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The Ebonics Bible

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why should someone have to warn christians of a translation that has explicit language and the like in it. the Holy Spirit will throw up a red flag right from the onset.
i learned a long time ago you don't have to know what is wrong to identify what is wrong.
all you have to know is what is what is right to identify what is wrong.

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I agree in theory with your statement, but practicality-wise we find this is just not so. I don't know how many professing Christians I know who run after these new Bible versions - whether they be the NIV, The Message, The Living Bible or the New Living Translation, etc. They are all bad - they just differ in the manner of corruption. Some it is swear words, some it is jargon, but all have doctrinal corruption.

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I think that if people are really searching for truth, the Holy Spirit will guide them. But many people would rather have a version that is popular with the majority than one that is controversial (like the KJV). Too many professing Christians refuse to look into the issue - they just keep whatever version they grew up with, whatever one their family reads, or the first one they were given, regardless of what it was.

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it may not be a thing that they are refusing but when you get into it is meaty. i think that discourages alot of people. i think that there are alot of people that think the only way that they will be able to understand the Bible is to use a currupt version. which you and i both know that it is not in our own understanding but the Holy Spirit is the one that gives understanding. they have not learned one of the most difficult steps in a christian walk and that is to totally trust the Lord. in His strength alone.

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Did you get that from an article or something? Or do you actually have one of these Bibles? I read an article on this Bible several years ago but have never seen one in a Christian bookstore.

I don't have one of these bibles nor do I want one. I have just been collecting information through the years on the Ebonics Bible. Where I live Ebonics is quite strong and used often. I have yet to see one use the Ebonics Bible, but if I do I can say that I have read part of their Bible and strongly disagree with it.

[b]Higher Ground[/b]
I'm sorry that I didn

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  • 7 years later...
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I know this is a very old thread, but something funny happened to me today. Living in the "hood", I wanted to read more about the ebonics bible that I keep hearing about, so I Googled it. I clicked a link and what do you know, the search lead me right to Online Baptist. I guess I do not need Google, OB has it all.

Anyways, if anyone is wondering what the ebonics bible is all about, please proceed to the link below.

That Big Daddy is a popular guy in this book. What I want to know is what kind of idiot sat down and wrote this stuff down?

BTW: This thread does not read properly in the order it was originally posted. A conversion messed up the order. Blame this one on Big Daddy (ME).

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Here is the 10 commandments from the Ebonics Bible:

1) I am the Almighty, your God, who brought you outta Egypt when things were tough." And then He told them: "Don't put anyone else before Me.
2) Don't make any carved objects or things that look like what is in heaven or below. And don't bow down to these things like they are anything heavy. Not ever!
3) You shouldn't diss the Almighty's name, using it in cuss words or rapping with one another. It ain't cool and payback's a monster.
4)"Remember the day of the Almighty which is the seventh day. After you've worked six days, give the seventh to the Almighty." (Remember that the Almighty made the heavens and the earth in six days. He rested on the seventh day and blessed it as right-on.)
5) "You shouldn't be takin' nothin' from your homeboys.
6) "Give honor to your mom and dad, and you'll live a long time.
7) "Don't waste nobody.
8) "Don't mess around with someone else's ol' man or ol' lady.
9) "Don't go 'round telling lies on your homebuddies.
10) "Don't want what you can't have, or what your homebuddy has. It ain't cool."

I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or get angry. I'm completely bewildered.
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I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or get angry. I'm completely bewildered.

My feelings are not ambivalent at all. This is offensive and possibly blasphemous.

"Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: for our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:28-29)

Aaron's sons, appointed priests before God, were destroyed for handling sacred things without due reverence. We should all be warned. (See Leviticus 10).
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