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Blaming the government for everything…


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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

I’m not trying to be rude, but I remember people telling others, if you don’t like living here, then go back to your country. We do have to depend on our government for normality and a better way of living. Don’t you agree on this?

We have to depend on GOD and ourselves for a better way of living. Government is near the bottom of the list when it comes to whom I would trust. I pray for our government, and I follow the laws that we have as long as they don't conflict with the Bible. Outside of this, NO, I don't agree. And to be honest, as far as those coming in, legally or illegally, if they don't like what they've found, they need to go back where they came from. There's nothing wrong with those of us who have been born here to feel that way. Does it mean we don't care, or we don't share the gospel with these people...NO! It just means that there is a limit to our benevolence.

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22 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

We have to depend on GOD and ourselves for a better way of living. Government is near the bottom of the list when it comes to whom I would trust. I pray for our government, and I follow the laws that we have as long as they don't conflict with the Bible. Outside of this, NO, I don't agree. And to be honest, as far as those coming in, legally or illegally, if they don't like what they've found, they need to go back where they came from. There's nothing wrong with those of us who have been born here to feel that way. Does it mean we don't care, or we don't share the gospel with these people...NO! It just means that there is a limit to our benevolence.

You did not trust Trump either then, Many do say things according to who is in the office. But if was not for our government. America could  have been a communist country. Can you agree at least on this.

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7 minutes ago, E Morales said:

You did not trust Trump either then, Many do say things according to who is in the office. But if was not for our government. America could  have been a communist country. Can you agree at least on this.

The only thing I could really agree upon is that the FOUNDING FATHERS at the inception of our country, who later became the governing members, started a Constitutional Republic. WE are the goverrnment. So, my trust is in God, not in any of us...period. 

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9 hours ago, E Morales said:

You did not trust Trump either then, Many do say things according to who is in the office. But if was not for our government. America could  have been a communist country. Can you agree at least on this.

No. This should read: "If it were not for the protections written into our Constitution by our founders, America could have been..." anything. But in that time, it would have been a monarchy, and likely still would. "Our government" has always been something knowledgeable people are leery of. 

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

Not a problem, friend.

Our duties as American citizens is to vote and put in office, and the best to our abilities the person man or woman no others, in the office. Now we have faith base issues, that not all American citizens approve of, this is the biggest problem morality and a normal way of life of living here. The biggest problem here in America in my opinion is not racism, but the life of the LGBTQ movement taking over important areas of our government. America is blind to this movement which lead to slowly immorality, and the backbone of the Christian family life, that God created for man and woman to live. Our children are turning gays right in front of our eyes, and they are trying to say to us that the love of God is for all to love each other, no matter your sexual .preference. This is coming out of the mouth and lifestyle of Christian youth, the future. This is why One of reason Christians are going to be hated here on earth, because we don’t support this lifestyle, and the best way to take care of this is getting rid of you and me.

Edited by E Morales
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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

Our duties as American citizens is to vote and put in office, and the best to our abilities the person man or woman no others, in the office. Now we have faith base issues, that not all American citizens approve of, this is the biggest problem morality and a normal way of life of living here. The biggest problem here in America in my opinion is not racism, but the life of the LGBTQ movement taking over important areas of our government. America is blind to this movement which lead to slowly immorality, and the backbone of the Christian family life, that God created for man and woman to live. Our children are turning gays right in front of our eyes, and they are trying to say to us that the love of God is for all to love each other, no matter your sexual .preference. This is coming out of the mouth and lifestyle of Christian youth, the future. This is why One of reason Christians are going to be hated here on earth, because we don’t support this lifestyle, and the best way to take care of this is getting rid of you and me.

Yes we do vote our people into office...we have the privilege and responsibility of electing our representatives. Yet, nearly 100% of the time we come to realize that these people, though they may start out as wanting to represent us, usually end up representing their own self-interests.

You state that the LGBTQ is our our biggest issue right now...I don't believe this to be the case. You state that "our children are turning gay right in front of our eyes." I believe there are SOME that are doing this, but I also believe that this is incorrect. Immorality has ALWAYS existed in this country. Sexual immorality is nothing new....Solomon stated there is nothing new under the sun, and this is DEFINITELY the case. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? The wild sexual appetites were present there. Yes, they are millitant, and I believe that they could possibly even be as militant as they were in those two cities...ready to attack angels for sexual gratification if it were possible.  Yes, the LGBTQ segment of our society would like to do away with Christianity so they could live out their jadad sexual desires, but God says that Christians (the church) won't be defeated.  

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In 1958 political theorist and former FBI employee, Cleon Skousen, published a book entitled The Naked Communist. In it he cited 45 Communist Goals for America that were eventually entered into the Congressional record on January 10, 1963. This list of goals is attached.

Tell me they do not, in large part, reflect the direction in which the Democrat party is taking America.

I do not trust either party, but especially not the Democrats.

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.”

 John Adams


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