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Biden Plans to Send Low Level Health Officials to People's Doors to Push Vaccinations


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Why is our president pushing so hard for the citizenry of the United States to back his wishes to have everybody "vaccinated" with this Government Goo? He should know that there will be some who are going to resist this STRONG ARM tactic!

 A news story from Fox News....


Edited by BrotherTony
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(hindsight's twenty-twenty?) >

It was devastating to families,  horrendous injustice,  when low level health officials visited homes for the last 75 years give or take ....  they came and said basically "we are here to help ",   "we had a report",   "we are here to keep people safe",  and so on.   And almost always they destroy the home, the family  , the adults, the children especially,  all in the name of 'government'.

But it was never men the government sent to destroy families .  It was always good looking, pretty,  innocent looking young women**,  some at least (being 'new' in the system) with no clue to what evil power they were serving/obeying.  And every year the government clamored for,  and got,  more and more and more money - one of the largest budgets in the government.    And every year,  they are more and more deceptive and evil and wrong doing.

It was the residents who were hogtied ,  saddled with high legal fees, even if they had done nothing wrong - often it was just a vengeance, a vendetta, a false report (instigated by lawyers),  that took years to correct, if then.

**and the workers kept getting bonuses of thousands of dollars per crime they committed, signed and approved for each one by the President of the USA.   In any given year,  they were driving the next years vehicles personally,  expensive , too expensive on a "low level" gov job they had.  The bonus were like under the table,  kept hush hush,  although published.  And could be tens of thousands of dollars in one year alone.   And never any admission of guilt when they were proven wrong, in and out of court. Just more money, for them and their higher-up workers of darkness.


Edited by jeff_student_of_Jesus
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3 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Why is our president pushing so hard for the citizenry of the United States to back his wishes to have everybody "vaccinated" with this Government Goo? He should know that there will be some who are going to resist this STRONG ARM tactic!

 A news story from Fox News....


I know. Something else nefarious is going on. Soon they will want all pets and cattle vaccinated.

My first guess is they are heavily invested in the companies pushing these vaccines and it's all just about money. My second guess is it's about the federal government centralizing their power even more through medical tyranny. Maybe, they fear this virus maybe something more like another type of HIV which will manifest itself so down the road. Some, think it's all about the "Great Reset" and it has to do with sterilizing a large portion of the population.

I'm just wondering when Fauci will pay for this crime against humanity. Obama actually banned "gain of function" research yet Fauci wrote off on it and moved it to China. 

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10 minutes ago, SureWord said:

I know. Something else nefarious is going on. Soon they will want all pets and cattle vaccinated.

My first guess is they are heavily invested in the companies pushing these vaccines and it's all just about money. My second guess is it's about the federal government centralizing their power even more through medical tyranny. Maybe, they fear this virus maybe something more like another type of HIV which will manifest itself so down the road. Some, think it's all about the "Great Reset" and it has to do with sterilizing a large portion of the population.

I'm just wondering when Fauci will pay for this crime against humanity. Obama actually banned "gain of function" research yet Fauci wrote off on it and moved it to China. 

I've been told that the "jab" affects reproduction predominantly in the males. It can cause sterility in females as well, but to a lesser degree. I, too, believe it's about the great reset. When people like Fauci, Gates and Zuckerberg allegedly hold patents on the "virus," it gets to be where I don't want to even follow ANY government guidelines for this type of thing. When they're willing to violate the laws of this country by going door to door to try and further terrorize the public into taking the "jab" it's too much! I'm not for revolt, but, I can tell you I wouldn't be surprised if it happens. People are sick and tired of being lied to. Others are terrorized enough to follow everything the government tells them to do. They best not even come here. We're looking for a big doberman to scare the snot out of them if they show up! ?  As far a Fauci facing any charges, I sincerely doubt it will ever happen. I mean look at all of the proof against HRC, Slick Willie and Obama. Nothing is being done about them...don't look for anything to happen with Fauci...he's a fish of lesser degree in the swamp.

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I sincerely hope all the refuse to be vaccinated do not contact COVID themselves and end up seriously ill or dead. I also hope they will not end up carrying the guilt of causing a family member, friend or others to experience illness or death from COVID.

Edited by Bouncing Bill
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1 hour ago, Bouncing Bill said:

I sincerely hope all the refuse to be vaccinated do not contact COVID themselves and end up seriously ill or dead. I also hope they will not end up carrying the guilt of causing a family member, friend or others to experience illness or death from COVID.

This thread is NOT about whether to get the vaccine or not, but it's about the government control on the vaccine. Also I will not apologize for not trusting the government and trusting Science instead. Please stop turning every thread into the vaccine. The purpose of this thread is the door to door of the  government's efforts. This type of decision should be discussed between myself and my doctor, not Joe Biden's minions.

I have absolutely no problem at all with you or anyone getting the vaccine. I guess I just would like for you to treat me with the same attitude.

I do thank you for your concern. I do not believe anyone that does not get the vaccine wishes ill on anyone whether they refuse or take the vaccine. 

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Has anyone had one of these government officials show up at their door yer? We had someone come to our door, and we thought it might be one of these kooks, but it ended up being a JW. We didn't answer as we were in the back yard. We only saw them when they were walking into the neighbors yard from ours to "pay them a visit!" ? 

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