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Is It Wrong to Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils?

Brother Rick

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Why didn't I think of this before :th_wellduh:

Is It Evil to Vote for the Lessor of Two Wrongs?

What about this thought?

Is it right to do wrong hoping it will make for a better outcome?

As for me I have always held to its wrong to do wrong hoping it will make thing right & or better.

And I hold to the thought it never wrong to do right.
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I was watching a debate the other day and it made me sick how Romney and Santorum were going back and forth talking about what bailouts were good and what bailouts were bad, right after Santorum just got done explaining why he voted for something but now was running against what he voted for in the past.

What a breath of fresh air when Ron Paul said something like, "Bailouts are never good, that's like saying if a man goes into a bank and robs it and gets away with it, it was good, but if he gets caught then it's not good."

The people who work in Washington are so blind to the fact that they have no right to do what they've been doing for years and years. I'm amazed we still have a Constitution.

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I was watching a debate the other day and it made me sick how Romney and Santorum were going back and forth talking about what bailouts were good and what bailouts were bad, right after Santorum just got done explaining why he voted for something but now was running against what he voted for in the past.

What a breath of fresh air when Ron Paul said something like, "Bailouts are never good, that's like saying if a man goes into a bank and robs it and gets away with it, it was good, but if he gets caught then it's not good."

The people who work in Washington are so blind to the fact that they have no right to do what they've been doing for years and years. I'm amazed we still have a Constitution.

My constitution is still intact.
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I'm thankful for that but sure wish our countries was too!

God's grace to the U.S., his hand of providence, is no longer with the U.S. The nation's loins have dropped around the ankles, the chest and feet are bare, the shield is broken, the helmet dingy, the sword dull, prayer is forgotten, and mouths are silent.

"... Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"
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Wow. What a constructive, substantive, well thought out statement. I wish all political discussion were of such high caliber.

It seems to me that you're a supporter of President Obama. Care to explain why and the biblical basis for such support?
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It seems to me that you're a supporter of President Obama. Care to explain why and the biblical basis for such support?

To be honest, I have grown to be rather apolitical. I think Democrats and Republicans both have values in line, and out of line with the Christian faith. I have come to believe that we are to pray for our political leaders, and to "render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's" *a-hem* pay taxes....yes, taxes are biblical.

Can you say one party has it all figured out or that one party is in line with the Bible? We do not live, and have never lived in a Theocracy. We live in a democratic republic...not a democracy as many would have us believe. I do believe our political system, while not perfect, is outstanding.

However, I cannot say one party has it all figured out and one party is right and one is wrong. I believe taxes are necessary and ordained by God. Government is ordained by God. It is run by people, so it will never be perfect, but it is undoubtedly ordained by God. God told Joseph to enact a tax on Egypt and store up grain. In years of famine, Egypt the distributed the grain. Socialism ordained by God. lol. I'm not saying we should be socialist, but there are certain things that government should be socialist about (ex/ roads, military, infrastructure, putlic utilities, education, etc.).

Jesus told us to render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's. We are to pay taxes and not gripe and grumble about it. In our current situation, higher taxes, less spending, and a growing economy is necessary to get us out of debt and deficit spending. It will take all three. The question then becomes how to allocate the higher tax burden. Is it right to demand more of those who make the least in our society, who spend all they have on basic needs and have no discretinary spending? Or should we demand more of those who have more? That is a biblical principal...of those who are given much, much is required. I believe that to pay for the services that are demanded of our government, the wealthy should pay a higher amount. That will not hinder the economy.....if they pay money to create jobs, that is written off and reduces their taxalbe income. That is recognizing the situation for what it is. We have an unsustainable deficit, and higher taxes combined with lower spending is necessary.

I think Republicans do some things right in talk. I like that they want to spend less. I dislike taht they want to lower taxes when our deficit is out of control. If I were to have a large credit card debt, I would work more, generate more income, reduce spending, and put my additional income towards paying it off. The government needs to do the same...increase revenue by raising taxes, reduce spending, spend increased revenue by paying down debt.

I believe that in faling to raise taxes i a time of war, as has been the policy over the past decade, is immoral. We are engaging in a war that iis important to us, but effectively raising taxes on our children to pay for it. In WWII, the highest income tax bracket was raised to 70% in order to pay for the war. Everyone pitched in and paid for their very important conflict, even up to 70% o their income. If we believe a war is important enough to engage in, we should raise taxes to pay for it. This is where the Republicans have it wrong. Heck, the Democrats have not done anything about that either, and I wish they would.

Do I believe things will drastically change depending who is elected as President? No, not really. Things will go on. The world will continue to turn. My life will not be drastically impacted one way or the other. So I do not have strong feelings either way. Whoever is elected will face the same problems....an out of control deficit, a sluggish economy, a Congress who is difficult to deal with, a war on terror, I believe either candidate will work hard to solve the problems. Not much will chage because politics is about compromise. Everyone must give and take a little, so solutions will surface to problems and each party will get a little bit about what they want.

I may not even vote this go around, but if I do, I am leaning towards Obama right now. Why? "Where there is no vision, the people will perish." Obama has a much clearer vision for our nation. The Republicans seem to be united on bashing President Obama, but do not have any clear vision or leadership of their own right now. If they were smart, they would have followed Boehner when he was negotiating with Obama last summer and followed his leadership, setting him up to run for President in 2016. That is someone I could get behind and vote for. However, they did not follow his leadership, and all of this petty fighting turns me off.

Not a clear answer, I know, but it is hard to talk well of Republican candidates when they offer no great vision, and when I like some of the things that Obama has done such as health care reform (yes, I believe health care is a social issue with social answers), and withdrawing troops from Iraq. We have gotten no surprises with Obama....he has done basically what he campaigned on.
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To be honest, I have grown to be rather apolitical. I think Democrats and Republicans both have values in line, and out of line with the Christian faith. I have come to believe that we are to pray for our political leaders, and to "render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's" *a-hem* pay taxes....yes, taxes are biblical.

Can you say one party has it all figured out or that one party is in line with the Bible? We do not live, and have never lived in a Theocracy. We live in a democratic republic...not a democracy as many would have us believe. I do believe our political system, while not perfect, is outstanding.

However, I cannot say one party has it all figured out and one party is right and one is wrong. I believe taxes are necessary and ordained by God. Government is ordained by God. It is run by people, so it will never be perfect, but it is undoubtedly ordained by God. God told Joseph to enact a tax on Egypt and store up grain. In years of famine, Egypt the distributed the grain. Socialism ordained by God. lol. I'm not saying we should be socialist, but there are certain things that government should be socialist about (ex/ roads, military, infrastructure, putlic utilities, education, etc.).

Jesus told us to render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's. We are to pay taxes and not gripe and grumble about it. In our current situation, higher taxes, less spending, and a growing economy is necessary to get us out of debt and deficit spending. It will take all three. The question then becomes how to allocate the higher tax burden. Is it right to demand more of those who make the least in our society, who spend all they have on basic needs and have no discretinary spending? Or should we demand more of those who have more? That is a biblical principal...of those who are given much, much is required. I believe that to pay for the services that are demanded of our government, the wealthy should pay a higher amount. That will not hinder the economy.....if they pay money to create jobs, that is written off and reduces their taxalbe income. That is recognizing the situation for what it is. We have an unsustainable deficit, and higher taxes combined with lower spending is necessary.

I think Republicans do some things right in talk. I like that they want to spend less. I dislike taht they want to lower taxes when our deficit is out of control. If I were to have a large credit card debt, I would work more, generate more income, reduce spending, and put my additional income towards paying it off. The government needs to do the same...increase revenue by raising taxes, reduce spending, spend increased revenue by paying down debt.

I believe that in faling to raise taxes i a time of war, as has been the policy over the past decade, is immoral. We are engaging in a war that iis important to us, but effectively raising taxes on our children to pay for it. In WWII, the highest income tax bracket was raised to 70% in order to pay for the war. Everyone pitched in and paid for their very important conflict, even up to 70% o their income. If we believe a war is important enough to engage in, we should raise taxes to pay for it. This is where the Republicans have it wrong. Heck, the Democrats have not done anything about that either, and I wish they would.

Do I believe things will drastically change depending who is elected as President? No, not really. Things will go on. The world will continue to turn. My life will not be drastically impacted one way or the other. So I do not have strong feelings either way. Whoever is elected will face the same problems....an out of control deficit, a sluggish economy, a Congress who is difficult to deal with, a war on terror, I believe either candidate will work hard to solve the problems. Not much will chage because politics is about compromise. Everyone must give and take a little, so solutions will surface to problems and each party will get a little bit about what they want.

I may not even vote this go around, but if I do, I am leaning towards Obama right now. Why? "Where there is no vision, the people will perish." Obama has a much clearer vision for our nation. The Republicans seem to be united on bashing President Obama, but do not have any clear vision or leadership of their own right now. If they were smart, they would have followed Boehner when he was negotiating with Obama last summer and followed his leadership, setting him up to run for President in 2016. That is someone I could get behind and vote for. However, they did not follow his leadership, and all of this petty fighting turns me off.

Not a clear answer, I know, but it is hard to talk well of Republican candidates when they offer no great vision, and when I like some of the things that Obama has done such as health care reform (yes, I believe health care is a social issue with social answers), and withdrawing troops from Iraq. We have gotten no surprises with Obama....he has done basically what he campaigned on.

We already know you always take the liberal socialist positions and support the Godless, those who don't care for obeying the Constitution, and care nothing for actually believing and obeying the whole Word of God.

Time and again you have told us of the liberal socialist politicians you support, the unconstitutional things you love, about the unbiblical church you belong to, your close associations with those who choose to live in wickedness, etc.

The sure sign of being born again in Christ, and therfore biblically saved, is that one is a new creature, old worldly ways get put aside, one reads, studies, believes and obeys the Word of God. Those whose lives don't show this clear sign are warned in Scripture to examine their faith, to make their calling and election sure.
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Is it?

I’m not into politics, because I’m not a fan of getting disappointed and my hope is in the return of Christ, not the return of conservatism (haha!) to the Republican party. At the same time I understand the responsibility to vote.

From what I've heard, Romney is a liberal, Gingrich is a tramp, and Paul doesn't support Israel. What business do I have as Bible believing Christian voting any of them?

At the same time Obama is a Communist. I enjoy having freedom, don't you?

Should I refuse to vote and then secretly breathe a sigh of relief when my state goes red (I live in Idaho), or should I vote even if it's one of the above three guys?

What's a guy supposed to do?

These are honest questions.

Always vote your conscience.If you can't vote in good conscience then don't vote at all. At the judgement seat of Christ this is what God is going to concerned about. Not whether so and so got elected or not.
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Always vote your conscience.If you can't vote in good conscience then don't vote at all. At the judgement seat of Christ this is what God is going to concerned about. Not whether so and so got elected or not.

Our conscience is not always a good guide. If our conscience is not in line with Scripture then it's still wrong. Many follow their conscience and marry the wrong person, have an abortion, or do other wrong and sinful things.
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We already know you always take the liberal socialist positions and support the Godless, those who don't care for obeying the Constitution, and care nothing for actually believing and obeying the whole Word of God.

Time and again you have told us of the liberal socialist politicians you support, the unconstitutional things you love, about the unbiblical church you belong to, your close associations with those who choose to live in wickedness, etc.

The sure sign of being born again in Christ, and therfore biblically saved, is that one is a new creature, old worldly ways get put aside, one reads, studies, believes and obeys the Word of God. Those whose lives don't show this clear sign are warned in Scripture to examine their faith, to make their calling and election sure.

I was asked a question and I gave an honest response.

I am completely at peace with myself and God. One question I do have, is how can you equate being Christian with being Republican or supporting a conservative politician. I am not liberal, really. I am an independent voter. I vote for Republicans and Democrats, whoever I think will be the best candidate. I don't see how that has anything remotely to do with my faith in Christ.
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I don't really support any of the nominations. I liked Cain but the media effectively eliminated him. However I refuse to sit around and let Obama take away my religious freedom. It looks like Romney will get the nom and if that's the case I will have to vote for him. I won't be happy about it but I see no other choice. Any movement back to the right is better than no movement at all.

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I don't really support any of the nominations. I liked Cain but the media effectively eliminated him. However I refuse to sit around and let Obama take away my religious freedom. It looks like Romney will get the nom and if that's the case I will have to vote for him. I won't be happy about it but I see no other choice. Any movement back to the right is better than no movement at all.

A step in the right direction!
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