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What has happened to "Great" Britain


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What has happened to the "Great" in Great Britain? Why are the riots still going on? Why are these thugs, outlaws and rebels allowed to strip people of their clothes, pull rings off citizens fingers, vandalize, loot, burn and destroy at such will?

Would this have gone unchecked 200 years ago? Or even 100 years ago? The police seem impotent to do anything that needs to be done. One news report said the British police were thinking of using plastic bullets for the first time ever in such a situation but they really don't want to upset people by doing so! They also ruled out water cannons and other non-lethal means as being too offensive!!

Offensive??? One of the primary purposes of government is to protect it's law abiding citizens from attack, whether from without or within, and this includes the use of lethal force.

Clear away the press, clear away the citizens that can be moved out of possible harms way, send British special forces in there and let them bring this horrific and embarassing episode to a swift conclusion.

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We sure would not like to see those terrorist offended or come to harm, they have rights too you know!

That's about what it sounds like!

It seems terrorists and outlaws have more rights than do law abiding citizens when it comes to such things.
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I guess they will appoint a highly paid judge to mount an expensive inquiry, the result of which will eventually absolve the government of any responsibility at ministerial level (this is what judicial inquiries are designed to do) but may also conclude that the police should have done things differently (which, being interpreted, means: when all else fails, blame the police).

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London Riots: How Some Residents Burned Their Own Community

It took 140 years to build up the House of Reeves furniture store, but only a few hours to destroy it. On Aug. 9, the morning after arsonists left the Croydon landmark in ruins, its owner put on a brave face for reporters. "It's been there since 1867, survived two wars, a depression. Yet the community seems to have burned it down," Maurice Reeves told news crews. "I'm 80 years old. It was my wedding anniversary yesterday. I don't know how I'm here today, but I am." On Aug. 10, Reeves paced around the wreckage - red bricks charred black, wooden planks split like toothpicks - but kept his eyes glued to the asphalt. Then, when a yellow bulldozer emblazoned with the word "Demolition" pulled up, Reeves walked away.

For a town recovering from the worst violence since bombs rained down during World War II, the destruction of the House of Reeves symbolizes the mindless thuggery that engulfed Croydon as well as cities and towns across England. Millions watched the Croydon blaze grow larger on live television; police couldn't ensure that the mob wouldn't attack the fire crews, so the firefighters were delayed and arrived too late to save the store. Rumors spread from neighbor to neighbor that the rioters had torched the building to distract authorities from the looting taking place in the town's shopping district. For two decades, Kim Watkinson, a secretary, worked six doors down from the furniture store. She locked herself in her house that evening. "I was watching TV and thinking, If the wind changes, my office will be burned to pieces." (See pictures of the London riots.)


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They should have never stopped dealing with riots as they did for centuries. Riots were once viewed for what they are, mass rebellion and lawlessness. Rioters should be given one warning to desist and go home or shots will be fired. If they stop and go home, great, if they refuse, shoot until they do stop.

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They should have never stopped dealing with riots as they did for centuries. Riots were once viewed for what they are, mass rebellion and lawlessness. Rioters should be given one warning to desist and go home or shots will be fired. If they stop and go home, great, if they refuse, shoot until they do stop.

I agree with you, John.

If the police had acted firmly in Tottenham the rest probably would not have happened. Part of it is general thuggery. One lad on a TV interview said "That was the best protest ever." Part is mass hysteria and mob mania. One young lady was convicted of looting a TV after handing herself in to the police, saying that she couldn't sleep after what she had done.
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I heard some of the looters cheering about the fun they were having. A young woman looting told a reporter she was just getting her taxes back!

Indeed, a swift and solid crackdown would have put an end to this and prevented others from doing the same elsewhere. It's too bad our governments no longer know how to properly govern.

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The football match at Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday has been cancelled as the area is still a crime scene.

The Gay Pride in Brighton is going ahead, though. How sad.

That is sad!

I had heard on the news they were thinking of cancelling some or even all the football matches because they said the police can't handle it. This is the first I heard of the "Gay" Pride thing. No wonder our nations are suffering as they are.
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They should have never stopped dealing with riots as they did for centuries. Riots were once viewed for what they are, mass rebellion and lawlessness. Rioters should be given one warning to desist and go home or shots will be fired. If they stop and go home, great, if they refuse, shoot until they do stop.

You'll be pleased to know, John, that HM Government has taken that approach as recently as 1972. Today they call it Bloody Sunday:

On that day, 13 people were shot dead on the spot. If the police had machine-gunned the crowds in London a few days ago, given the number of people, they presumably would have killed dozens, maybe over a hundred
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