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"REPLENISH" the earth.....


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On 1/16/2024 at 12:26 AM, Landmarkheritage said:

Forgive my ignorance, but where did Cain get his wife?

What Jerry said is the answer. It really is that simple. When you tell folks that you believe the Bible account of creation, that is one of the questions you might need to defend against. Do you believe the Genesis account to be true?

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On 1/17/2024 at 12:10 PM, Joe Chandler said:

What Jerry said is the answer. It really is that simple. When you tell folks that you believe the Bible account of creation, that is one of the questions you might need to defend against. Do you believe the Genesis account to be true?

I do indeed believe the Genesis account to be correct, literal and infallible.

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On 1/16/2024 at 8:19 PM, Jerry said:

Adam and Eve were the first humans created. All other people descended from them - therefore Cain married one of his sisters.

And Seth married a sister, cousin, or niece. ☹️

Edited by heartstrings
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On 8/14/2023 at 6:18 PM, Muckah said:

You guys believe the entire universe was created in 6 literal 24-hour days?  Do you also believe Noah put Dino on the Ark?

I was reading over this thread and came across this older post.  Why is it so hard to believe that God put Dino on the ark?  I think all the drawings of the occurrence is confusing people.  Does God say in His Word that He put full grown animals on the ark?  Why not have them all puppies and kittens and joeys etc.?  If they were adult lions and tigers, did God close their mouths like in the lions den?  If they were little babies and just off the bottle, they would be quite tame.  If all the animals were just off the bottle, they wouldn't eat as much food in 40 days which would make it easier to stock the food pantry.  And baby dinosaurs would not be a problem.   

I've heard issues on what would the meat eaters eat just of the ark?  There wouldn't be animals to hunt.  No, but I bet there were plenty of fish flopping around on dry land after the waters receded.  And probably small puddles that caught some fish that would be fairly easy to catch once all the "flopping" fish were eaten.  And then bigger puddles with fish would slowly dry up and so on and on.  I bet the fish would keep the meat eaters sustained while all the animals were multiplying.  

Or God, in His omnipotence, fed them and just didn't need to record it in His Word because we just need to take Him at His word.  When you worship an omnipotent God who can speak things in to existence, it is not difficult to believe His account of the flood.  

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Meat eaters? No one ate any flesh of animals until God allowed it after the flood. I'm sure mankind would have used up their store of food from the ark, then the trees, etc. that were then starting to grow again would have provided food too. The animals would have started reproducing again so there would be a source of meat shortly thereafter.

If you look at how God provided for His people when they were entering the promised land - ie. eating of their already provided resources for a couple of years, then eating off the land, I am sure the Lord could have done a similar thing right after the flood. He would have known exactly what was needed to take care of His people during that time. Also, of the clean animals, there were extras so they could offer sacrifices and have food to eat once they started reproducing.

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13 hours ago, Jerry said:

Meat eaters? No one ate any flesh of animals until God allowed it after the flood. 

This is your opinion, and I don't recall it being realistic. I do believe that it's feasible to believe that to some degree. But I also believe that man probably found a way to eat the flesh of any animal killed for food, etc. 

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Eating meat was not allowed by God before the flood, and the animals did not eat animals until after the flood.

God says:

Genesis 9:1-4

And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

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It still doesn't say that man didn't eat meat before the flood. This is an assumption on your part. There were many things that mankind wasn't supposed to do that they did anyhow before the flood. Sorry, but we're going to have to agree to disagree on this. 

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Posted (edited)
On 11/30/2021 at 5:28 PM, BrotherTony said:

 replenish the earth,

"replenish'.....This word  simply means to restore a stock or supply to a former level or condition.

An example would be to go to the Gas Station, because your gas gauge says your tank needs to be replenished.

So, if this (Genesis) english bible  word is used to describe the "species", then this means that the species pre-existed.. It was already there.

The verse does not speak about it needing to be "created".. It says it needs to be Replenished...or "filled back up".

Now, its easy to get into a raging debate about this based on "the K greek says" or "a better translation says"... but, that is for the carnal people who need to fight about it, to enjoy their so called "christian forum membership".

Im not that one.



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3 hours ago, Behold said:

"replenish'.....This word  simply means to restore a stock or supply to a former level or condition.

An example would be to go to the Gas Station, because your gas gauge says your tank needs to be replenished.

So, if this (Genesis) english bible  word is used to describe the "species", then this means that the species pre-existed.. It was already there.

The verse does not speak about it needing to be "created".. It says it needs to be Replenished...or "filled back up".

Now, its easy to get into a raging debate about this based on "the K greek says" or "a better translation says"... but, that is for the carnal people who need to fight about it, to enjoy their so called "christian forum membership".

Im not that one.



Nah. The CURRENT meaning is to restock. The original meaning - in old english, as was used for the KJB - is simply "to fill." Not refill nor restock nor fill back up. Plainly and simply, no species existed until God created them as recorded in Gen. 1.  Saying otherwise says that death occurred before sin. And that did not happen...the Bible is clear that death came through Adam. Not before.

No raging debate here. Just simply knowledge of vocabulary and the fact that words change meaning over time. 

Just so you understand, this is a discussion board. Refrain from addressing folks as carnal...in order to enjoy so-called "christian forum membership." 

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10 minutes ago, HappyChristian said:

Nah. The CURRENT meaning is to restock. The original meaning - in old english, as was used for the KJB - is simply "to fill." Not refill nor restock nor fill back up. Plainly and simply, no species existed until God created them as recorded in Gen. 1.  Saying otherwise says that death occurred before sin. And that did not happen...the Bible is clear that death came through Adam. Not before.

That is correct. the English language is constantly changing. Back in 1611 the word "Replenish" meant "to fill", and today in 2024 it means to restock. 

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A good source that is 200 years closer (to the meaning words had when translated in the KJB) in definition than any modern or politically correct dictionary - Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines the word as:

REPLEN'ISH, verb transitive [Latin re and plenus, full.]

1. To fill; to stock with numbers or abundance. The magazines are replenished with corn. The springs are replenished with water.

Multiply and replenish the earth. Genesis 1:28.

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