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Correcting the King James Bible

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Bro. Cloud has also done this in some of his articles condemning Dr Ruckman.

That statement caught my attention. When you get some time could you point me in the direction of these articles. I would like to look at them so that I can come up with some conclusions on my own. Thanks
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Oh okay.
I found some more info on him. This site is a Christian site but not a KJV site but it is interesting to see it from the side opposing him. It also gives some example of intercourse between the guy that runs this site and Ruckman. While the non-KJV guy is polite and courteous, Ruckman immediately responds in arrogance and condemnation. But you can see for yourself:


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Let's say everything bad that is said about him is taken out of context, is his multiple marriages taken out of context too? I don't remember reading too many exceptions to the rule of being married to one wife in the Pastoral qualifications..


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Yes, Biblically, he is disqualified to be a pastor. And the only way you can excuse it is if a person twist their KJV to fit into the KJV-Defender's doctrine, which could be made into a denomination if we were to add up all of his extra-biblical doctrines.

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Multiple marriages, but yet he want step down, that is proof that he is not following God's instructions, enough said, how many more errors is he following where he thinks he knows better than God?

I don't need him nor do I need to read about him.

But, all that said, I follow God and Jesus, no man, seems like the car man is a follower of a man.

The only car I know spoken about in the Bible is an accord, but nothing is said about what year model it is. But we know one thing, they were in one accord.

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How could he have gotten saved if he didn't repent?

I believe this guy is saved. I think I heard his testimony at least once...but I don't really remember because it's been a while. He's following the Hyles belief that repentance is just turning from unbelief to belief (not the same definition of repentance that we believe). Anyhow...this guy is a Christian that just needs to get back on track. Somehow he got twisted into weird doctrine and I don't know who influenced him that way. The worst part is that he's got a younger guy following in his footsteps. This younger guy went to school with me, and he was very smart about the Bible and wants to serve the Lord...but then he got caught up in following Steve Anderson's doctrine. It's pretty sad.

(btw, I'm not the only one that watched this happen...Samer watched this younger guy turn into a Steve Andersonite too)
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Anderson was a Hyles graduate - he told my sister's family he did not follow their method of evangelism, but she has personally observed both him and his wife doing so on various occasions (plus hearing his sermons in church and personal "counseling" sessions with both - when they were trying to "correct" my sister's theology).

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I don't know what Dr. Ruckman does or does not preach. Someone the other day was kind enough to send me some links so that I can study up on Dr. Ruckman from what he himself has put forth. When I have the time, I will give this matter some attention.


But just make sure what you read is NOT taken out of context. I have certainly found that reading some of his books from cover to cover gives a totally different perspective of what he is actually teaching instead of looking at isolated sentences, paragraphs or even chapters.

There are also some things that he teaches as being PURE SPECULATION and HIS OWN OPINION, however, some have accused him of teaching these things as DOCTRINE and anyone who does not believe him is a heretic-that is simply not true.
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I believe Cloud quotes him directly if I am not mistaken. It seems Ruckman has much the same attitude of most of his followers; one of arrogance and contempt for others and their beliefs. He also uses language that is not at all befitting a Christian.

Well, we will just have to agree to disagree on this.

Cloud has NOT ALWAYS quoted him accurately or completely.

The language he uses I am still sitting on the fence on that one. Certainly a lot of the words he uses can be found in our beloved KJB.

True he had contempt for John R Rice and Curtis Hutson when it came to them correcting the KJB, but when he has spoken of their soul-winning endeavours Ruckman has been very gracious and complilentary towards them and saw them as his brothers in Christ.
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Two things:

1. I'm not sure why Ruckman supporters keep throwing out there that we need to actually read what Ruckman believes instead of listening to someone else. You know what? Some of us HAVE actually read what Ruckman believes. :wink

2. What chapter and verse did you use for make and color the last time you bought a vehicle? Acts 2:1? :cool

1. And? Which book or books did you think were heretical?

2. How about the TENTH commandment?

A nice red or black BMW, Mercedes or Porsche is sure to make some one look at it and break this commandment. Right?

Just like an immodestly dressed woman can make a red blooded male break the SEVENTH commandment.

It's pretty simple.

If I had the money (and I don't) I would certainly not purchase a flashy expensive car-would you?
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