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Yesterday, I went to the egg machine of a local poultry farm for the first time.  I didn't negociate it too well.  I got me eggs OK but ended up with a steak and ale pie instead of the apple pie I was trying to get.  So I had that today and gave the leftovers to my grandchildren next door.

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Yesterday I had sirloin steak from Aldi and French fries.  This evening, my day=ughter came in and asked f I wanted sirloin steak tomorrow as she had got some from the local butcher and would I do some pepper sauce to go with it.  

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Squash casserole, zipper cream peas, collard greens with smoked ham hocks, baked sweet taters. All aforementioned veggies are fresh from garden.

My wife’s been canning tomatoes, making pickles, chow-chow, hot pepper relish, 3 dozen tamales, on so on. On the “dog box” in the cab of the motorhome are two laundry baskets of yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers, bell peppers, jalapeños, sweet Italian peppers, zipper peas, bi-color corn, onions, and honeydew melons.

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  • 3 months later...
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Cous Cous yesterday and today and English chilli con carne fpr the two days before that.  

I like to have Merguez sausages with cous cous which I used to buy in France where we went shopping about once a month, but we have not neen there since at least Junuary due to lockdown.  We could go in the summer but declined because of the price hike. We used to pay about £27.00 for a day return, but in the summer the cheapest I could fine was £160.00 on the ferry.  I knew that a butcher in my old hometown made his own Merguez but he only does them from time to time, so I called and asked him when he would be doing them and I went and bought a kolo each for my daughter and I and a bit more for my grandson who was staying with us at the time, but lives in. the midlands. He later sent me a whtatsap message saying he had found some up there but they were a lot dearer than mine.  

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Tomorrow is our church potluck day (we do it every first Sunday). Mom made spaghetti, and white cake/lemon icing for dessert. I made a beef stroghanoff gravy and rice, and a green salad. Others will be bringing different things (I know sloppy joes are coming, too). So tonight I tried out the rice and gravy. Yum!

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We are still in lockdown so we have not been able to meet with anyone except my daughter and some of her family who live at the same address.   We have been able to have one service at church and from the 21st march we will be able to have an evening service as well.  That is my birthday.   We will have to spray the chairs between each service.  2 weeks ago my grandaughter and the husband returned from Nice in France and twas hey have to be self isolating in the back annexe, 1t was her 21st birthday last week so my daughter went to thw chippie and got some takeaway chips while her husband cooked some steaks. No restaurants are are to open as yet. Today I did spaghegti bolonaise.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Had sirloin steak,  chips and green  beans for lunch, will have scrambled eggs with chives on toast with Lea and Perrins Worcester sauce for supper.

As it is my birthday,I  invite every body to have a cake or a cookie perhaps.

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I had a real treat, for me that is. I have not had access to Moose Meat since I lived in Alaska, almost twenty years ago. A friend gave me some Moose and Caribou. 

So, tonight I had Caribou steak cut in strips and dry dredged in pancake flour with spices. Quick fried in an open pan. Also had asparagus spears steamed.

For those who have never had Caribou or Moose, this cooking method and combination is wonderful.

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Today we had potluck at church. The church bought fried chicken...and the deli gave us the wrong order. So - they called us and told us our order was still there. They GAVE it to us, so we had an overabundance of chicken. Not only did we feast on it for lunch, we were able to send a bunch home with folks, and deliver some to others. 

We also had ham, au gratin potatoes, pasta salad, potato salad, veggies, and two different cakes for dessert (lemon, and strawberry shortcake).

The best part of the day was the preaching/teaching. On our first Sundays, we have an afternoon service instead of an evening service. It works out nicely since we have the potluck. Our son has been given the honor and responsibility of teaching the afternoon service, so it is even more enjoyable for me.

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