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Emergent Church


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Have you experience of this movement? We have this from a former leader of a church we have been in fellowship with for many decades.

Finally, please could I ask for your prayers for Maswell and, indeed for me personally. Not only is Maswell withdrawing from the FIEC but, as I mentioned to you at the last fraternal, the Leadership is embracing the teachings/views of the Emergent Church. Andrew has already had a meeting with Matthew so he will be able to give you a bit more information. How much this will infect the Church as a whole is not easy to predict at the moment but I foresee some difficult days ahead. Please pray for our Leadership Team and for me that I might have wisdom and courage to speak and to act in a way which will glorify the Lord.
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The "emerging church" is something I have had to deal with a lot here in SA as IB churches are scarcer than a perfect person. We call them "people seeker" churches amongst other names. I have found that one of the biggest reasons many pastors and church leaders go this route is due to lack of money. The reason for this is their entire doctrine is based on attracting people to the services - more people = more money and times are tight. So they take out stuff that convicts and offends and put in social events and a doctrine that is watered down and makes people feel good. The best way to tell a emergent pastor is too see if they are self orientated motivational speakers where the Word is used out of context to make one feel good about oneself in Christ - this being their main form of teaching. The IB church where I live went that route - no more hymns (old fashioned) replaced by modern worship. and a full music "ministry". , Other "little" things like sound doctrine and bible based sermons also faded away - now it's just another charismatic church without Tongues and people falling down.
A good example is a church down the road has a slogan that denotes everything they stand for and is the underlying theme of their entire teaching - friendship before function - should say it all!!

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Several IFB churches in this area have really watered down. They are not yet emergent, but heading in that direction.

One of the Emergent churches in the area offers a 10 minute sermon so everyone can "get their church in" no matter their schedual.

Our pastor has pointed out several times that we could use various gimmicks to get more people into the church but coming at the cost of the Gospel and rightly serving God, it's not worth it for them or us. Unfortunately, many other churches don't see it that way and chase after the crowds and money.

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Several IFB churches in this area have really watered down. They are not yet emergent, but heading in that direction.

One of the Emergent churches in the area offers a 10 minute sermon so everyone can "get their church in" no matter their schedual.

Our pastor has pointed out several times that we could use various gimmicks to get more people into the church but coming at the cost of the Gospel and rightly serving God, it's not worth it for them or us. Unfortunately, many other churches don't see it that way and chase after the crowds and money.

It's really sad that this is happening to IB churches and even other churches that are bible based. I know - my friend is a pastor and has been for over ten years and the church has never grown more than 20-30 at most and all poor - difficult to feed a family on that. But he will NEVER (I hope) give up sound doctrine for a nice house and car. Maybe it's time we payed (paid) more attention to those who serve faithfully and backed off from that new toy we want.
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It's really sad that this is happening to IB churches and even other churches that are bible based. I know - my friend is a pastor and has been for over ten years and the church has never grown more than 20-30 at most and all poor - difficult to feed a family on that. But he will NEVER (I hope) give up sound doctrine for a nice house and car. Maybe it's time we payed (paid) more attention to those who serve faithfully and backed off from that new toy we want.

Yes, I think we should provide well for our pastors. Nothing excessive, but our pastors should be able to provide well for their families so they can focus their time and attention upon the things of God rather than have to consider money matters.
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Emergent is a little different from seeker sensitive - or maybe just a little worse? It's even more experiential based (think candles for ambience, and more 'hands-on' 'worship'), and seems to be a step closer to mixing eastern religion with a form of Christianity. It is also bringing a good number of mystical medieval Catholic doctrines back into Protestant Christianity (think labyrinths and centering prayer/mantras). Doctrines of devils!

David Cloud has some good articles on the Emergent church at Way of Life:

This is also a good article:

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Emergent is a little different from seeker sensitive - or maybe just a little worse? It's even more experiential based (think candles for ambience, and more 'hands-on' 'worship'), and seems to be a step closer to mixing eastern religion with a form of Christianity. It is also bringing a good number of mystical medieval Catholic doctrines back into Protestant Christianity (think labyrinths and centering prayer/mantras). Doctrines of devils!

David Cloud has some good articles on the Emergent church at Way of Life:

This is also a good article:

I agree, but a lot of emergent churches start out charismatic and people seeker (even staunch IFB"s). Personally I feel it's the start of the one world church where everything goes and all roads lead to Rome (God). Where the mixing and accepting of faiths starts you know the Word has left the building.
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I agree, but a lot of emergent churches start out charismatic and people seeker (even staunch IFB"s). Personally I feel it's the start of the one world church where everything goes and all roads lead to Rome (God). Where the mixing and accepting of faiths starts you know the Word has left the building.

The Emergent church is the natural progression of the seeker churches. They took the seeker model and then went further with the ideas of entertainment, experience-based teaching and practices, watered down and little preaching, looking down upon those who actually hold close to Scripture.

The attempt to come up with a way for all religions to "just get along", walk hand-in-hand, is ongoing and the only way such can come about is by the continual watering down until the "religion" is so generic and man-centered anyone can find something to meet their needs.
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The Emergent church is the natural progression of the seeker churches. They took the seeker model and then went further with the ideas of entertainment, experience-based teaching and practices, watered down and little preaching, looking down upon those who actually hold close to Scripture.

The attempt to come up with a way for all religions to "just get along", walk hand-in-hand, is ongoing and the only way such can come about is by the continual watering down until the "religion" is so generic and man-centered anyone can find something to meet their needs.

Seeker church, emergent church, it's all the same.......a skunk by any other name is a skunk.
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The Emergent church is the natural progression of the seeker churches. They took the seeker model and then went further with the ideas of entertainment, experience-based teaching and practices, watered down and little preaching, looking down upon those who actually hold close to Scripture.

The attempt to come up with a way for all religions to "just get along", walk hand-in-hand, is ongoing and the only way such can come about is by the continual watering down until the "religion" is so generic and man-centered anyone can find something to meet their needs.

You are absolutely right. Many times a church will turn from conservative to seeker friendly and then eventually emergent. Brannon Howse speaks a lot on this matter and has a great deal of knowledge about it. I was listening to his radio show the other day and this is exactly what he was talking about. He was talking about how these seeker sensitive churches become emergent. Thankfully there are a few that turn away from their seeker sensitive ways when they realize where it is leading them.
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Seeker church, emergent church, it's all the same.......a skunk by any other name is a skunk.

Rick Warren is a fan and proponent of both, even Chrislam! Anyone ever watch the antics at Northpoint Church on youtube? There's another that plays ACDCs Highway to Hell on Easter Sundays.
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