on the sixth day, then he rested on the seventh day.


Now how long does it take for an untried natural man to sin?


One day?  One month?  One year?  A 1000 years?


I believe it only takes minutes to hours for Man to sin.  And as such, which is proven by your own flesh, Eve was deceived and Adam sinned before noon on the eighth day.  God comes down (knowing what has happened) at the cool of the day about the 11th hour (5pm) of the day finds them in their sin, judged the women, the man and the serpent, made an evening sacrifice and made coats of skins out of the sacrifice he made for their sins, then Night falls. 


The next morning he kicks Adam and Eve out of the Garden puts a cherubims and a flaming sword so they can't come and take of the tree of Life.  And everything has been moving along on to today.

Edited by AVBibleBeliever
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I believe something took place to which the bible does not speak on it, and it was that God had tested the Created Angelic beings that resulted in the flood of waters that were out of their decreed place (fountains) that we find in Gen1:2.   God was overseeing the destruction of some sort of work that had been carried out on the earth, and I believe it was a throne work, to which Lucifer stumbled with pride over his creation of this throne.  The earth is a place of trials and testing even unto this day.  But the fact you are not accepting is that the Bible records the exact amount of time the Lord took to fulfill His creration, from "The beginning" until the seveth day when He rested. Scripture gives no possible time that these events could have taken place. There was no flood in gen 1:2, because Gen 1: 1 indicates the time, "In the beginning" as being the time God created the heaven and the earth-meaning, He began the creation by creating the space to put His creation into, (heaven) and the placing the center of His creation, (earth)into that heaven. This was the beginning of His creation. Then, still on the first day, God brought forth the visible light., though not yet a physical light source, He being the initial Source, separated the light from the dark, and this eas THE first day, evening and morning. There is no possibility of a gap therein.


From the beginning God planned on exalting His Son and created the earth for that purpose.  Once the the angelic beings (the anointed cherub that covereth, and his angles) Fell into transgression and God's judgement was carried out on them (the flood ofGen1:2), he began a six day work to make the earth habitable for his next creation Man to be tested.  When he saw all was good and finished on the sixth day, then he rested on the seventh day. Except he began the work, as you call it, starting 'in the beginning".


Now how long does it take for an untried natural man to sin? Today, being born with a sin nature, doesn't take long., But then, Adam and Eve did not have a sin nature, so they could go, conceivably for all time without sin, except for the influence of the serpent. But since we don't know how long it was, and the Bible doesn't record it, it is incorrect to assume it was the next day.


One day?  One month?  One year?  A 1000 years? Apparently about 100 years, as this would agree with the dates given in scripture. If one is going to make assumptions not clearly laid out, we MUST make those assumptions according to what scripture does give. We know Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old. Making a locigal jump of time for Cain and Able, it may have been from 80-100 years.


I believe it only takes minutes to hours for Man to sin. Yes, man with a sin nature, which Adam and Eve didn't have-we got it from their initial sin-this is the origin of the sin nature in man. They were not created in the beginning with a sin nature. Sin came by man, Adam, not from God into Adam.  And as such, which is proven by your own flesh, Eve was deceived and Adam sinned before noon on the eighth day.  God comes down (knowing what has happened) at the cool of the day about the 11th hour (5pm) of the day finds them in their sin, judged the women, the man and the serpent, made an evening sacrifice and made coats of skins out of the sacrifice he made for their sins, then Night falls. 


The next morning he kicks Adam and Eve out of the Garden puts a cherubims and a flaming sword so they can't come and take of the tree of Life.  And everything has been moving along on to today.

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Uku, yes you are correct I can't prove it by an over abundance of scriptures I only have a few verse that are there for which to draw a conclusion.  But also the Bible does not teach anything on Lucifer's fall except for what we find in Isa 14:12 and Ezk 28.  We are told that certain beings(angels) were judged and placed in chains of darkness that had left their first estate but we are not told what that first estate or that habitation was or why they were judged.  When did these angles sin?  When did they not keep their first estate?  No Bible verse to conclude but men speculate from what they have in the Bible.


 2Pe 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to hell, and delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
 Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.



But if you can see from the Bible, which we can, the ultimate purpose of the earth was a place for Christ's kingdom and his throne which will go on into eternity as seen in Rev 21.  If this purpose for the earth was also from the beginning (if Christ is the wisdom personified in Prov 8:22-24) then there is a lot about God and beings in heaven we are not told about.  We are told no where in Genesis one when the Cherubims, Seraphim, angles or arch-angels, horses that Christ comes riding on in Revelation where made or created, nothing about the creation of Unicorns, or Satyrs yet all are found in the Bible.  We are not told when the throne that Isaiah saw in chapter six was made, or about what exist in the Third heaven and they to are found in Scripture.  I don't believe that these heavenly beings (some that are now fallen) are mentioned to be created in Gen 1 anywhere.


Nothing wrong with my theory that God had the earth before Gen 1:2 and used it as a place to test Lucifer and the Angels.  It has some merit to it.  and as I said I am not creating a doctrine just a possible scenario of things that happened before the six day work of God on the earth.


We are told we will get new bodies when we get to heaven, we are told we will live throughout eternity with him.  But we are not told what we will be doing in eternity with him.  Some surmise all we will be doing is worshiping and singing  praises unto God for all eternity, though I believe we will do those things I don't believe that will be all we will do.  So we could imagine what we will do but it wont be found in the Bible.  for example I heard a Independent Baptist Preacher once say we will be learning all about God for all of eternity.  However you can't find that in the Bible. 


It does say Christ will reign with Israel over all the earth for ever.  But will that be all Christ will do throughout eternity?  No we could think on the things that could be from everlasting (eternity past) unto everlasting (eternity future) but it wont be found in the Bible.  Why is that you may wonder.


The Bible does not contain ALL of God's plan or all that he will do in the future.  The Bible only contains those things that concern man, his life and how to get to heaven.  Man needs nothing else to know but these things.  God includes how he made man, set up the current world system, tells us that God has allowed it to be under the control the prince of the power of the air.


Some say Satan got control over this world when he led man to sin.  But that is not in the Bible either, yet Christian will say it and believe it as if it were.  Was Satan given the rule over this planet because man forfeited it when he sinned?  No clear answer can be found in scripture.  But it does say that God has made all the dominions, principalities for himself.


 Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether [they be] thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:


and if these principalities are in darkness and are wicked we are not told anything about these and when they came about in the Bible.  I tend to think they were made before Gen 1:2.  Here are verse that tells us they exist but we truly can't find what they are and who runs them from the Bible.


 Ro 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
 Eph 3:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly [places] might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
 Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].
 Col 2:15 [And] having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

I bring this up only to show you that the Bible does not contain everything about God and his creations. If some men can speculate about Satan having gotten this worlds control because Adam forfeited it when he sinned and it is not found in scriptures, why can't I speculate about what the purpose of this earth is and why the earth is found in a flood state in Gen 1:2. Why can't I speculate that it was a result of the testing and failing of Lucifer and his angels which would make for a better truth than saying it happened sometime during the Six day work of God in Genesis 1?


I am not saying anyone should accept it as gospel truth, but with what we know about Lucifer and his fall, and what we know about the purpose of this earth to house the kingdom of His son and Israel's reign and service with him for all eternity, my theory hold some weight.


As I concluded in the OP the earth is no older than 7000 years and I believe the earth had a purpose before Genesis 1:2.  That is why we find it without form and void and using the scriptures to to understand those terms we see that a once created/made Jerusalem was made without form and void which represented its destruction.  I would say God created the earth, it was placed out in the depths of his heaven with the fountains of water, He used it to test Lucifer and his angels and on that day when iniquity was found (something to do with a throne) in him, the earth (where that throne was located) was destroyed by the waters being released from some of those fountains and it flooded the earth and some of the heaven (that is why is says even the stars are not pure in his sight in Job) and that is were we come to Genesis 1:2.

Edited by AVBibleBeliever
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Uku, yes you are correct I can't prove it by an over abundance of scriptures I only have a few verse that are there for which to draw a conclusion.  But also the Bible does not teach anything on Lucifer's fall except for what we find in Isa 14:12 and Ezk 28.  We are told that certain beings(angels) were judged and placed in chains of darkness that had left their first estate but we are not told what that first estate or that habitation was or why they were judged.  When did these angles sin?  When did they not keep their first estate?  No Bible verse to conclude but men speculate from what they have in the Bible.


 2Pe 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to hell, and delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
 Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

A little bit of research into the text will give you the answers.  Of course, many simply don't want any "answers".

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A little bit of research into the text will give you the answers.  Of course, many simply don't want any "answers".

Yup, you got me-only been a pastor for 12 years, saved since 1972-guess I haven't had a chance to do any of this 'research' you speak of.



**edit: Sorry, that was a tad snarky of me, wasn't it?

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Yup, you got me-only been a pastor for 12 years, saved since 1972-guess I haven't had a chance to do any of this 'research' you speak of.



**edit: Sorry, that was a tad snarky of me, wasn't it?

Understandable.  I've heard pastors say that if they taught "certain things" that they would lose some of their audience.


Here's a word for you: oiketerion


Years before I became a Christian in 1962, I had a deep interest in reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works.

It's really "elementary", Watson. :)

Edited by beameup
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Understandable.  I've heard pastors say that if they taught "certain things" that they would lose some of their audience.


Here's a word for you: oiketerion


Years before I became a Christian in 1962, I had a deep interest in reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works.

It's really "elementary", Watson. :)

I have never shrunk from teaching the truth to our church, even when it has differred from many of my IFB brethren, because it is the Lord I seek to please in my teaching, not man. I just apparently come to a differing conclusion in my research from yours. We have gone over the reasons in depth here, and I suspect we won't come to a meeting of the minds here.

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Not that many will agree with this.  I don't know the answer, as to how old the earth is.  According to Orthodox Judaism we are in the year 5,775.  This is the Hebrew calendar.  I don't know if this is Jewish tradition or if this is a factual number, though.       

I am not concerned about it.  The Bible does not speak on it, and therefore, I believe it is best to concentrate on winning lost souls to Jesus Christ, when God opens a window of opportunity.  We are also called to plant seeds to the lost and exhort the brethren.

"Then saith, he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;  38  Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." ~ Matthew 9:37-38

Edited by candlelight
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Not that many will agree with this. I don't know the answer, as to how old the earth is. According to Orthodox Judaism we are in the year 5,775. This is the Hebrew calendar. I don't know if this is Jewish tradition or if this is a factual number, though. I am not concerned about it. The Bible does not speak on it, and therefore, I believe it is best to concentrate on winning lost souls to Jesus Christ, when God opens a window of opportunity. We are also called to plant seeds to the lost and exhort the brethren. "Then saith, he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." ~ Matthew 9:37-38
The Bible doesnt speak on it? He gives us exact year measurements from Creation to the last king of Israel, in the Scriptures, and then modern written history meets it there, which He well knew would happen. Anishinaabe Edited by prophet1
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The Bible doesnt speak on it? He gives us exact year measurements from Creation to the last king of Israel, in the Scriptures, and then modern written history meets it there, which He well knew would happen. Anishinaabe


Do you have an actual number, prophet?

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Do you have an actual number, prophet?

One Man's chronology, Lightfoot, in Ussher's work, put the first day at 4004 b.c.

Another, currently alive, puts this as year 6240 .

The difference comes from where they began to use history, which is less reliable than Scripture.

I go with the latter

Either way, we are into the 7th millenium, enough to cast off the 'thousand year day' crowd's ignorance.


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And there is the kicker - you believe something the Bible does not speak on.

Dave do you believe that Adam forfeited his authority over the earth to Satan when he sinned? 


If so then you believe something that is not in the Bible.


But I have heard many godly Christian men say it and preach it.

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One Man's chronology, Lightfoot, in Ussher's work, put the first day at 4004 b.c.

Another, currently alive, puts this as year 6240 .

The difference comes from where they began to use history, which is less reliable than Scripture.

I go with the latter

Either way, we are into the 7th millenium, enough to cast off the 'thousand year day' crowd's ignorance.



You have given two numbers.  Therefore, it is possible that one of them is wrong.  As I said, I am not concerned about what the exact year of the world is.  Scripture doesn't clearly define it.  Souls are lost.  They are in need of the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I don't concern myself with things such as this, b/c it doesn't effect a person's salvation.  If you are interested in it.  Fine.  Go for it...  

Be careful throwing the word, "ignorance" around on a Christian site.  Not everyone is going to agree with you about "Dispensational Theology" in this respect.

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