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A question about Calvin


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So as not to split the discussion in the other thread......

I have asked of many different people, in many different places, and read many books searching for a particular piece of information, yet without success.

I wonder if our new friend can supply the answer for me.

And let me assure that I am absolutely sincere in this request.

Do you have any information, preferably from the man himself about his salvation testimony?

I have studied many notable Christians of the past, and one thing I like to include in my notes is a salvation testimony.

I have never been able to find Calvin's salvation testimony.

If you could point me to a source that records it, I would be greatful.

And I am absolutely sincere in this request, with no attempt at entrapment.


Thank you.

Edited by DaveW
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Thank you, I will check it out.

You are genuinely the FIRST person who has ever pointed me to anything claiming to be a testimony, and I do not have his commentary on Psalms.

As to your agressive posturing on this, I will explain my reasons for you.

I have a series on the history of Christianity that I have done for adult Sunday School or wednesday nights every so often.

In it I discuss among other things, the personal testimonies of significant figures.

For some, that testimony is clear, gor others it is less so.

I draw that information from many sources, hopefully from their own writings, but sometimes from what other have written, and occasionally from songs they have written (John Newton for instance).

Whether I agree with their theological position or not, I like to be able to give what info I can about their salvation.

I found even with Luther that there is a reasonable case can be made for his salvation, in spite of him not coming very far out of the Catholic church. Not solid mind you, but reasonable.

To this point, I have told people that I simply do not have information about Calvin. That in itself presents negatively, but I have had no choice prior to this.

I will however check out your suggestion and include that information in the future.


Edited by DaveW
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4 minutes ago, DaveW said:

Thank you, I will check it out.

You are genuinely the FIRST person who has ever pointed me to anything claiming to be a testimony, and I do not have his commentary on Psalms.

As to your agressive posturing on this, I will explain my reasons for you.

I have a series on the history of Christianity that I have done for adult Sunday School or wednesday nights every so often.

In it I discuss among other things, the personal testimonies of significant figures.

For some, that testimony is clear, gor others it is less so.

I draw that information from many sources, hopefully from their own writings, but sometimes from what other have written, and occasionally from songs they have written (John Newton for instance).

Whether I agree with their theological position or not, I like to be able to give what info I can about their salvation.

I found even with Luther that there is a reasonable case can be made for his salvation, in spite of him not coming very far out of the Catholic church. Not solid mind you, but reasonable.

To this point, I have told people that I simply do not have information about Calvin. That in itself presents negatively, but I have had no choice prior to this.

I will however check out your suggestion and include that information in the future.


Luther came right out of the Catholic Church, he excommunicated the Pope.  You can't get much further than that.  OK he had many other problems, such as the Lord's Supper and Baptism, but dont we all fail in some points?

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2 minutes ago, Invicta said:

Luther came right out of the Catholic Church, he excommunicated the Pope.  You can't get much further than that.  OK he had many other problems, such as the Lord's Supper and Baptism, but dont we all fail in some points?

My point is that he retained much of popery in his new system and his salvation testimony is by no means clear, however a careful study of information from or about him indicates a likelihood that he was genuinely saved. Not a certainty by the way, but a likelihood.

D-28, I have downloaded Calvin's commentary on Psalms and read the preface, and you are right in some of your comments  (now deleted) - I do consider it to be weak - but at least I can now include it in my notes. Better than saying there is nothing out there.

If you come across something more complete or stronger in its statement I would appreciate if you would post it for me.

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1 hour ago, DaveW said:

So as not to split the discussion in the other thread......

I have asked of many different people, in many different places, and read many books searching for a particular piece of information, yet without success.

I wonder if our new friend can supply the answer for me.

And let me assure that I am absolutely sincere in this request.

Do you have any information, preferably from the man himself about his salvation testimony?

I have studied many notable Christians of the past, and one thing I like to include in my notes is a salvation testimony.

I have never been able to find Calvin's salvation testimony.

If you could point me to a source that records it, I would be greatful.

And I am absolutely sincere in this request, with no attempt at entrapment.


Thank you.

Dave, I've heard there is one but it's 50 volumes. Including footnotes and an appendix.

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13 minutes ago, Alimantado said:

Dave, I've heard there is one but it's 50 volumes. Including footnotes and an appendix.


I have his institutes......


(Where is the plain old laughing smiley?)

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On 05/04/2017 at 7:00 AM, D-28 Player said:



For the record, and from my memory because he has deleted first a portion that was basically accusatory and offensive, and then the entire post, I will try to add back the basic information that he posted. I apologise if there is inaccuracy, and I am genuinely trying to add back the information for the sake of context.

D-28 first accused me of being insincere in my question, but did in fact provide some information about where I would find that information.

He announced that I would most likely find it inadequate, and then proceeded to belittle my intent.

His last two paragraphs were basically borderline abusive, and I cannot remember the actual content, because... well I don't care much when people are rude about me.

He then obviously thought better of it and deleted those two paragraphs.

Sometime earlier today, he decided to delete the entire post - I suspect so that he could not be accused over his attitude posted in it.


I have added this in because the thread makes more sense with this information.

I am happy for ANYONE - including D-28 - to add back the information to the best of their recollection.

And please understand that of course my information is posted from my point of view, and ANYONE ELSE who posts back any information will likewise be biased.

If each person who posts does so in an attempt to be fair in their recollections, we may actually get an idea of the original post.


To remove information like D-28 has done is not helpful to later readings of the thread, and one must understand that the reasons for removing it are an attempt to re-write history and change the perception of the discussion.

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On 2017/4/5 at 7:36 AM, DaveW said:

My point is that he retained much of popery in his new system and his salvation testimony is by no means clear, however a careful study of information from or about him indicates a likelihood that he was genuinely saved. Not a certainty by the way, but a likelihood.

John Calvin was a Reformer who just reformed some, not all, of the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church. John Calvin was a heretic; Calvin's, 'Institutes of the Christian Religion,' is not worthy to be read nor studied. I have serious doubts of his salvation.

The TULIP doctrines that came forth from Calvin's Institutes is pure heresy. In my estimation, the TULIP beliefs are an affront to the heart of God an an embarrassment to the saints.


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"The reformers and their stepchildren" by Leonard Verduin is a must read for Baptists who wish to be informed concerning the savagery inflicted upon our forebears by the reformers.

The things we take for granted today (separation of church and state, a wholly regenerate membership, baptism for believers, and so on) are practices that cost the Baptists their lives - literally.

I would warmly recommend this book but, be warned, it will shock you to the core to see what was done by alleged Christians in the name of God.

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