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8 Foods We Eat That Other Countries Ban


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I eat what I like, & nothing else, I do not eat at MacDonalds, I do not care for their food, never have.


Burger King & or Whataburger has the best hamburgers. Years ago Minuteman had good hamburgers.


Yet the best hamburgers I remember were bought by my father back in the 50's & or early 60's, 5 for a dollar at  a mom & pop hamburger place.

I miss all the little mom & pop cafe's and dinners that used to be all around here. What great food, real food, and also filling and not overpriced. None of the fast food joints can even come close.

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Interestingly, with the food nazis usualy being the Liberals, its odd that its the Lobs who are, in some form, fighting Mansanto, while the Conservatives are fighting even labling products that have GMO products in them. As well, the bouncing of the heads of Mansanto and the FDA and USDA among themselves began in the Reagan administration, (who also allowed Mansanto to be the first to patent a seed), and  while both sides continue it, it is mostly Conservatives who stand for Mansanto and against organics and things like energy independence. Somehow, to be good, small-government conservatives, we must remain attached to government-subsidised power companies and have no say in the food we eat. I'm pretty-well sick of both sides.


It seems to me the conservatives will do everything to make sure the wealthy, the big companies, has nothing that will keeps them from making money, more money that is. Of course its all about polities, not what is best for the general public. The wealthy, big companies, are the ones that supports them with money, & they take care of them the best they can.

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I miss all the little mom & pop cafe's and dinners that used to be all around here. What great food, real food, and also filling and not overpriced. None of the fast food joints can even come close.


We still have a few of them scatter around the country side, & usually when we eat out, that's were we go.

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I bet with any country you can come up with a short list of legal food products that are banned in lots of other countries. Off the back of a really quick Google search, here are four foods that are banned in the USA (or parts of) but legal in the UK:


--Trans fats

--Haggis (or anything with Sheep lung in it)

--Unpasteurized milk

--E104, E107 (food colouring, there are loads more like this)


We have a free choice & adequate labelling, to avoid such products. Are you confident that the products - poisons - John listed are absent from the food you & your children eat regularly ?

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WOW!! So food safety is all political - advocated by communists & liberals in cahoots. I'm sure you would have agreed with the French Queen, Marie Antoinette who, faced with starving peasants, & learning of a bread shortage, said "Let them eat cake!"


Where is our basic freedom to eat all the additives industry has created for our consumption & tomaximise their profits? Surely we should add chemicals to make fresh food last indefinitely?! No - bad idea 'cos it reduces profits. Better to put a sell-by date on, so they throw away good food.


Where is your research that proves conclusively that the research indicating the dangers of bisphenol 'A' leaching from container into food is all bogus? It was included for good commercial reasons & needing convincing reasons to remove it.


I am aware of a comment, decades ago, that the danger of leaching into the alcohol miniatures used on aircraft, made of plastic for safety reasons, was significantly less than the harmful effects of the alcohol in the container.


Most of it is political, yes.  


Common sense teaches that when some lunatic says that one thing like BPA "might" be the cause of a 101 ailments with no proof, well that's just common sense that they are attacking it for political reasons and not because it might actually be harmful.


Lead in our gasoline and paint was great.  Lead can be harmful if ingested improperly but it also does wonderful things.  Same with asbestos.  Listening to liberals with BPA, lead paint, leaded gas and asbestos, I should have been dead with cancerous tumors before the age of twelve.  I used to spend hours and hours in my asbestos insulated attic playing up there, breathing in all those fibers.  I used to wash my hands in gasoline and eat my snacks and drink my drinks out of BPA lined containers.


For how many thousands of years and hundreds in the USA did people drink unpastuerized milk, the milk man making daily deliveries.  How did we ever get by without some wizard of smart government worker waking up one day and realizing it was bad for mankind and banning it?  Nuts!  

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Most of it is political, yes.  


Common sense teaches that when some lunatic says that one thing like BPA "might" be the cause of a 101 ailments with no proof, well that's just common sense that they are attacking it for political reasons and not because it might actually be harmful.


Lead in our gasoline and paint was great.  Lead can be harmful if ingested improperly but it also does wonderful things.  Same with asbestos.  Listening to liberals with BPA, lead paint, leaded gas and asbestos, I should have been dead with cancerous tumors before the age of twelve.  I used to spend hours and hours in my asbestos insulated attic playing up there, breathing in all those fibers.  I used to wash my hands in gasoline and eat my snacks and drink my drinks out of BPA lined containers.


For how many thousands of years and hundreds in the USA did people drink unpastuerized milk, the milk man making daily deliveries.  How did we ever get by without some wizard of smart government worker waking up one day and realizing it was bad for mankind and banning it?  Nuts!  

At last you have made a comment I can agree with - NUTS!


Nuts form a major part of my low carb diabetic diet. I eat them mainly as powdered almonds or coconuts, as porridge every morning, & as a replacement for flour in a nut-cake I make several times a week. They comprise about 50% fat, with protein & minerals. Nuts were, of course, plentiful in the garden. 

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The bigger and more powerful the (US) federal government has become, the more additives are put into our foods.  I'm not saying there is a correlation, but actions do speak loudly...


There are a lot of conservative individuals (not politicians) who are fighting Monsanto.  Don't know how much good it will do...


There is even a movement now to outlaw home gardens.  Food Nazis at work...

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I bet with any country you can come up with a short list of legal food products that are banned in lots of other countries. Off the back of a really quick Google search, here are four foods that are banned in the USA (or parts of) but legal in the UK:


--Trans fats

--Haggis (or anything with Sheep lung in it)

--Unpasteurized milk

--E104, E107 (food colouring, there are loads more like this)

For the most part, all I generally drink is unpasturized, or raw, milk. Goat's milk, to be precise, and in all those years I have never been made sick once by them. The stories of such things as e.coli associated with it are mostly lies built by the milk industry. In fact, there a much higher amount of bacteria allowed in processed milk, than in raw milk, like, by millions. Pick up a copy of 'The MIlk Book" to get a real education on it.


 Trans fats are bad, sure; haggis, well, while I may not see myself being a fan, I don't see the problem-many healthy Scots of the past often lived off such things, and quite nicely, I might add. Food colorings, sure, a majority of them are pretty bad, but even the 'natural' colorings are made from things like squished bugs. But I think lipstick still has fish scales in it, so, there you go.

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In France it is difficult to find pasteurized milk, let alone unpasteurized.  They almost entirely have UHT  (Sometimes called "Utterly horrible taste."


Because of a food scare with pasteurized milk a few years ago. most of our supermarkets have their milk pasteurized for longer or at a higher temperature.  Although it is probably available somewhere, I have not seen unpasteurized milk (green top) for years. 


Isn't lung called lights?  That was available in the war, when we ate a lot of strange things.  We even ate corned beef.


Eurgh, I can't stand UHT, especially in tea. Never heard lung being called lights before--maybe because I wasn't born till 1980. I do enjoy corned beef, though. ;)

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We have a free choice & adequate labelling, to avoid such products. Are you confident that the products - poisons - John listed are absent from the food you & your children eat regularly ?


If you mean 'we' as in people from UK, I'm from the UK too, so can't speak for labelling in the US. My point was, I'm sceptical that this list really says anything about food safety in the US per se, because food safety laws are so patchy that for every country you could probably come up with a list of 8-10 products that are banned everywhere else.


There's no question the list is a promo piece for the book that's mentioned in it, so what about the book? Well it's a book about a form of alternative medicine known as 'orthomolecular medicine', of which the authors are practitioners. So one to file alongside homeopathy, healing crystals and ground-up placenta pills. That just makes me even more sceptical of the fact claims...  

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Same with asbestos.  Listening to liberals with BPA, lead paint, leaded gas and asbestos, I should have been dead with cancerous tumors before the age of twelve.  I used to spend hours and hours in my asbestos insulated attic playing up there, breathing in all those fibers.


So you believe asbestosis and mesothelioma are myths? If so, you're the first person I've heard make that claim. Even the manufacturers acknowledge that workers in the past got lung damage from asbestos fibres.

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So you believe asbestosis and mesothelioma are myths? If so, you're the first person I've heard make that claim. Even the manufacturers acknowledge that workers in the past got lung damage from asbestos fibres.


My wife's twin sister died of Mesothelioma which is a cancer caused by asbestos. Their father worked as an insulator when they were young & he brought some of that stuff home, & of course it came home in-bedded in his clothes. Never will forget the day of surgery & the conversation the surgeon had with us afterwards. Of course the true verdict did not come in till the next week when the biopsy came in. After the surgery he said she had about 6 months, that was right before July 4, The follow last week of January she died.


I suppose those that made much money off of it still thinks it does not cause humans any problems especially not their lives, of course anything that hurts their pocketbooks they disagree with. And or think other humans are expendable so they can make much money.


The influence of greed is amazing.

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