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Why are Christians voting for Donald Trump?

John Young

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I understand somewhat why people are against Trump. If you read my first post you know I am against him too. But, in my estimation he is the only viable candidate that can win the presidency against Hillary.

And, the RNC is using corrupt rules, that Cruz is taking advantage of, to get a contested convention. And, yes, there are folks in Colorado who believe they were unfairly taken advantage of by the RNC and Cruz.



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20 minutes ago, Antonio said:

What's their beliefs anyway?

Oh that is the group John Calvin started. You know, the guy that taught all those poor souls that God is in complete and continuous control of everything including what you had for lunch. In addition, Calvin was the one that taught them to believe that God made you get saved against your will for some odd reason (maybe it was your minty breath) as opposed to what the Bible says which is that He knew you would get saved from the foundation of the world because He simply knows everything and knew you would believe.

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Both republican and democratic parties have many members with ties to secretive societies which do perform some very strange and evil occult rituals. The Bohmeian Grove is an example of one. Others are: the Bilderberg group, Skull and Bones, Freemasonry, and possibly the most demonic: the illuminati. 

Depending on whom you prefer for a candidate, one will attempt to smear the other side of the aisle (or even same party, but opponent to one's favorite candidate) by stating that the other candidate supposedly belongs to one or more of these groups.  I would contend that we would be shocked to know that many candidates (both republican and democratic) belong to at least one of these groups, and IF per chance they do not... they have a very high likelihood of being assassinated. 

There is no hope in mankind. My hope is in Jesus and in the blessed hope. Maranatha!

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Now that Cruz has dropped out of the race... what are the staunch Cruz supporters going to do? Sit the election out? Which is as good as giving a vote to Hillary (or Bernie).  The GOP hasn't yet named Trump the nominee. They now have a choice between 2 things... support the will of the people and select Trump as nominee, OR go against the will of the people and name someone like Kasich (or another GOP puppet) as nominee in direct conflict with the will of the voters. If they chose, the 2nd option... they will then cause many republicans to sit out the election which will hand over the presidency to a democrat. Who knows, maybe that's been the plan all along.

I trust fully in God and in God's will. He sets up kings/rulers and all those in authority, he knocks them down as well.  If I am still here (and if there is an election) come November, I plan on voting for whichever republican candidate they choose as nominee, because to not vote would be a vote for the democrats... something my conscience won't allow. I have always voted in the elections up until last time.... I sat it out because I refused to vote for a mormon cultist. So did MANY republicans (sit out last election). Look how that turned out. We ended up with something FAR WORSE... an islamic socialist bent on NWO agenda. Lesson learned. I won't sit out the next election (if I' still here and if there is an election), even if the GOP nominee isn't who I wanted. I think it's telling that Kasich is staying in the race, even though he doesn't have near enough delegates. Will the GOP try to shove him in as nominee? Who knows. And I despise Kasich.... he's ruined Ohio and will do worse for the nation. But I know this, I won't vote democratic, and I won't it the election out. Here's why... 

Here's will happen if republicans sit out the election:
2 clips here (below)
Obama admits the world banks are created to support the NWO
Next clip, Obama says "the end of the republic has never looked better"
he jokes it could be "the last" presidency

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The Lord is going to allow this nation the leader she deserves.  This nation doesn't want a genuine Christian president and it looks like she's not going to get one this time around.

Despite all the baloney coming from newsrooms across the nation, Trump is going to crush whomever the Democrat nominee is.  His vote total in Indiana last night equalled both of the Democrat Socialists.  All across America Democrats are switching parties to vote for Trump, 80,000 in Pennsylvania alone.  Christians can stay home and honor the Lord and Trump will still crush the commie Democrat come November with all those rock-n-roll christians voting for him,

Then we can support him when he honors God and pray for his salvation continually, and oppose him when he goes against the things of God. 

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5 hours ago, swathdiver said:

The Lord is going to allow this nation the leader she deserves.  This nation doesn't want a genuine Christian president and it looks like she's not going to get one this time around.

Despite all the baloney coming from newsrooms across the nation, Trump is going to crush whomever the Democrat nominee is.  His vote total in Indiana last night equalled both of the Democrat Socialists.  All across America Democrats are switching parties to vote for Trump, 80,000 in Pennsylvania alone.  Christians can stay home and honor the Lord and Trump will still crush the commie Democrat come November with all those rock-n-roll christians voting for him,

Then we can support him when he honors God and pray for his salvation continually, and oppose him when he goes against the things of God. 

Well put

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I'm still voting for Cruz. I don't care if folks think it's a wasted vote. It's mine, and that's where it's going to go. And it will NOT be my fault if Hillary gets elected. That was Trump's plan all along anyway, and folks fell for it.

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I do not think that Trump is such a diehard to those communists to subject himself and family to the wrath of the politics of personal destruction to help get someone else elected.  I believe that over time he's come to realize that America has been headed down the wrong path and honestly wants to do what he thinks is right for the benefit of the majority of the people, not the elitists that he's grown sick of.  I also believe that he's ripe for the Gospel if anyone can get it to him.

From 2000-2008 the Democrats suffered from BDS.  Then they suffered from PDS from 2008-2010 and now already they are exhibiting signs of TDS and the other two never completely go away but their symptoms increase whenever President Bush, Governor Palin or Donald Trump make headlines.  :rolleyes:

As for me and my house, we'll never again vote for a heathen and sin against God's Word.  We will however, support our leaders when they honor God and oppose them when they sin against God.

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