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Shut Up While I Am Preaching...

The Glory Land

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Anytime I ask anyone a question I tell them to answer it to their self only.


I was reading on another forum recently & one fellow said that during preaching service those in the congregation should be allowed to talk back to the pastor & that's the way it always been done.


I never seen such, & the first time I have heard of it.


But one Sunday morning several years back after i stated, & before I could read a verse, a woman hollered out quite loud, "Your wrong," when I stated that a saved person who is living in sin that God will not hear their prayers.


Ps 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:


Afterwards she apologize saying I was wrong.


And sometime later I learned that she had gave up her young child to her husband to marry a man who had $$$$$$$$$$$ & had never had another thing to do with that child.

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Being in a very small church, I encourage it from tmie to time, and if someone has a question that pertains, I don't mind answering it, since chances are, someone else has the same question.

Again, however, this is possible because we are so small. Much larger and it just wouldn't be possible. At times, though, I do ask questions and encourage an answer, and even reward right answers with a piece of candy thrown to them: the idea of this is to give them a reminder of how sweet it is when we can understand the things of God, so I give them a little sweet reminder when they get it. Again, only possible with a pretty small group.


Now, I DON'T let things get contentious-if someone wants to argue, I will ask them to see me after service, unless on the rare occasion that it will enhance the lesson, which sometimes, believe it or not, it can.

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Being in a very small church, I encourage it from tmie to time, and if someone has a question that pertains, I don't mind answering it, since chances are, someone else has the same question.

Again, however, this is possible because we are so small. Much larger and it just wouldn't be possible. At times, though, I do ask questions and encourage an answer, and even reward right answers with a piece of candy thrown to them: the idea of this is to give them a reminder of how sweet it is when we can understand the things of God, so I give them a little sweet reminder when they get it. Again, only possible with a pretty small group.


Now, I DON'T let things get contentious-if someone wants to argue, I will ask them to see me after service, unless on the rare occasion that it will enhance the lesson, which sometimes, believe it or not, it can.




You may be getting near the danger zone in my opinion. For doing this in the service, not for bible study or Sunday school.

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You may be getting near the danger zone in my opinion. For doing this in the service, not for bible study or Sunday school.

I appreciate your concern, but in general its rare anyways. If we have visitors, I encourage question for after service, but when its just the church members/regulars, I am generally okay with it. Been doing it for 11 years, so I suspect we're doing okay thus far with it.


Unlike other churches, we also have occasionally had the odd baby goat or chick in the building. Living in a rural area, such things are bound to happen. and again, in such a small church we can do it, but it wouldn't be advisable in a larger one.


Edit: One morning we arrived at church to find a small herd of open-range cattle trimming and fertiliazing the church lawn. I love living in an agriculture area.

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Anytime I ask anyone a question I tell them to answer it to their self only.


I was reading on another forum recently & one fellow said that during preaching service those in the congregation should be allowed to talk back to the pastor & that's the way it always been done.


I never seen such, & the first time I have heard of it.


But one Sunday morning several years back after i stated, & before I could read a verse, a woman hollered out quite loud, "Your wrong," when I stated that a saved person who is living in sin that God will not hear their prayers.


Ps 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:


Afterwards she apologize saying I was wrong.


And sometime later I learned that she had gave up her young child to her husband to marry a man who had $$$$$$$$$$$ & had never had another thing to do with that child.


I don't agree with the statement that God will not hear their prayers. How is one to seek God's help in sin if not in prayer?

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Ps. 66:17-20

"I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me."


If we are living in unrepentant sin, God will not hear us. If we turn to Him in repentance, He will hear us. If someone is stubbornly sinning (whether that be immorality, pride, or whatever else), knows it, and is not turning to God in repentance for help, but is praying for their own wants, stubbornly ignoring His Spirit's chidings, He will not hear those selfish prayers.

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Ps. 66:17-20

"I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me."


If we are living in unrepentant sin, God will not hear us. If we turn to Him in repentance, He will hear us. If someone is stubbornly sinning (whether that be immorality, pride, or whatever else), knows it, and is not turning to God in repentance for help, but is praying for their own wants, stubbornly ignoring His Spirit's chidings, He will not hear those selfish prayers.

And to add to that list...

If we teach for doctrines the commandments of men, the Lord will not hear us.

Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

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