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No Nicolaitans

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What wonderful memories NN, something to be treasured for life. Your father must have been all you said and more, since he fathered and guided a son that would think so much of him to honor him in the way that you did.

I am sorry I missed this post on Saturday, I try to read every post but somehow missed this one.

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My dad no longer remembers who I am.

This Thanksgiving, he didn't recognize my wife, our children, or me. To see this strong man, who had always put his family first...no longer know his family...is heart-breaking.

I wasn't sure how to handle it. I could tell that he was uncomfortable with "these strangers". He was very cordial, but there was no recollection. I wanted to hug him and tell him, "It's me...your son, Dan." He has pictures on the wall of us, but there's no recollection. On a piece of paper, he has all of our names written down with our relationship to him...as though he knew he was having trouble remembering, so he wanted to make a note to himself as to who we are, but he's gone past that now.

Please pray for my dad.

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On 27/11/2017 at 10:22 PM, No Nicolaitans said:

My dad no longer remembers who I am.

This Thanksgiving, he didn't recognize my wife, our children, or me. To see this strong man, who had always put his family first...no longer know his family...is heart-breaking.

I wasn't sure how to handle it. I could tell that he was uncomfortable with "these strangers". He was very cordial, but there was no recollection. I wanted to hug him and tell him, "It's me...your son, Dan." He has pictures on the wall of us, but there's no recollection. On a piece of paper, he has all of our names written down with our relationship to him...as though he knew he was having trouble remembering, so he wanted to make a note to himself as to who we are, but he's gone past that now.

Please pray for my dad.

Your dad is the same age as me. My memory is starting to go, when in a conversation I often can't think of the word I want to use.I recently couldn't think of evolution and had to say, the opposite of creation.  I really feel for you,  I prayed for your dad. 

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I'm about middle aged and I have memory problems too. This one time I took off my glasses and forgot where I put them in just a few seconds. I searched my entire house and couldn't find it. And do you know where it was? It was in my suit pocket all along after searching for almost an hour. Silly me!

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