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Blaming the government for everything…


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20 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

I don't believe this at all. I don't think most Americans would vote for a transgender to be POTUS at this point. Maybe 10 to 15 years down the road...

Another GREAT read is Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell. A true history lesson written by an African American.

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2 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

So, glad I waited to wade into this post. Also read American History in Black and White by David Barton. The truth about the very real racist actions of the democratic party is spelled out very well.

Yes.  The party of slavery and the KKK. 

7 minutes ago, Napsterdad said:

Another GREAT read is Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell. A true history lesson written by an African American.

Yes, anything by Sowell is great!

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1 hour ago, Razor said:

The GOP is considered racist because Nixon's Southern Policy turned the GOP into a racist party. Read your modern history.

 I'm a white man and member of the GOP and I'm not racist. The democratic party loves to bury true history in favor of lies, they are the party of racism. Even your leader is a racist... LINK.

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1 hour ago, Razor said:

The GOP is considered racist because Nixon's Southern Policy turned the GOP into a racist party. Read your modern history.

More lies from the reprobate revisionists Bill. Nixon's southern strategy had zero to do with racial discrimination or its encouragement. Remember, cracking down on crime is not racist unless you are a criminal. This is the way of the wicked to falsely accuse their opponents of exactly what they are doing. To falsely label their opponents with what they themselves truly are. 

The reprobate deflections about racism



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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

So this is why Biden wants  to put a black supreme female Judge.
The New Democrats vision 

Do You Even Lift Joe Biden GIF by Obama

Exactly! The true racist and misogynist portrays everything by race and gender instead of merit. And they do it in the wide open to cause more division. You see a nation united against reprobate tyranny is unbeatable. Anything sinking in yet?

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14 hours ago, E Morales said:

So this is why Biden wants  to put a black supreme female Judge.
The New Democrats vision 

Do You Even Lift Joe Biden GIF by Obama

They're not trying to do it to help anything...just to promote their radical agenda. I hope you're not as gullible as to believe Biden is doing anything for the benefit of the American people, because he's not. And, the Democrats are the most anti-American party outside of the Communist party that I've ever known.

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13 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

 I'm a white man and member of the GOP and I'm not racist. The democratic party loves to bury true history in favor of lies, they are the party of racism. Even your leader is a racist... LINK.

Not all Republican supporters are racist. I never said that. But Nixon's Southern Policy followed a racist policy and many racists bought into it in their rejection of the civil rights act of1964. Johnson was only partially right when he said after the passage of the civil rights act, "We have lost the South for a generation." Actually the South was lost for several generations. Actually many Republicans voted for the civil rights act. They current GOP legislators would never vote for such a bill now. 


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2 hours ago, Razor said:

Not all Republican supporters are racist. I never said that. But Nixon's Southern Policy followed a racist policy and many racists bought into it in their rejection of the civil rights act of1964. Johnson was only partially right when he said after the passage of the civil rights act, "We have lost the South for a generation." Actually the South was lost for several generations. Actually many Republicans voted for the civil rights act. They current GOP legislators would never vote for such a bill now. 


Just a suggestion, stop looking around and start "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." You'll see things in a whole brand-new light.

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On 2/12/2022 at 11:00 AM, 1Timothy115 said:

Just a suggestion, stop looking around and start "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." You'll see things in a whole brand-new light.

I did say thanks to God first, then our governments. Why do people want to come here, America, They are not looking for Christianity. 

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13 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I did say thanks to God first, then our governments. Why do people want to come here, America, They are not looking for Christianity. 

Most don't come here for Christianity, nor freedom of worship! If ALL of them instead of some of them would come here legally instead of sneaking across our borders, then most would find people more accepting of them. We have no real reason to trust our govenrments, especially the Democratic administrations, because they like to help these people perpetrate crimes by allowing the initial crime of their being here illegally.

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14 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Most don't come here for Christianity, nor freedom of worship! If ALL of them instead of some of them would come here legally instead of sneaking across our borders, then most would find people more accepting of them. We have no real reason to trust our govenrments, especially the Democratic administrations, because they like to help these people perpetrate crimes by allowing the initial crime of their being here illegally.

I’m not trying to be rude, but I remember people telling others, if you don’t like living here, then go back to your country. We do have to depend on our government for normality and a better way of living. Don’t you agree on this?

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