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Has The Day Of The Islamist Arrived?


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Has the Day of the Islamist Arrived?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Tuesday - June 26, 2012

Sixteen months after the United States abandoned its loyal satrap of 30 years, President Hosni Mubarak, to champion democracy in Egypt, the returns are in.

Mohammed Morsi, candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood, is president of Egypt, while the military has dissolved the elected parliament that was dominated by the Brotherhood, and curbed his powers.

The military and the mullahs will fight for the future of a country that is home to one in four Arabs. The soldiers who have dominated Egypt since the ouster of King Farouk in 1952 show no willingness to surrender what they have long controlled of the state and economy.

Yet in the long run, the Brotherhood -- whose claim to guide the nation's destiny is rooted in a faith 1,400 years old -- is likely to prevail.

In Syria, the uprising against Bashar Assad appears headed for civil war, with atrocities on both sides. Some 10,000 are estimated to have died, a far bloodier affair than Egypt. And here, too, the day of the Brotherhood, massacred in the thousands by Bashar's father in Hama, seems not far off.

Witnessing what is happening in these critical Arab countries and across the region, one is tempted to ask: What are the fruits of three decades of compulsive U.S. intervention in the Islamic world?

Ronald Reagan put Marines in Lebanon to support an embattled Beirut regime and saw 241 of them massacred in their barracks.

In 1986, he ordered air strikes on Libya in retaliation for the bombing of a Berlin nightclub frequented by GIs. Reagan was paid back in his final days in office when Moammar Gadhafi's killers blew up Pan Am 103, scattering the bodies of U.S. school kids over the Lockerbie landscape.

George H.W. Bush launched Desert Storm to rescue Kuwait from Saddam Hussein and restore the emir. After five weeks of air war and 100 hours of ground combat, Bush triumphed. He then imposed an embargo-blockade on Iraq and transferred thousands of U.S. troops onto Saudi soil that is home to Mecca and Medina.

Two of the causes of his attack on 9/11, said Osama bin Laden, were the U.S. strangulation of Iraq and the defiling of Islam's sacred soil by infidel U.S. troops.

George W. Bush answered 9/11 by invading Afghanistan, driving out the Taliban and al-Qaida, and staying on to build a more secular, democratic and pluralistic nation. He then invaded Iraq to overthrow Saddam and convert that country into a model Arab democracy and strategic base camp for the United States in the Middle East.

What did those wars cost? What did they accomplish?

Some 6,500 U.S. dead, 40,000 wounded, $1 to $2 trillion sunk. Tens of thousands of Afghan and 100,000 Iraqi dead, with widows and orphans numbering over 500,000. Half the Christians of Iraq have fled their homes, and half of these have fled the country in which their ancestors had lived almost since the time of Christ.

Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq can be regarded as a loyal ally or defender of U.S. interests. Pakistan, a country of 170 million with atomic weapons and an ally through 40 years of Cold War, has been converted into an embittered and even hostile nation.

The U.S.-NATO intervention in Libya brought about the dethroning and death of Gadhafi. It also resulted in the expulsion of Tuareg tribesmen who had served Gadhafi as mercenaries. Back in Mali, they have joined rebels to effect the secession of a slice of Mali the size of France, which is now becoming a haven for al-Qaida.

When one considers the investment America has made in the Middle East -- the dead and wounded from our wars, the trillions lost in fighting and foreign aid, the endless time and attention of our leaders, scholars, journalists -- what do we have to show for it?

From the Maghreb to the Middle East to Afghanistan, Christians are as isolated and imperiled as they have been in centuries.

The Israelis now have as neighbors: Hezbollah to the north, an embittered, segregated Palestinian population of 2 million to the east, Hamas to the south and to the west an Egypt of 80 million that has just passed into the custody of the Muslim Brotherhood.

And among those seeking to bring down Assad are not only Americans, Turks, Saudis and Qatari, but al-Qaida, the principal suspect in the terror bombings of Aleppo and Damascus, and the Muslim Brotherhood, which owes the Assad family a blood debt.

If Assad falls and Sunnis seize power and pursue their slogan -- "Christians to Beirut and Alawites to the tomb" -- a prediction: A return of the Golan Heights taken by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War will top the agenda of the new Damascus regime.

And now John McCain is calling for air strikes on Damascus and Bibi Netanyahu and his neocon allies have Tehran in their gun sights.

What exactly have we gained from 30 years of interventions in the Middle East -- that China lost out on by staying out?

SOURCE: http://buchanan.org/blog/has-the-day-of-the-islamist-arrived-5103

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I said it before and I'll say it again, our meddling in the Middle-East by helping overthrow dictators will ultimately help bring in a Islamic Caliphate run by Imans. The best thing for that region of the world is to have iron-fisted dictators keeping the crazies in line. But dumb America thinks that inside every Muslim is a American looking to bust out. I know for a fact that the politicians have been warmed by experts on understanding the Muslim and the Arab peoples that this isn't the case. Votes are more important then the safety of our country.

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We have seen, time and time again, that the majority of Muslims. and Muslim countries are Israel haters. What would have happened if we had given Iron fisted Saddam Hussein free rein? Do you honestly think that ungodly reprobate would have stopped with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia? The Iranians also hate Israel, constantly spouting out their venom and threats. How many times has Israel already been attacked by Muslim countries since 1948? Don't keep these loonies in check and they'll do it again....not that they would win, but I would rather be on the side of God's people whenever anything like that goes down.

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Ultimately, though, is it our job to keep them in check or the Lord's? I know God uses the armies of men - and I for one think He used the Allies during the Holocaust - and it is in the best interest of nations (and individuals) to bless the Jews (Gen. 12:3), but is aiding 'democracy' in other nations the same thing as blessing (or aiding) Israel?

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The Bible says that the "powers that be are ordained of God" then it talks about "for he beareth not the sword in vain" But if someone like Saddam Hussein or someother modern day Hitler is abusing and murdering his own people, who is God going to use to bear the "sword" against his despicable, sorry hide, huh? God also allowed other nations like the Babylonians, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans to "bear the sword" against His own unruly rebels too:. It was God who sent the Israelite nation against the Canaanite nations. He is no respecter of persons. Likewise, it looks like Saddam Hussein's "time" was up and I'm sure God gave him his last chance to repent before going to Hell. And "Democracy" may not be the best form of government, but if you get rid of one oppressive regime, it makes no sense to leave the place in the same shape it was before.

Edited by heartstrings
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John, the last sentence, or should i say question, answers this very good.

"What exactly have we gained from 30 years of interventions in the Middle East -- that China lost out on by staying out? "

Our leaders. elected only in this county, not rulers of the world, tires to run the world, while they cannot even run this country, they can make a big mess, yet the majority will root for them cheering them on. And the more this happens, the more hate that is produced towards this country.

To man eyes are holden.

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We have seen, time and time again, that the majority of Muslims. and Muslim countries are Israel haters. What would have happened if we had given Iron fisted Saddam Hussein free rein? Do you honestly think that ungodly reprobate would have stopped with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia? The Iranians also hate Israel, constantly spouting out their venom and threats. How many times has Israel already been attacked by Muslim countries since 1948? Don't keep these loonies in check and they'll do it again....not that they would win, but I would rather be on the side of God's people whenever anything like that goes down.

The strong arm leaders have kept the masses, including the radical Islamists in check.

If you look to what actually occured with regards to Saddam, he had made many overtures to America and had given America beneficial intelligence at times. Before Saddam invaded Kuwait he asked the Bush Administration how America would view such an action. The Bush Administration said America would consider such an action as an internal Iraqi matter, giving Saddam the green light from America. It should be noted that it was the British who decided how to divide up much of the Middle East when they pulled out. Iraq, from the beginning, had claimed Kuwait was a part of Iraq. The Bush Administration appeared to agree when it told Saddam that if he invaded Iraq it would be viewed by America as simply an internal Iraqi matter.

Saddam had no plans of invading Saudi Arabia or others. At the time Iraq was more concerned about Iran than any other nation. Iraq served as a buffer against Iranian influance and expansion. This is part of the reason Saddam and America had a relationship.

Saddam was no more of a threat to Israel than most of the other Arab nations.

Saddam would make some big talk, but that's part of their culture and doesn't actually reflect reality. His capabilities were much too limited to do what he boasted of being capable of taking on. Consider how the Iraq/Iran war dragged on for years with Saddam unable to make any significant achievements or rally a coalition to his side.

Better to have one strong-man in charge to deal with than to have the nation ruled by Isalmic radicals that can't be dealt with.

Mubarak was a strong-man who, given the opportunity, sided with America while oppressing the radicals in Egypt.
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John, the last sentence, or should i say question, answers this very good.

"What exactly have we gained from 30 years of interventions in the Middle East -- that China lost out on by staying out? "

Our leaders. elected only in this county, not rulers of the world, tires to run the world, while they cannot even run this country, they can make a big mess, yet the majority will root for them cheering them on. And the more this happens, the more hate that is produced towards this country.

To man eyes are holden.

America is on the path of Rome and will suffer a similar fate.
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If all is useless in the war against Islam (That's the crux of the matter), then tell it to the heroes of the crusades. Though it was mostly Catholics against Muslims, the crusades did accomplish the victory they sought. The Lord, of course, gave the victory because He is a protector of "right". If anyone thinks that America is the goat here, then they are welcome to their opinion, but I hope their poison doesn't spread to the younger generation or we all stick up our hands and surrender. It is easier to bow out of trouble than to face the conflict head on; each of us must chose which we will do and teach.

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If all is useless in the war against Islam (That's the crux of the matter), then tell it to the heroes of the crusades. Though it was mostly Catholics against Muslims, the crusades did accomplish the victory they sought. The Lord, of course, gave the victory because He is a protector of "right". If anyone thinks that America is the goat here, then they are welcome to their opinion, but I hope their poison doesn't spread to the younger generation or we all stick up our hands and surrender. It is easier to bow out of trouble than to face the conflict head on; each of us must chose which we will do and teach.

You raise a key point, the war is Islam vs what they see as the Christian West, but the problem is, America and Europe fail to accept this fact.

America interferes and fights in the Middle East for selfish, humanistic reasons, not to combat Islam and certainly not to promote Christianity. In fact, the results of American interference in the Middle East has been to boost the power of Islamists, to remove from power those who were holding Islamists in check, and to create a much less stable region which is more (not less) hostile towards Israel, America, Europe and Christians.
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If all is useless in the war against Islam (That's the crux of the matter), then tell it to the heroes of the crusades. Though it was mostly Catholics against Muslims, the crusades did accomplish the victory they sought. The Lord, of course, gave the victory because He is a protector of "right". If anyone thinks that America is the goat here, then they are welcome to their opinion, but I hope their poison doesn't spread to the younger generation or we all stick up our hands and surrender. It is easier to bow out of trouble than to face the conflict head on; each of us must chose which we will do and teach.

The crusades were evil wars, attempting to extend the Papal empire. They included the wars against Christians such as the Albigenses, the Waldensians, the Bogomils and others which were crusades. Hitlers war was the last crusade against Russia attempting to overthrow the Orthodox Church and establish papism.
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You raise a key point, the war is Islam vs what they see as the Christian West, but the problem is, America and Europe fail to accept this fact.

America interferes and fights in the Middle East for selfish, humanistic reasons, not to combat Islam and certainly not to promote Christianity. In fact, the results of American interference in the Middle East has been to boost the power of Islamists, to remove from power those who were holding Islamists in check, and to create a much less stable region which is more (not less) hostile towards Israel, America, Europe and Christians.

Your right, for American its not about Christ, its purely business interest, that is, its about money.

And we need to remember, they put us in the same group as the Islam extremist they speak of.

In fact I believe that the American solider in an Islam country, probably would have orders not to mention nothing about God the Father & His only begotten Son.

And the answer to every problem faced, is Jesus Christ.
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