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The Four Stage Return of Christ.

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The Four Stage Return of Christ.

Basic Revelation Outline

Chronology of Revelation is progressive and accumulative in nature, interjected at times with explanatory passages. (Notice the phrases are always “hereafter”, “after this” and “then” not “another view of this event is”. Also notice sections of explanation pause the chronology “What meanith” or “come and see” etc. Rearranging of the Book is often done to get man’s theology to fit but God’s order is correct.)

Chapters:1-4 For His Body 5-7 For His House 8-14 For His Nation 15-22 For His Kingdom

Chapters 1-4 For His Body (Rapture of the Church, 7 Candlesticks) Time: Now till the Rapture

  1. Chapter 1: Return of Christ for the church.(1 Thessalonians 4:16-19)

  2. Chapters 1-2: Judgment of the churches. (2 Corinthians 5:10, 20)

  3. Chapter 4: Rapture of the church to Heaven by the Spirit. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-7)

Guided by the Angel from Christ who will explain to him the events that he sees (1:1) John is caught up in the Spirit on the LORD’S DAY with Christ and the seven churches (1:10-18, 1:20). After brief explanation letters to the churches of this present time and their judgment they are then taken by Christ by the Spirit to Heaven through Heaven’s door (4:1-2) into God’s throne room where we see the elders of the Church worshiping God and casting their crowns before Him (4:11). Notice they already have their rewards (4:4). From this room the church will see what happens “hereafter” they and the Spirit of Christ (HG in us) are removed from the earth.

Chapters 5-7 For His House (Cleansing the Temple, 7 Seals) Time: Rapture til Midweek

  1. Chapter 5: Christ is found worthy to open the book and start Daniel’s 70th week (D.9).

  2. Chapter 6: Christ opens six seals, which initiates the first half of Daniel’s 70th week,

  3. Chapter 7: Christ re-initiates events of Ezekiel and Matt 23-24 leading to desolation of Anti-Christ Israel, The great tribulation, and the birth of righteous Israel.

Christ, now reunited with his Spiritual body, now claims his role as Head of Israel (5:5-6) in order to restart Daniel’s 7th Week and to reclaim his earthly throne (The ark of the convent), as shown in the visions of Ezekiel. This throne will be transported to Israel’s desolate house (the Temple in Israel), upon which the Ani-Christ will attempt to claim by placing his image upon it (2 Thess 2:4, Ezekiel 8). This Act cause God's glory to appear upon the throne, who then directs seven angels judge the wicked and seal the righteous in the temple and in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 8). This event will anger the Anti-Christ who will then retaliate by initiating war against the saints who flee Jerusalem and enter the wilderness (Matthew 24:15-22). The anti-Christ will then initiate the “Great tribulation purge” by slaughtering any non-sealed but repentant people he can find and will reclaim the city (Psalm 79:1-4) but not the temple or the inner court which will be divinely protected so that he two prophets God chooses can witness in the inner court before the temple doors to the world (Revelation 11).

Chapters 8-14 For His Nation (Saving Sealed Israel, 7 Trumpets) Time: Last half of the week

    1. Chapter 8-9: Christ opens 7th seal initiating Prayer of Slaughtered Saints from 6:10-11, 7:13-15 and Psalm 79. and Six angels sound the coming Judgment of God.

    2. Chapter 10: John is shown the Seven Thunders that will come just after the seventh angel sounds but before the vial judgments. They will reveal God's eternal plans.

    3. Chapter 11: Two temple prophets described. Called away just before 7th angel sounds.

    4. Chapter 12: New's Israel's Spiritual struggle with The Devil is shown.

    5. Chapter 13: The earth's Struggle with the Beast and False Prophet is shown.

    6. Chapter 14: Christ gathers Israel to Mt. ZION and gathers the World to be judged.

Chapters 15-22 For His Kingdom (Judging the World, 7 Vials) Time: Last day of the week

    1. Chapter 15: The Vials of wrath shown going out of the Heavenly temple.

    2. Chapter 16: The Vials are poured out upon the earth. Great Babylon Judged.

    3. Chapter 17: Great Babylon described as a Whore. The Whore and Beast explained.

    4. Chapter 18: Great Babylon destroyed for killing the saint of God.

    5. Chapter 19: Marriage supper of the Lamb and supper of The Great God.

    6. Chapter 20: Thousand year reign and the final Judgment explained.

    7. Chapter 21: New heavens and earth, New Jerusalem, God reunited with man.


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On 9/8/2020 at 3:21 AM, John Young said:

and to reclaim his earthly throne (The ark of the convent), as shown in the visions of Ezekiel. This throne will be transported to Israel’s desolate house (the Temple in Israel), upon which the Ani-Christ will attempt to claim by placing his image upon it (2 Thess 2:4, Ezekiel 8). This Act cause God's glory to appear upon the throne, who then directs seven angels judge the wicked and seal the righteous in the temple and in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 8). This event will anger the Anti-Christ who will then retaliate by initiating war against the saints who flee Jerusalem and enter the wilderness (Matthew 24:15-22). The anti-Christ will then initiate the “Great tribulation purge” by slaughtering any non-sealed but repentant people he can find and will reclaim the city (Psalm 79:1-4) but not the temple or the inner court which will be divinely protected so that he two prophets God chooses can witness in the inner court before the temple doors to the world (Revelation 11).

I appreciate the study and agree with most of it. The only thought that I have is that I do not see that the Temple in the tribulation period is the temple that we see as written in the book of Ezekiel. And, I understand your reference to Psalm 79:1-4 as many Jews will loose their lives at the Tribulation Temple. But, I see that Psalm 79:1-4 is a main reference to the destruction of Solomon's temple by Nebuchadnezzar. 

It has been my understanding the temple is Revelation 11 is a temple built by the Jews during, or just before, the 7-Year Tribulation and that the Temple in Ezekiel 40-48 is the Millennial Temple.

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21 minutes ago, Alan said:

I appreciate the study and agree with most of it. The only thought that I have is that I do not see that the Temple in the tribulation period is the temple that we see as written in the book of Ezekiel. And, I understand your reference to Psalm 79:1-4 as many Jews will loose their lives at the Tribulation Temple. But, I see that Psalm 79:1-4 is a main reference to the destruction of Solomon's temple by Nebuchadnezzar. 

It has been my understanding the temple is Revelation 11 is a temple built by the Jews during, or just before, the 7-Year Tribulation and that the Temple in Ezekiel 40-48 is the Millennial Temple.

I think a lot of the discrepancy has to do with duel fulfillment of Prophesy and delayed fulfillment. Much of what Ezekiel sees in the first part of the book was a "vision of God" where he saw the events happening to the temple of his time but because of some reform that occurred, the final judgement that would have been brought on by the abomination of desolation in Ezekiel 9 was delayed till the 70th week as we see, in the vision of God, in Ezekiel 9 the abomination of desolation is occurring but in Daniel and Matthew 24:15 we see it has been delayed until mid 70th week. I believe vision that originally was going to happen then, if they did not repent, was delayed. God could have used Nebuchadnezzar to fulfill the events of Revelation but instead held off.

Such delay isn't uncommon such as the desire to bring Israel in to the promised land but it being delayed 40 years because of unbelief. As well as the present delay of prophecy due to the church commission and current unbelief of Israel. 

That is why I believe the Abomination of Desolation that could have triggered Revelation in Ezekiel's day is on indefinite delay until after the rapture.

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  The rapture cannot be called a return of Jesus. At that time, He won't come down to us; He will callus to Him.

   Nor did He return in 70 AD, as preterists say.

  He has come once when He was positively identified. When He came, pre-carnate, such as when He appeared to Joshua before Jericho as Captain of the Lord's army, He did not identify Himself as the Son of God.

   As for the rapture, I believe it'll occur shortly after the antichrist comes to power. He will have a ready explanation as to why millions of people vanished, that the world will buy. Also, there'll be little opposition to the mark of the beast. The great trib will begin immediately after the beast commits the "abomination of desolation", & it will be ended after about 3 years, & Jesus will return immediately after that.

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2 hours ago, robycop3 said:

The rapture cannot be called a return of Jesus.

It is not a return to the earth but it is a return for his church "in the air". It is His Spirit that lifts us to the air and Christ has gone from heaven to the air in order to initiate the reunion and meet us there. 

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

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On 9/20/2019 at 4:38 AM, John Young said:

Basic Revelation Outline:
The Four Returns of Christ.
1-4 For His Body (Rapture of the Church, 7 Candlesticks)
5-7 For His House (Cleansing the Temple, 7 Seals)
8-14 For His Nation (Saving Sealed Israel, 7 Trumpets)
15-22 For His Kingdom (Judging The World, 7 Vials)

Chronology of Revelation is progressive and accumulative in nature.

Fascinating outline although I'm not convinced the seven churches are seven "historical" churches. John was already "in the Spirit on the Lord's day" (Rev. 1:10) when he wrote to those churches and "the Lord's day" is not Sunday or the Sabbath it's "the day of the Lord". I believe those are "churches" during the Great Tribulation (Rev. 2:22) and would explain the "hour of temptation" that would try the whole earth (Rev. 3:10). These churches would not be part of the body of Christ (Acts 7:38).

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2 hours ago, SureWord said:

I'm not convinced the seven churches are seven "historical" churches. John was already "in the Spirit on the Lord's day" (Rev. 1:10) when he wrote to those churches

They are historical because he is writing the book to them after he had the vision and he was directed to give each a whole copy of the vision. Revelation 1:1-9 is the introduction to John's testimony of the vision. Just as John is real, so to are the churches to whom he was writing. The rest of us are simply invited to read, hear and keep the testimony. While they are the first recipients the rest of us are called upon to apply the revelation to our day and keep it for the next. Though its fulfilment is future, it had a present application for them then and for each of us who were to come after ("for the time is at [our] hand").

3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. 4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia:

I John, who also am your brother, and companion
[present tense, they and he are physically, historically and literally present.] in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was [past tense] in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10 I was [past tense] in the Spirit on the Lord’s day,

Edited by John Young
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On 10/24/2020 at 10:39 PM, John Young said:

They are historical because he is writing the book to them after he had the vision and he was directed to give each a whole copy of the vision. Revelation 1:1-9 is the introduction to John's testimony of the vision. Just as John is real, so to are the churches to whom he was writing. The rest of us are simply invited to read, hear and keep the testimony. While they are the first recipients the rest of us are called upon to apply the revelation to our day and keep it for the next. Though its fulfilment is future, it had a present application for them then and for each of us who were to come after ("for the time is at [our] hand").

3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. 4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia:

I John, who also am your brother, and companion
[present tense, they and he are physically, historically and literally present.] in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was [past tense] in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10 I was [past tense] in the Spirit on the Lord’s day,

First off, I know John was a real person but there are doctrinal issues if you apply some of his words to believers in this age just like with the gospels. For example, nobody in the body of Christ will have their names blotted out of the book of life if they fail to overcome (Rev 3:5). We've overcame because Christ overcame. His letters to the seven churches are rife with Tribulational references. Even his opening in Rev. 1:7.

Secondly, yes John was a "companion in tribulation" on the Isle of Patmos because he received his revelation at this time and suffered along with them as they suffered 2,000 years into the future. He was "in the Spirit on the Lord's day" when the Revelation, including those words to the seven churches, were given to him.

David prophesied "my God, my God why has though forsaken me"  in the place of Christ 1,000 years before Christ was crucified. We now know it ultimately applied to Christ but at the time it could have applied to David himself. Just as the promise of Elijah could have been fulfilled in John the Baptist as our Lord attests to but will be fulfilled in Elijah. Scripture has dual applications.

The O.T. is jammed packed with verses that were speaking to a person, group of people, event, etc at that time but ultimately applied to a future person, people, event, etc. Many passages have dual fulfillments. One historically and one prophetically. As well as a devotional application. Why should we expect any different in the N.T. Just a clear reading of the four Gospels will reveal this. Paul's epistles are such also. Written to churches during his day but also to us 2,000 years later. Paul clearly was telling Christians in his day that the Rapture was near. Was he lying? No. Peter quotes a Second Coming passage to the Jews on Pentecost? Was he lying? No. Dual application.

The "seven churches" are also such. They could be to seven historical churches, and they can be preached on to local churches for spiritual and devotional applications but ultimately they are doctrinally aimed at churches during the Tribulation. Again, I'm not speaking of churches within the body of Christ.

"Out of Egypt have I called my son". Dual application there. Israel and Jesus Christ.

Finally, again we suffer along with the saints who've already run the race (Heb. 12) and Paul was with the Corinthians "in spirit" (I Cor. 5:3) so John could be with those people in spirit to still suffer along with them.


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So tonight during my bible reading I read Mark 13 and this further illuminates upon what I'm saying about the seven churches of Asia.

In Mark 13 after the apostles ask our Lord concerning the destruction of the temple, when it would occur and any sign concerning it, Jesus addressed the apostles like they themselves would be experiencing the events prior to his second advent (vs 10,14) but we know, short of them returning with Moses and Elijah, they would not be part of the Great Tribulation (though, it's possible they could have been if it occured in their day- vss 32-37). Our Lord also mentions that that generation would not pass until these things were fulfilled (vs 30) but they have been gone for nearly 2,000 years. Therefore the Lord was ultimately addressing a future group of people at that time. I believe this same principle applies to the seven churches of Revelation. That, along with doctrinal issues chiefly concerning soteriology during this Church Age, is the reason those "churches" being addressed must be churches (the elect of Mark 13:20-22) during the Great Tribulation. It possibly could have been fulfilled in those seven "historical" churches but never was just as Elijah could have been fulfilled in John the Baptist. The man of sin, the son of perdition, has been held back since those days.

I'd say right now we are entering the "morning" of the long night that our Lord mentions in Mark 13:35.

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On 9/20/2019 at 1:38 AM, John Young said:

Basic Revelation Outline:
The Four Returns of Christ.
1-4 For His Body (Rapture of the Church, 7 Candlesticks)
5-7 For His House (Cleansing the Temple, 7 Seals)
8-14 For His Nation (Saving Sealed Israel, 7 Trumpets)
15-22 For His Kingdom (Judging The World, 7 Vials)

Chronology of Revelation is progressive and accumulative in nature.

See only one for his second coming event itself!

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The Four Stage return of Christ - A Basic Revelation Outline, Part - 2 (See Part 1 and Book outline here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6s_Q...)

The Return for His house the Temple. And the restarting of Israelite prophesy.

Chapters 5-7 The Return for His House (Cleansing the Temple, 7 Seals) Time: Rapture til Midweek Chapter 5: Christ is found worthy to open the book and start Daniel’s 70th week (D.9). Chapter 6: Christ opens six seals, which initiates the first half of Daniel’s 70th week. Chapter 7: Christ re-initiates events of Ezekiel and Matt 23-24 leading to desolation of Anti-Christ Israel, The great tribulation, and the birth of righteous Israel.

     Christ, reunited with his Spiritual body, now claims his role as Head of Israel (5:5-6) and in order to restart Daniel’s 7th Week (Dan 9:24) as a judgment upon Israel (1 Peter 4:17, 1 Cor 11:31, Matt 23:29-39, Heb 10:5-10, Psalm 40:4-10, Acts 7:34-60) which had been indefinably delayed until the gospel was preached (Luke 16:16, Rom 11:11,25, Acts1:6-8, Matthew 24:14, Dan 12:8-13, Rev 10:1,5-7, Rom 8:21-23). The scroll is the delayed prophesy and seals are things needed to be put in place to initiate his coming judgment and to reclaim his earthly throne (The ark ), as shown in the visions of Ezekiel 7-11.

     This throne will be transported to Israel’s desolate house (the Temple in Israel), in which the Ani-Christ will attempt to claim by placing his image in it (2 Thess 2:1-12, Ez 8:1-4) midweek. This act cause God's glory to appear upon the throne, who then directs seven angels judge the wicked and seal the righteous in the temple and in Jerusalem (Ez 8:17-18, Ez 9). This event will anger the Anti-Christ who will then retaliate by initiating war against the saints who flee Jerusalem and enter the wilderness (Matthew 24:15-22, Rev 12:14). The anti-Christ will then initiate the “Great tribulation purge” by slaughtering any non-sealed but repentant people he can find and will reclaim the city (Psalm 79, Reva 6:9-11, 7:9-12) but not the temple or the inner court which will be divinely protected so that he two prophets God chooses can witness in the inner court before the temple doors to the world (Revelation 11:2-3, Zech 4:14, 9:8).

Of note is the contrast of Christ in Revelation 1 and in Revelation 5:
1. midst of the seven candlesticks vs in the midst of the throne, four beasts, and elders 2. like unto the Son of man vs a Lamb as it had been slain (Heb 9:26), Lion of Judah, Root of David 3. had in his right hand seven stars vs seven horns and seven eyes/ Spirits of God (Zech 3:8, 4:10) 4. have the keys of hell and of death vs prevailed to open book, and to loose the seven seals

Summery Notes: Scroll represents the prophetic events promised to Israel that have been sealed until the Great Commission is completed (Dan 12:9). Christ being the initiator and author of all prophetic events has chosen to stop and seal up Israeli (and by default the word's) end time events so that in the church age only our commission is known (Acts 1:6-8). Breaking the seals causes forces to go forth and initiate the events leading up to the abomination of desolation which will cause Israel and the world to be judged.

Seals: Horses: (1) War, (2) Famine, (3) Pestilence, (4) Death. (5) Prayer of Slaughtered saints, (6) earth quaking and heaven revealed and the abomination in the temple destroyed, (7) Silence in heaven for half an hour then incense representing prayer of the Saints is offered, just before trumpets sound.

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The Four Stage return of Christ - A Basic Revelation Outline, Part – 3

The return for Righteous Israel, Led by the two witnesses and 144,000 sealed and elect saints of God.

-Chapters 8-14 The return For His Nation (Saving Sealed Israel, 7 Trumpets) Time: Last half of the week

Chapter 8-9: Christ opens 7th seal initiating Prayer of Slaughtered Saints from 6:10-11, 7:13-15 and Psalm 79. and Six angels sound the coming Judgment of God.
Chapter 10: John is shown the Seven Thunders that will come just after the seventh angel sounds but before the vial judgments. They will reveal God's eternal plans.
Chapter 11: Two temple prophets described. Called away just before 7th angel sounds.
Chapter 12: New's Israel's Spiritual struggle with The Devil is shown.
Chapter 13: The earth's Struggle with the Beast and False Prophet is shown.
Chapter 14: Christ gathers Israel to Mt. ZION and gathers the World to be judged.

After the 144,000 flee Jerusalem and are safely out of anti-Christ/devil's reach (Rev 12:6,17) and with the two witnesses defending and proclaiming at the Jerusalem temple (Rev 11:2-3) they turn their focus on the world's remaining believers and attempts to slaughter them all in a world wide Great Tribulation Purge (Rev 6:11, 7:9-14, 13:5-8). Their arrival and prayers in heaven causes Christ to open the Seventh seal which initiates the 7 trumpets which sound the coming of Christ to earth to rescue Israel and judge Babylon for the slaughter. They are meant as clear and visible warnings for all to repent. (Rev 9:20-21)

During this end times slaughter the vail between heaven and earth is removed and can be seen by earth (Rev 6:12-17, Mat24:27). Heavenly destruction and signs are shown by the trumpets but the anti-Christ/ false Prophet manipulates many to follow them instead of repenting, by deceiving them in seeing heaven as the enemy of man and the signs as their own (Rev 13:5-7). This continues for 42 months/1260 days until the 7th trumpet sounds and Christ physically steps foot on Mt. of Olives (Zech 14:1-11, Acts 1:6-12) and Gathers his elect 144,000 to Mt. Zion from the wilderness (Rev 14:1, Mat 24:30-31).

In his arrival and just after the angels gather New Israel, he sends forth one last call to surviving nations to repent before reaping and poring out the vials of judgments on Babylon (Rev 14:6-12, Joel 2:30-32).

Trumpets: 1st: Hail and fire mingled with blood falls on earth, 2nd: As it were a great mountain burning with fire falls on earth, 3rd: A great star from heaven (wormwood) falls on earth, 4th: Third part of the sun, moon stars are smitten, and an angel giving warning of three more woes to come, 5th: A star falls from heaven (opening the pit releasing locust and the angel leader Abaddon to torment men for 5 months), 6th: Releases 4 angels from Euphrates which initiates an army of 200k horsemen (Joel 2:1-11) prepared to kill men (starting a year, day and hour before the last trumpet), 7th: the mystery of God as he declared to the prophets, is finished. And announces the arrival of Israel's Christ on earth.

Notes: The timeline for the end time is given by the following verses:

Church age: Now till the rapture. Rev 1:10, 4:1-2, Acts 1:6-8 (and possibly Ten days tribulation just before the rapture as referenced in Rev 2:10)

Tribulation (seals broken): Rapture till the desolation, 1290 days. Dan 8:13-14;12:11

Great tribulation: 35/45 days of intense killing after desolation and cleansing of the temple. Dan 12:12

Trumpets of Wrath: Desolation till Christ return 1260 days. Rev 11:1-3

Vial Judgments: When Christ returns, One day and an hour. Rev 18:8;10,17,19

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