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What denomination were you raised in?  

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  1. 1. What denomination were you raised in?

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A few years back they were many Baptist Churches taking the Baptist off of their churches. They claim it hindered some people coming to their churches.

This I fail to understand. Baptist is not a denomination, its a group of true teaching churches who love God and hold to His truths that are within the Holy Bible, that I'm proud to be a part of.

Of course they are some churches out there with the name Baptist on them which do not fit in the group of true Bible teachers.

I might add, many of these churches who took Baptist off of their church went on to ordain women pastors as well as disobey many of God's other commandments that are within the Bible. So that must have been wanting to attract those who did not want to hold to the truths within the Bible.

And no, I am not saying that all the save people are in Baptist Churches, but that Baptist Churches are the ones who teach the whole truth. If I did not believe that I would resign my church right now and seek out those who are teaching the truth of the Bible and join them.

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A few years back they were many Baptist Churches taking the Baptist off of their churches. They claim it hindered some people coming to their churches.

This I fail to understand. Baptist is not a denomination, its a group of true teaching churches who love God and hold to His truths that are within the Holy Bible, that I'm proud to be a part of.

Of course they are some churches out there with the name Baptist on them which do not fit in the group of true Bible teachers.

I might add, many of these churches who took Baptist off of their church went on to ordain women pastors as well as disobey many of God's other commandments that are within the Bible. So that must have been wanting to attract those who did not want to hold to the truths within the Bible.

And no, I am not saying that all the save people are in Baptist Churches, but that Baptist Churches are the ones who teach the whole truth. If I did not believe that I would resign my church right now and seek out those who are teaching the truth of the Bible and join them.

I understand what you're saying and I am not at all ashamed of my Baptist heritage. I guess I would probably consider myself a Fundamental Baptist but my problem is that it seems like too many people get caught up in 'my religion versus yours.'

For example, while being a Fundamental Baptist, I am also a member of ATI(IBLP) and I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Bill Gothard who teaches sound Biblical principles and uses the KJV in all his materials. But because he is not an IFB, he won't be invited to most Baptist churches regardless of his message. I think we get too focused on whether someone is IFB or not and ignore the individual. I don't advocate any kind of compromise but I have heard and read quite a few people that are not IFB's that have a great message.

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http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exp ... eneral.htm
Sounds extremely ecumenical. There is something to be said for separation. The thing with neo-evangelicals is, even though they may teach good things, they fail to warn about specific error most of the time. Rebuke, reprove, correct, with ALL longsuffering and doctrine.

Also on a side note, I agree about churches that lose the "Baptist" in their names. The next steps in that church will likely be funny music and false bibles. In any case, it will bring a lot more people into the church, and the influence will start tending toward ecumenism.
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If you notice the bibliography at the end of that article you will notice that most of the resources were clearly against Mr. Gothard. I have been to many of the conferences, many of the programs at the conferences and the Basic and Anger Resolution Seminars. All of which are very good and very Biblically sound.

You will meet some of the most conservative people in America at the ATI conferences. And most of the people I have come in contact with there to my rememberance have been Baptists, Bible church attenders, and Mennonites. All of whom believe in Salvation by grace.

There is a wealth of truth and insight in the materials they offer and I strongly support their work by the results I have seen in my own life through different programs and through my families.
If you really want to see what they're about, go directly to their website: http://www.iblp.org


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Here in Singapore us IFBs are not the only group that holds on to KJV only. Another church called the Bible-Presbyterian Church also (mostly) holds on to KJV only as well. They do teach a Biblical gospel and is against baptismal regeneration, and also a premillennial, pre-trib rapture. But, they still cling on to infant baptism and Calvinist theology.

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I answered "None" because I was raised in Reform Judaism. My grandparents (both maternal and praternal) were immigrants from Russia and were Orthodox Jews. My parents chose to raise us (me, my brother and my sister) in Reform Judaism because they didn't like the "strictness" of Orthodox Judaism. I was born again in March,1974 in a Presbyterian Church. I was baptized in a General Conference Baptist Church in December, 1974 (believer's baptism by immersion).....I was also "sprinkled" in the Presbyterian Church in April, 1974. I did alot of "church hopping" for years and attended different churches of various denominations....except the Roman Catholic Church. I attended a Southern Baptist Church for 3 years after I moved to Mississippi. In 2005 my husband and I joined a small IFB Church where we plan to stay.....until we die or Jesus comes, whichever comes first!

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I was raised catholic (Roman)and went rather far into it. I made my first communion (a big deal for Catholics); confirmation, and went through the catechisms. I wore a St. Christopher medal, and "scalpel"(spelling?) around my neck, but the Lord led me out of there and into the IFB church. I knew that confessing my sin to a man was wrong; I knew that it was wrong to pray in "vain repetition", and talked to the Lord personally after my "Our Father's and "Hail Mary's"; No one taught me that except the Lord--I don't know why I knew even that much, never having read the Bible. Anyway, Praise the Lord, He led me out of the cesspool of religion, and by grace, into the loving arms of Jesus in an IFB church..

Edited by irishman
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Grew up in a SBC background, before they went south (HaHa) away from the true world of God, and into man centered conferences. Played the game and had everyone thinking I was saved until I could get away. Got saved at 28,went back to SBC, and then saw real rejection of Bible doctrine for man's. 27 years ago I found a little IFB church, and fell in love with God, Jesus, and the KJB and been there ever since, and even became the pastor.

Edited by Bro Jim
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Nazarene church from about 2-4 yrs of age. Church of Christ (music allowed) from about 5-12. Then I visited several denomination (presbyterian, methodist, pentacostal, catholic).

Finally I attended Tabernacle Baptist Church (Independent, Fundamental, Premellenial, Militant Baptist) in Virginia Beach, Va. where I understood the gospel and was saved.

Now I attend an Independent Baptist Church in S.E. Ohio.

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I had to put "other," since "a variety of denominations" was not one of the choices. I was born into a small church that was "nondenominational" only because the members had recently found freedom from a cult that taught salvation by works. This church was the closest thing to the "Bereans" that I've ever experienced. They were hungry for the Word as they sought truth and solid doctrine. The conclusions they reached about various doctrines wouldn't fit in any mainline denomination (believed in baptism by immersion, but leaned a-mil in eschatology and disagreed with preserverance of the saints, etc.), so they remained nondenom until the group disbanded and scattered among different churches in the area.

When I was 11, my parents joined the local Nazarene church. I attended an IFB Christian school.

When I was 14 and "dating" the pastor's kid of the school I attended, I put pressure on my parents to attend that church (for very spiritual reasons, no doubt ;)), and, since the pastor's daughter at the Nazarene church had become pregnant out of wedlock, and the teens were pretty much out of control, my parents agreed to go to the Baptist church, even though they did not agree with certain Baptist doctrine and practice (preserverance of the saints, premil eschatology, etc.).

Since that time, I've always attended independent Baptist churches. (I married that pastor's kid, who is himself now an ordained minister.) I've also discovered that there are different "stripes" of independent Baptist churches. None of the ones I've been a part of were/are KJVO, or "Briders" (is that what you call it?)....They are more along the "BJU" lines than Hyles, TTU, or West Coast-type lines.

Edited by Annie
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