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Biblical Tongues...


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Tongues, in the Bible, are actual languages, which were a sign, to unbelieving Jews.

#1. The tongues of Pentacost, were actual, existing, foreign human languages, which the apostles spoke, through the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost. In other words, they did not have to go through the process of learning a foreign language. Acts 2:5-11

#2. The apostle Peter stated that the later tongues at Caeserea, were the same as the tongues at Pentacost. Foreign human languages Acts 11:15, 10:44-46

#3. The same vocabulary is used for the tongues of Acts and 1 Corinthians 12-14.

#4 The Bible never redefines or clarifies any distinction between Pentecost and later tongues.

#5. 1 Corinthians 14:21 quotes Isaiah 28:11-12, which also refers to the human languages of invading armies.

#6. "Ecstatic utterances"(known as the "heavenly prayer language") would not have been a sign to unbeleivers(1 Corinthians 14:22) because the pagan Corinthians already practiced this.

#7. Jesus warned against vain repetitions. Matthew 6:7

#8. The word "tongues" is almost always used in the plural, indicating multiple languages. 1 Corinthians 12:10 mentions kinds or families of languages. Acts 2:6 refers to specific dialects. Ecstatic jibberish cannot be divided into separate languages.

9. Ecstatic utterances is a pagan practice, even today.

10. The verse Pentecostals like to use to support their "heavenly prayer language" is actually a rebuke against the misuse of tongues without an interpreter. 1 Corinthians 14:2, 1 Corinthians 14:9,28.

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1Cr 14:2 For he that speaketh in an [unknown] tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth [him]; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

1Cr 14:4 He that speaketh in an [unknown] tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.

This gift was established so that people with different languages could understand what was being taught.

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What is crazy, is those Pentecostals say unless you speak in tongues, your not saved.

This morning coming home from church I heard a Pentecostal preacher make that statement on the radio.

It's sad that so many are blind and in dead religion.

2Ti 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
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That is the amazing part - even if you wanted to take tongues, you couldn't make it universal amongst the believers for so many of the churches and people mentioned have no tongues associated with them.

The Philippian Jailor, the Ethiopain Eunuch, for instances.

Neither of them mention tongues, but both are confirmed as being saved.

So it can not be a sign of salvation even if you were to accept it as relevant for today, which I most certainly do not!

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when i was going through south dakota. i wanted to see what the churches were doing in pine ridge indian reserve.
i kept hearing stories from the people themselves of humans with hooves at night walking down the street and other stories that unnerved me.
i was invited by a church to go down and i went as an investigator. what proceeded to happen was....i was brought to the front and in front of the people the preacher(female)muttered in so-called tongues and began in earnest to cast religious spirits out of me. of course i have no idea what their talking about. but it gets worse. then someone comes behind me and places their hand on my back, on a specific place. the pastor puts her fingers on my forehead and pushes, meanwhile calling out in the name of the lord to release me from religious spirits. because of the hand on my back and the pressure on my forehead i was rocked back on my heels and pushed down. Of course the people thought i had been hit by an unseen force. what a scam and a sham. i got off the floor and went to my seat and knelt and prayed for those people. it unfortunate that so-called christians would misrepresent the scriptures in a way to a people who embrace shaministic values. Thankyou for your article but the people that need to hear it are in rural communities that are under attack by neo-evangelicals who are swayed easily by so-called demonstrations of miracles and power.

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when i was going through south dakota. i wanted to see what the churches were doing in pine ridge indian reserve.
i kept hearing stories from the people themselves of humans with hooves at night walking down the street and other stories that unnerved me.
i was invited by a church to go down and i went as an investigator. what proceeded to happen was....i was brought to the front and in front of the people the preacher(female)muttered in so-called tongues and began in earnest to cast religious spirits out of me. of course i have no idea what their talking about. but it gets worse. then someone comes behind me and places their hand on my back, on a specific place. the pastor puts her fingers on my forehead and pushes, meanwhile calling out in the name of the lord to release me from religious spirits. because of the hand on my back and the pressure on my forehead i was rocked back on my heels and pushed down. Of course the people thought i had been hit by an unseen force. what a scam and a sham. i got off the floor and went to my seat and knelt and prayed for those people. it unfortunate that so-called christians would misrepresent the scriptures in a way to a people who embrace shaministic values. Thankyou for your article but the people that need to hear it are in rural communities that are under attack by neo-evangelicals who are swayed easily by so-called demonstrations of miracles and power.

Im afraid I wouldnt have been as wise as you were,if it were me I might have done something I would have regreted,if some guy made me fall.You did a very mature thing by praying for them,mabey God let you go through that horrible experiance because he knew you would react in the right way and I believe your prayers will help some of those folk.
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This is a topic I haven't thought on in quite a while. I am in full agreement with you all, but there have been some verses that have troubled me in the past and perhaps some of you better educated can enlighten. Consider:

Mark 16:15-18
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

There are some NIV'ers who trash the KJV with the exception of its inclusion of Mark 16:9-20. Funny how that works.

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