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Biden pardon marijuana users…


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So has he set that in motion or are you just thinking he's heading that direction (FWIW, IMO unless it's weed coming across the border, it's none of the fed's business...don't get me wrong, I hate it for several reasons, but each state needs to deal with what happens in the state without big brother looking over the shoulder and forcing things [which isn't working anyway]).

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1 hour ago, HappyChristian said:

Pardoning EVERYBODY? Bahahahaha! Somebody's trying to 1. Play God, and, 2. Get the druggies out to vote for him. yuck!

Mr. Biden is one warped, twisted, and totally lost individual. I pray for his salvation, but for the end of his administration to come quickly.

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Nobody goes to jail for smoking weed. Maybe a night in the tank is they were DUI. They go to the big house if they are a major dealer but mostly if part of their probation was to stay off the weed. So essentially, they go back to jail.

So all Biden is doing is pardoning felons who broke their probation by smoking weed.

Edited by SureWord
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On 12/22/2023 at 7:40 PM, BrotherTony said:

Mr. Biden is one warped, twisted, and totally lost individual. I pray for his salvation, but for the end of his administration to come quickly.

Yeah, what a goober!  But on the marijuana issue, I look at the simple facts: grow a plant in your back yard, roll it up and then smoke it = go to jail!  Has the government lost their ever-loving mind??!!  Talk about control issues.  Tobacco is a plant.  It doesn't get you stoned so let's not make that illegal, just tax it to death.  Alcohol gets you drunk (high, buzzed) but that isn't illegal, just taxed.  Where does the government get its standards for making something illegal or not?  Not everybody that gets drunk, drives.  Not everybody that gets stoned drives.  Not all drunks beat their wives and kids.  Does any person stoned on weed want to beat anybody?  Alcohol magnifies your personality, weed mellows more than anything else.  Oh but you say it is a "gateway drug" to the harder stuff.  No more than alcohol is a "gateway" to weed in search of the better buzz.  In fact, check the stats, children that have grown up in a home where at least one parent drank are more likely to try weed than not.  Now that stat is from 11th grade social problems taught by Mr. Jones to me in 1986.  I was puzzled by it at the time, but that is what the book said.  Today it makes more sense to me.  I have personally known more lives ruined by alcohol than weed.  In fact, I know of only one person I can say their life was ruined by weed but only because of the health issues it caused after decades of use.  

I was reared in church, 3 times a week since birth.  I went to a Christian school.  From the time I was 14 to 24, I was in a rebellious stage.  I have been the drunk.  I have been the stoner.  I loved going to rock concerts, bars, biker parties and bonfires.  Anywhere I could go to get drunk or stoned was fine by me.  I stayed away from church.  If I ever find myself in a dark alley, I would rather run into someone stoned on weed than a drunk.  I found out back then that I hated being around drunks.  

Does this mean I want weed legalized? No!  But if a person getting high deserves jail, the drunk deserves it two-fold.  If we are not going to lock up the drunks for getting drunk, we should not be locking up stoners.  If the person on probation has to stay off weed, he should have to stay off alcohol also.  I hate to say it, I agree with Biden on this issue.

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.  I believe that verse would also apply to being stoned.


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On 1/11/2024 at 1:22 AM, robmac68 said:

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.  I believe that verse would also apply to being stoned.

I agree with much of what you are saying but you know as well as anyone that you can have one beer and not be drunk. You take one toke from a doob (especially with today's strains) and you will be stoned! People do not always drink alcohol to get drunk but everyone who smokes dope does so in order to get stoned! Eph 5:18 therefore cannot be applied to smoking dope IMO.

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7 hours ago, R Sauter said:

I agree with much of what you are saying but you know as well as anyone that you can have one beer and not be drunk. You take one toke from a doob (especially with today's strains) and you will be stoned! People do not always drink alcohol to get drunk but everyone who smokes dope does so in order to get stoned! Eph 5:18 therefore cannot be applied to smoking dope IMO.

Not everyone who uses weed does so to get stoned. I have to disagree with you on that assertion. I have a sister who uses it for relief from the symptoms of MS. My late sister and late father used it for relief during their battles with cancer. But, I have a brother in the entertainment industry that partakes for the very reason you suggested. To make a blanket statement as you did is haphazard, my friend, and something I didn't expect from you.

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3 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Not everyone who uses weed does so to get stoned. I have to disagree with you on that assertion. I have a sister who uses it for relief from the symptoms of MS. My late sister and late father used it for relief during their battles with cancer. But, I have a brother in the entertainment industry that partakes for the very reason you suggested. To make a blanket statement as you did is haphazard, my friend, and something I didn't expect from you.

Now we are talking legitimate medical purposes and I am all for that. I was speaking strictly of recreational use. If I tried to cover every nuance of what I was trying to say, the post would be several pages of constant rambling! The very same thing could be applied to the use of narcotic drugs for pain relief or whatever. Then again, using these drugs will make you "high" and you shouldn't drive or use heavy machinery (as the warning labels state) while using them. I remember having kidney stones and going to the emergency room to get some pain relief. They shot me up with some fairly potent drugs which brought immediate relief but I was seeing "pretty colors" and I believe Elvis came around to pay me a visit and I was hearing some really cool "Hendrix guitar riffs" in my head for the next few hours!🤣 Luckily, my daughter was there with me to drive me home!😎

My comments were in context with social drinking and "smoking." If you are passing around a "Doob" with your buddies, you are doing so in order to get "baked!" If you stop off to have some "Suds with your Buds," you likely will not get yourself drunk if you stick to just one - unless it is one of those Aussie beers or craft brews with unusually high alcohol content!

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