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A Darth Vader Moment

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I wouldn't call him stupid anymore than I would call Lenin, Stalin, or Mao. Dangerous is more the word.

No, I think stupid is the word.  Obama is just a little man with a small intellect that is being told what to do by some very powerful men.  I think a better caption for the pic would be: "Now this is what you are going to do punk".

He is both stupid and evil.


God bless,


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Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

I Peter 2:17


I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

I Timothy 2:1-3


I would urge you to consider whether this is truly a Biblical attitude to have.


I would also urge you to re-read I Samuel 24 and tell me if God approves of disrespecting authority, even if they are un-Godly.


(Not that I approve of Obama, by the way, and we have our own leaders who make us cringe here in Australia, but still...)

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I pray for my leaders to turn to God and gain wisdom.  I just will not refrain from stating the truth about them because I don't believe that is hororing them.  Burying ones head in the sand is a not virtue.


God bless,


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Obama is blind, lost, and on his way to Hell. He will be there for all eternity if he doesn't get saved. If we hurl insults to his intelligence, it would be like the "preacher James"(Lyman) approach.

I would agree there - except for one caveat.  Stupid does not always infer lack of intelligence.  Anymore than fool does.  In today's vernacular, stupid equates with fool in many ways - including that of rejecting the Savior.

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I don't know, maybe I am stupid and unchristian for calling an unintelligent fool stupid.  But I have just got to ask, if he is as intelligent as some say why is it he and his handlers refuse to let us see his school and college records?  Has he something to hide maybe?


God bless,


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I don't know, maybe I am stupid and unchristian for calling an unintelligent fool stupid.  But I have just got to ask, if he is as intelligent as some say why is it he and his handlers refuse to let us see his school and college records?  Has he something to hide maybe?


God bless,



Teachers and students that would have been students with him in the same classes have no memory of him at all. I don't think he has any legitimate documents only doctored ones. Birth certificate and school records.

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Teachers and students that would have been students with him in the same classes have no memory of him at all. I don't think he has any legitimate documents only doctored ones. Birth certificate and school records.

We know that in times past Obama has claimed to be a Kenyan so one of the main speculations is that on college admissions forms he identified himself as such and possibly even received special assistance for foreign students.


Whatever the case may be, he is hiding something. A person doesn't spend millions of dollars to hide their college admission forms and transcripts just to hide a bad grade.

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