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No problems at all - if you are trying to memorize verses such as Acts 8:37; 1 John 5:7; Matthew 17:21; 23:14; Mark 9:44, 46; among other verses.

No problems at all - if you don't think Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11 are supposed to be in the Bible...

No problems at all - if God did not inspire literal words, but rather gave us just thoughts and concepts...

Who was that rascal that killed Goliath? See 2 Samuel 22:19 in the NIV.

Just WHO is the morning star in the NIV? See Isaiah 14:12.

A little bit of friendly sarcasm.

Here is an article that might answer some questions (though this is a general look at modern versions, it does list some passages and problems in the NIV): Bible Versions: Does It Matter?

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never been a fan of the NIV. Me and my wife do a bible study and I have a KJV and she had a NIV. She always said that the NIV just changed the thees and thows but when we did our study she saw all those verses that Jerry mentioned and went and got a KJV.

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First off, a person can be saved from a NIV just like a person can be saved by listening to a sinner. That doesn't mean it's the word of God as God wanted it. The Roman's Road can even be found in "the new world translation of the Holy Scriptures" which is the Jehova false witness' uber corrupt book.

The NIV will strip a Christian of their ability to walk with God. Removing verses dealing with baptism (acts 8:37) and removing verses in dealing with fighting devils (Matthew 17:21)

Removal of these types of verses change doctrine and practices that God intended us to know.

Second, wording changes in verses that are not deleated, so as to get Christians ready for accepting Satan as their king.

in the KJV: Isaiah 44:5 One shall say, I am the LORD'S; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

in the NIV 5 One will say, 'I belong to the LORD '; another will call himself by the name of Jacob; still another will write on his hand, 'The LORD's,' and will take the name Israel.

Ok so it's write ON the hand now, what does it become in later versions?

Amplified Bible: and another will write [even brand or tattoo] upon his hand

Hmm, getting so being a christian, it's your duty to get a tattoo on your hand that you are the lords, and with it you can buy and sell! wOot! lol... oh man....

There is more preperation in the NIV for this stuff:

KJV Gal 6:17 I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus
NIV 17Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

YEA!!! I HAVE A MARK ON MY BODY SO CAUSE ME NO TROUBLE AND LET ME BUY AND SELL!!!! That's what the NIV is getting people ready for.

NIV 12 How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

Lucifer, Satan, removed his name from the NIV and replaced it with what Jesus calls himself in Revelation 22:16. It's sick really.

The early NIV versions had this, until it was pointed out and screamed about. 1980-2001 versions don't put "morning star" there, and they said "we made a mistake and we're so sorry" about the issue. But guess what, get a version from 2001 till now and "morning star" is back in action in Isaiah 14:12. No excuse for a mistake or not knowing now. Now you MUST realize that you're putting Jesus in place of lucifer.

it's sick really.

if I give you a soda, and the cup is 95% coca cola, but 5% poison, would you still drink it? why not? it's 95% ok!!!! the NIV has a dab of poison in it, and should be used as toilet paper. There are some version that are much much worse, but how much poison do you want to drink? I vote for none and thus use a KJV.

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I think that about covers it! :wink

There are the more technical side of things as well:
1 The wrong kind of translation - dynamic equivalence (translating the thoughts not the words)
2 The wrong text - not the TR.
3 The wrong translators - at least the people who did the KJV were all renowned experts in thier language, and there was a whole heap of them. - Most KJV have a basic run down of the people invovled and their technical qualifications were amazing!

But you really don't need to consider that when you see what they changed and left out. :puzzled: :eek :loco

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I am an evangelists wife and have always used the KJV without question. I recently started a bible study in which the Scripture is from the NIV. What are a few of the problems in particular with this version?

How long do you have?

I'm not a KJVO and I even agree that the NIV is one awful translation. and I think most of the major ones have been dealt with.
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No problems at all - if you are trying to memorize verses such as Acts 8:37; 1 John 5:7; Matthew 17:21; 23:14; Mark 9:44, 46; among other verses.

No problems at all - if you don't think Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11 are supposed to be in the Bible...

No problems at all - if God did not inspire literal words, but rather gave us just thoughts and concepts...

Who was that rascal that killed Goliath? See 2 Samuel 22:19 in the NIV.

Just WHO is the morning star in the NIV? See Isaiah 14:12.

A little bit of friendly sarcasm.

Here is an article that might answer some questions (though this is a general look at modern versions, it does list some passages and problems in the NIV): Bible Versions: Does It Matter?

I don't follow the 2 Samuel 22:19 thing... could you please clarify?
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Sorry about that - I didn't look it up in my earlier post, so did not realize I had mistyped it.

2 Samuel 21:19 And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite, slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

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Sorry about that - I didn't look it up in my earlier post, so did not realize I had mistyped it.

2 Samuel 21:19 And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite, slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

No problem... I loved your sarcasim anyway. haha.
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FYI................if you find a copy of the KJV 1611, that does not have any reference notes or research materials added to it....you will also notice that it is NOT copyrighted. Years ago, publishers and even our government took the stand that God's writings stood on His merit and did not need ours. Therefore, there was never a copyright applied. Only when research notes or other preface comments are included will you legally copyright; but even still it is accepted that the copyright is for the additions and notes and not the actual text.

This however, does not hold true for other versions as it is mutually accepted that they are the writings of man. Yes, I am a KJV 1611, and always will be...........I remember when our son, who pastor's an IFB Church in New Mexico was a young preacher still going to Bible College, he worked one summer for a ministry out of Denver, traveling around the country setting up and preaching inner city vacation bible schools; at one of the "host" churches, the pastor sat our son and the other young preacher (go two by two) down and proceeded to tell them why you could not rely on the KJV 1611 completely. Then he asked our son, if he had any questions or comments; politely but firmly both young men told the pastor what the bible's position was on heresy, and that they thought that they needed to go on down the road to the next church. And God has honored the ministries of these two young preachers for their faithfulness.

gatorpreacher :amen::amen: :amen:

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