End Times/Bible Prophecy
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347 topics in this forum
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- In the last nearly 7 months, there have been 2, major attacks, against the "jew", but we will call it Israel. OCT 7 was the first, and this is well documented, and now, a few days ago, you have Iran (Islam) attacking Israel in the middle of the night, as the devil loves the darkness....... Many many Ballistic , Cruise Missiles, and at least 200 Attack Drones were sent in by Islam (Iran) to try to kill Jewish citizens. Here are some photos, of a few of the Ballistic Missiles and a video. I wanted you to see the size of just ONE of the Ballistic Missiles so that you can get a real sense of just how much damage and death Islam was trying to again, inflict o…
Last reply by Danielle, -
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Independent Baptist film, two hours. https://archive.org/details/newifb-documentaries-and-movies/'The+god+of+the+New+World+Order'+Full+Movie.mp4
Last reply by BrotherTony, -
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- 68 replies
In the Bible the first climate change was the flood and the Lord said, he will not do this again, but later mentions that the world will be judged by ? is Climate change true, and where does it apply to us in, the last days. Can man do anything to prevent the climate, and any changes. Is it too late to do anything. Finally should Christian care, and pray about this. I never heard a preacher say we need to pray regarding our climate.
Last reply by BrotherTony, -
- 49 replies
Why there is confusion on “End Times” among Baptist. By John Young, 9-23-2023 The “End Times” is of great interest, yet there is confusion and hindrances which keeps even the most experienced bible believer from properly understanding the subject. Below I show generally and simply 10 hindrances I see. If you can think of more feel free to comment them below. Over time we will expound on each in more detail to show why we believe each is a hindrance to understanding the truth. 1. Bible Theology: Of the three main theologies (Covenant, Dispensational, Stewardship), Covenant and Dispensational wrongly lump all bible covenants into one. The only main difference i…
Last reply by Kienyui, -
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- 44 replies
I’ll break the ice here today. I imagine some or all of you here are watching the news, the news about what’s going on in Israel. There are some that support Israel, in politics, and in the religious faith. Those that are in the religious faith of Christianity that don’t support Israel our lost. They are still the chosen people from God, and we have been bless for what they have shared with us. I’m not saying that they are all saved, but that they are still the chosen one. ?
Last reply by Napsterdad, -
- 35 replies
When was the last time you heard or preached on a place called Hell? This is not common, for many are afraid to or just don't believe in it. Rev. 20:10. “The Devil That Deceived Them Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire And Brimstone, Where The Beast And The False Prophet Are, And Shall Be Tormented Day And Night For Ever And Ever.” Matt. 25:41. “Then Shall He Say Also Unto Them On The Left Hand, Depart From Me, Ye Cursed, Into Everlasting Fire, Prepared For The Devil And His Angels.”
Last reply by BrotherTony, -
- 33 replies
Basic Revelation Outline: The Four Returns of Christ. 1-4 For His Body (Rapture of the Church, 7 Candlesticks) 5-7 For His House (Cleansing the Temple, 7 Seals) 8-14 For His Nation (Saving Sealed Israel, 7 Trumpets) 15-22 For His Kingdom (Judging The World, 7 Vials) Chronology of Revelation is progressive and accumulative in nature.
Last reply by John Young, -
- 8 replies
Note: In surveys such as this, all Baptists are placed in the "Protestant" category. Large Number of Pastors Don't Believe in the Rapture End-time theology is wavering in the Christian church and a large number of Protestant pastors believe there is no rapture. Whether pre-tribulation or post rapture, a new study by LifeWay research reveals that pinning down details of the apocalypse among a group of pastors is hard to do. Although the Scriptures make it clear that Jesus is coming back, researchers found varying views on three aspects of end-time theology: the rapture, the Antichrist and the millennial kingdom. Out of the 1,000 senior Prot…
Last reply by Thinking, -
- 1 follower
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Did You Know?... 666 is Spoiler the day after Ezekiel 8:1. (your welcome🙂)
Last reply by SureWord, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Behold, -
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“Israel’s 144,000. Signed, Sealed, Delivered and Restored.” Signed: “But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judæa flee to the mountains:” ~ Mark 13:14 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with yo…
Last reply by John Young, -
[Note: “Israel Gives Birth to Christ in Revelation 12” ~ John Young] “The Nation of Israel as Represented In Revelation 12” By Maurice Young, February 7, 2007 The identity of the “women” in Revelation 12 is of importance to the serious students of the scriptures as it is the object of Satan’s attack and God’s protection. As usual, the correct interpretation of the passage and its context will lead to a correct conclusion. Therefore, the scriptures are the final source of authority as to the identity of the woman in Revelation 12. From Revelation 6:1 to Revelation 18:24 the context is the time of “Jacob’s Trouble”, or the 7-year Tribulation Period. The “ti…
Last reply by SureWord, -
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- 38 replies
Rapture Timing – Simplified. By Brother John Young 2-16-2024 While there are many nuanced and complicated terminologies and reasonings for when the rapture will occur, most all consistent positions are divided into two types before (pre) or after (post) the tribulation (or no rapture at all) as described in the Book of Revelation. The primary factor that determines which position one takes is determined by what is believed about Israel and the Church. If they believe Israel and the Church are based on separate covenants, then when they read the Revelation, they must put the rapture BEFORE the tribulation. If they believe the Church takes over, or is part of, Israel…
Last reply by John Young, -
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What is the progressive order of Christ's Revelation to Mankind on Earth? In this post we show six progressions as presented in the Book of Revelation. The Progressive Revelation of Christ. (according to the Book of Revelation) Admonishing the Churches: To preach the Gospel of Christ until the “here after”. (Chapters 1-5) Breaking the Seals: To prepare the world for the Revelation of Christ. (Chapters 5-7) Calling the Trumpets: To announce the Coming of Christ. (Chapters 8-11) Declaring the Thunders: To reveal God’s divine plan for Christ’s rule on Earth. (Chapter 10) Executing the Vials: To pour out judgment upon those who reject …
Last reply by SureWord, -
- 3 replies
“‘This Generation’ is Spiritual” By John Young “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” ~ Matthew 24:34 Many end times theologies use “this generation” in Matthew 24:34 as a physical generation because it works better that way with their end times theology. They present it as either the physical generation alive when Jesus preached these words or as a future physical generation that will live when the events would start to occur some time in the unknown future. Those who say the events were on those of the past are called Preterist (who believe the events partially or fully finished around 70 A.D.). Those…
Last reply by Jerry, -
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- 69 replies
Daniel 11:39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. We are near the time of the end and what country is the strongest?
Last reply by Pastor Matt, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
End Times/Bible Prophecy 1. World wide Hunger increased 2022 2. Market Crashes 2022 3. New War will start 2022 4. New World Leader in Place 2022 5. Confusion all round the world 2022 6. Bit Coin falls, but survives 2022 7. China attacks Taiwan 2022 Hopefully these are wrong, thanks for coming by.
Last reply by BrotherTony, -
- 65 replies
This is my first time on here. I’m an Australian IB Pastor’s daughter. There’s smoke everywhere over here, just by the way. My friends house burnt down the other day. One of the churches that we have had an interface with have suddenly come out as Post-Trib. If anyone knows David Cloud, he was out here just recently and did a full series of meetings with them and then found out AFTERWARDS (from my pastor brother) that they’ve been “studying” the subject of prophecy all year, and hey presto! The church is in for the guillotein. I’ve got friends in that church, and now they’re telling me they’re post-trib. It’s a bit lonely here in Australia. Most of our churches are h…
Last reply by Jerry, -
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- 36 replies
Since they reject the just one, the son of God Jesus Christ, and that Jesus is Lord.
Last reply by Jerry, -
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This is good...
Last reply by SureWord, -
- 13 replies
I heard a preacher mention that a teaching of a 10 year tribulation period is making its rounds in KJV Baptist churches now. I just bought s book on the teaching to see how they came up with that one. I do know a few years back a teaching that carnal Christians were going to spend 1,000 years in the Lake of Fire to be purged of their carnality was also making its rounds in Baptist churches, including one I attended for a while, but that seems to have fizzled out The scariest trend is the antisemitism and Replacement Theology that is splitting some Baptist churches. Seems to be fueled by Steven Anderson but I'm not too familiar with all he teaches. Paul had some…
Last reply by BrotherTony, -
The number of a man 1 2 3 4 5
by Konstantin-
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- 74 replies
Apparently there are no people on this forum who can know how to count the number of a man !? Even people who have advanced degrees are unable to do this. Scripture says that this can only be done by a person who "hath vnderstanding" (Rev.13:18) (KJV1611). And this person is not me. In spite of this, any person who is able to see the prophetic meaning of the verses of Scripture can already know how "the number of the beast" (Rev.13:18), the number of that man of sin (2Thess.2:3) is calculated. The number 666 is the date. A person who "hath vnderstanding" (Rev.13:18) (KJV1611) has already counted not only the date of the event 666, but also the most important dat…
Last reply by Invicta, -
He who letteth 1 2 3
by Eric Stahl- 1 follower
- 33 replies
John 16:7-8 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. 8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of h…
Last reply by Invicta, -
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- 5 replies
Perhaps all the information that we all seek to have a perfect understanding of the end times is not available to us. John is told to seal up certain things and Daniel shut up the vision. Daniel is also astonished and says that none understood it. Revelation 10:4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. Daniel 8:26-27 And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days. 27 And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; aft…
Last reply by Dr. Robert S. Morley, -
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- 101 replies
How many prophecies are there concerning Gog and Magog? It is my understanding that Gog and Magog come against Israel twice: post trib and post mill. Today I read that some people believe there is a 3rd attempt (actually 1st in their minds) and it is pre trib. They believe this war will usher in the anti-Christ and tribulation period. Anyone else ever heard of this and know what Scriptures these ppl use to back this up?
Last reply by Dr. Robert S. Morley,