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The Weight of Sins

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My understanding of sins that they are all sins. There is no big sin or small sins. But humans want to compare sins as if they are all different sizes?




  1. [23] Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.
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Romans Chapter One.

Would you say molesting a child or murder is a "big sin" as compared to stealing a pencil or cussing after you drop that wrench under the car engine?

Some sins are bigger than others especially when a nation celebrates that sin for a whole month. 

I know preachers like to say there's no difference so they can try to show moral people how they need to be saved also but it's ridiculous to think some sins are not bigger i.e. more destructive than others. 

Some sins will get a nation "delivered up" by God.


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18 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

My understanding of sins that they are all sins. There is no big sin or small sins. But humans want to compare sins as if they are all different sizes?




  1. [23] Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

I read a pastor's opinion on sins having families with some sins higher than others. Sounded odd until I read the whole thing. Example: You can be a liar without being an adulterer, but you cannot be an adulterer without being a liar, therefore adultery is a chief sin, because other sins always follow with it. All sin can be forgiven, but some sins are more damaging and depraved than others. 

Jude 23   And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

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7 hours ago, Joe Chandler said:

I read a pastor's opinion on sins having families with some sins higher than others. Sounded odd until I read the whole thing. Example: You can be a liar without being an adulterer, but you cannot be an adulterer without being a liar, therefore adultery is a chief sin, because other sins always follow with it. All sin can be forgiven, but some sins are more damaging and depraved than others. 

Jude 23   And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

Thank you for replying, but when a person is talking about salvation, all sins are forgiven. I thought it meant the criminal or noncriminal. In our eyes, the noncriminal should be first the criminal second. But for the Lord, we're all equally sinners. He looks not at our sins, but our natural sins, which we carry from Adam. Pretty much, anyone who repents and believes can go to heaven. This is not a license to sin, but it's kinda like the topic, the weight of sins. How we look at them and measure them.  I do understand that not all sins we do here are equal. I'll like to hear more.

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This is what I am trying to figure out. Does the New Testament talk about small, medium, and large sins? Not regarding salvation. Like in a person that punched, stabbed, or shot someone. Punch small sin, stabbed medium sin, shot large sin. Taking the Lord Super not saved, sin. Taking the Lord super, saved and no repentance for sins committed. Are all sins measure differently?

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

This is what I am trying to figure out. Does the New Testament talk about small, medium, and large sins? Not regarding salvation. Like in a person that punched, stabbed, or shot someone. Punch small sin, stabbed medium sin, shot large sin. Taking the Lord Super not saved, sin. Taking the Lord super, saved and no repentance for sins committed. Are all sins measure differently?

Apparently the Lord believes sins have different levels, even for Christians. For the record the Bible names some sins as abominations. Some, such as the woman lying and hiding the spies in Jericho was actually rewarded with her and her family being saved from destruction. She showed a willingness to become a part of Israel, just as an unsaved person today would show proof of their willingness to be saved and becoming a Christ follower. 

Now, concerning the Lord's Supper, the Bible says each person is to examine themselves, not for others to do the examining. Of course, there are exceptions to this, ie, church discipline. The person or persons under such would be prohibited from partaking.

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9 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

This is what I am trying to figure out. Does the New Testament talk about small, medium, and large sins? Not regarding salvation. Like in a person that punched, stabbed, or shot someone. Punch small sin, stabbed medium sin, shot large sin. Taking the Lord Super not saved, sin. Taking the Lord super, saved and no repentance for sins committed. Are all sins measure differently?

There is actually only one unpardonable sin: and that is rejecting Christ (the Bible calls it blaspheming the Holy Ghost...one blasphemes Him when one completely rejects Christ).

Here's a suggestion for a study on things, TGL. Find all the abominations listed in the Old Testament, and then find where in the New Testament we are taught to avoid them. You might be surprised how many things there are...if it's an abomination in the Old, it is still so in the New even if it's not called that...because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

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1 hour ago, heartstrings said:

If you look at some of the punishments God prescribed for various sins, in the OT, I would conclude that the ones to be punished by "stoning" etc. would be the "bigger" sins. But as far as being worthy of ultimate death and separation from God, all sins would qualify.

Today, I think that most Christians measures sins. Like I took a screwdriver without paying, small sin. I took a cordless drill without paying, this is a bigger sin, that type of mentality. Some measure loosing their salvation on the size of the sin, which is also incorrect.

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

Today, I think that most Christians measures sins. Like I took a screwdriver without paying, small sin. I took a cordless drill without paying, this is a bigger sin, that type of mentality. Some measure loosing their salvation on the size of the sin, which is also incorrect.

If one is saved, they can't lose their salvation. They will still sin, but their salvation is secure. 

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I agree totally with Happy Christian. Sins that are an abomination are ones that God is more against (and I think judges more swiftly and greater judgement for), AND all the sins that the OT taught were abominations are still such in God's sight. Some of those sins are all types of sexual sins (other than adultery and fornication - they are not called abomination as sodomy, bestiality, prostitution, offering profane/unholy sacrifices to God, any kind of involvement in the occult (see Deuteronomy 18:9-12), wearing clothes pertaining to the opposite gender, etc.; though the Bible is very clear against spiritual adultery), idolatry, kidnapping.

One clarification I will make though is: eating unclean food is referred to as an abomination - but not to God. (It is part of the ceremonial law that would be done away in Christ.) It was abominable to the Israelites. (Look up all the times the word "abomination" is used and see the difference, including in the chapters dealing with clean and unclean foods.)

The Bible teaches that cities (and I would say, individuals) which rejected the Lord Jesus Christ would bear greater judgement (Matthew 11:20-24). Those who sin against more light will have greater punishment. Those who were preeminent in the betrayal and trial of Christ, like Judas (Matthew 26:24) and Pilate, will have greater punishment. Those who lead children astray (Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:42) - especially believing children will have greater judgement. In Revelation 18:4, this judgement is also pronounced on the endtimes religious system.

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