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Four Things That Will Kill Your State And Our Country

The Glory Land

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Mt 24:37  But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.


Lk 21:28  And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.


:amen:  and :amen:

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"Not strengthening the hand of the poor and needy" CAUSES things like labor unions, anarchy and crime...which puts societies in danger of socialism, totalitarianism and WORSE exploitation.

That's for sure...and handing over the responsibility of strengthening the hand of the poor and needy to the government does, too.

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In America, unions from their inception were tools for political gain at the worker's expense.  They exist solely to promote a Statist, Godless, utopian world, they exist to elect Democrats and promote their causes.


Sin is what destroys a man and a people.  Sin became open and celebrated around the time when God (prayer and bible study) and the Ten Commandments two years later were removed from our children's lives in public schools.    

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When the world agrees that all businessmen will be responsible for their actions (which means doing away with the laws that make it possible to incorporate a business) then I may agree to outlaw unions.  

In all countries incorporation has been the means whereby business' can attain to a size which makes them able to not only unfairly treat their employees with impunity but they can also manipulate the government to pass laws in the business' favor.  Big business CEOs and Union bosses are two peas in a pod.  


"Sin became open and celebrated around the time when God (prayer and bible study) and the Ten Commandments two years later were removed from our children's lives in public schools." 


No.  Longer than that.  It has been open and celebrated since man was ejected from the garden.  To different degrees at different times and different places and more so as we move forward in time.  Man never changes until God changes him.  


God bless,


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I worked at one place that had a Union, it was worthless.


As has been said, Unions is about politics, & its a good place to have men that will steal the unions money.


As for me I liked wrong where they was no union, them those who actually did their job properly where the ones who got promoted, & you did not have to pull the lazy ones load.


My favorite job has always been truck driving, with that job I only had to pull my load & the boss knew who was doing their job & who was not.

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No.  Longer than that.  It has been open and celebrated since man was ejected from the garden.  To different degrees at different times and different places and more so as we move forward in time.  Man never changes until God changes him.  



Good post!  I should have clarified that I meant in America and her rapid slide into depravity.


My favorite job has always been truck driving, with that job I only had to pull my load & the boss knew who was doing their job & who was not.


Me too, was one of my favorite jobs, wish I could still do it.

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The rich have ALWAYS exploited the poor - even transporting them across the pond & around the world any "trouble makers."


Trouble is, decent wages & safe working conditions cost profits - slavery of the blacks was good business. Once it ended in the 1960s, it was cheaper to go to the far east for manufacture, still using slave labour.


That has produced dependance on the state & a reliance on home entertainment to keep most of them quiet. Those who have been prepared to stand up against exploitation have been targeted: Joe Hill, Paul Robeson, MLK, Jesus .....


 Should the items listed kill our country? No - it's already dead - what will revive it? Only the Gospel!


 Or should we consider ourselves citizens of our heavenly country?

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That is his list. Not yours. Exploitation is defined differently by many different people. I don't think there's many companies nowadays in America that exploit their workers compares to foreign countries. Forcing someone to be in a union is exploitation! Making their hard earned money support a political party or candidate they don't is exploitation also.

Unions have a place but should be a choice! Most unions began or became a cover for mafia money and laundering. Doing no good for the common worker.

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