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LGBT "We are like animals"


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I find it rather amusingly confusing that the LGTB community would appeal and find their allies in the “naturalness” of homosexual behavior found among animals (1,500 species on their list) to justify their lifestyles, yet hate it with disgust to be compared with them. Doing so destroys their whole argument. I don’t get it. Granting that there are homosexual animals the way we have it in humans, but since when did this animal behavior became the standard if not a pattern of human morality? Why ally yourself with animal behavior, degrading yourself by appealing to their level of sub-human? All animals are naturally incestuous creatures, given this LGTB line of thinking, it may well be (God forbid), that soon incest practice will find its natural justification. From where? Animals of course. This is human depravity.

To our LGTB friends, what you heard hurts, but Manny Pacquiao’s comment must make you think in the other direction. You are a human created in the image of God. Created for his purpose and for his glory. Your standard of behavior must come from Him who made you, not from observations you find in the creatures He made.

All of us are humans. But apart from God we can and do act like an animal many times over. We are humans, sinful ones just like the rest, including homosexuals. But a human being worth saving. That is why Christ came and died. That’s what his shed blood is for. For us to be forgiven, cleansed and restored toward our true humanity as defined by God. I Cor. 6:9-11

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26 minutes ago, Invicta said:

I find it rather amusingly confusing that the LGTB community would appeal and find their allies in the “naturalness” of homosexual behavior found among animals (1,500 species on their list) to justify their lifestyles, yet hate it with disgust to be compared with them. Doing so destroys their whole argument. I don’t get it. Granting that there are homosexual animals the way we have it in humans, but since when did this animal behavior became the standard if not a pattern of human morality? Why ally yourself with animal behavior, degrading yourself by appealing to their level of sub-human? All animals are naturally incestuous creatures, given this LGTB line of thinking, it may well be (God forbid), that soon incest practice will find its natural justification. From where? Animals of course. This is human depravity.

To our LGTB friends, what you heard hurts, but Manny Pacquiao’s comment must make you think in the other direction. You are a human created in the image of God. Created for his purpose and for his glory. Your standard of behavior must come from Him who made you, not from observations you find in the creatures He made.

All of us are humans. But apart from God we can and do act like an animal many times over. We are humans, sinful ones just like the rest, including homosexuals. But a human being worth saving. That is why Christ came and died. That’s what his shed blood is for. For us to be forgiven, cleansed and restored toward our true humanity as defined by God. I Cor. 6:9-11

The link won't open for me Invicta,

This is astonishing to me because the us army actually did compile comparative studies on animal sexual behavior back in the Clinton administration when don't ask, don't tell was being considered and came to the exact OPPOSITE conclusion.

No true homosexual tendencies were found among any common animal (mammal) species. Instances of sniffing or mounting were rarely if ever carried through to completion and the few instances compiled were obvious mistaken identity cases on the parts of the offending animals whether sniffing, licking or mounting and many instances resulted in fierce fights ending in serious injury or death.

I am curious what research they gathered and can you post a the link again perhaps another way or tell me where to find it?

There is a reason why God calls it UNNATURAL affection. It don't occur in nature anywhere.

Edited by wretched
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Romans 1:24-27
24 "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet"

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Their arguments to try and make their ungodly lives appear normal and acceptable always fall apart under scrutiny.

When it comes right down to it, with their arguments virtually always based upon some aspect of evolutionary theory, taken to their logical conclusions, their own theories speak for their demise.

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5 hours ago, beameup said:

I'm in the Philippines, an 85% Catholic country. Generally, the Catholic Church looks-the-other-way on such matters. Manny is a born-again christian, so speaks his mind.

The Filipino Catholics I know either support homosexual "rights" or they don't care either way about it.

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The LGBT "community's" idea of homosexual behavior among animals is a serious misunderstanding of dynamics in the animal kingdom-God did not create ANY homosexual animals. 

Rather, what they take for homosexual behavior is in reality more often than not, aggressive dominance behavior, Alpha males and female setting their place in the herd, or reinforcing that authority. On rare occasions in some animals it is also designed to bring peace among the group, like the bonobo apes. However, this is not some exclusive homosexual behavior, not a sexual orientation. Rather, it is designed to set the rule as to who gets to breed first when the time comes.

The closest we can see a comparison in humanity is perhaps in prison rape-most of the same-sex action that takes place in prison is not for pure pleasure or preference, but a violent means of assuming the Alpha position among the inmates. The shot-caller keeps his position by assuming the dominant position.

Raising goats as I do, I see this taking place among my bucks often, and even among the does. Even seen my female dog mount my alpha male dog like their roles were reversed, I assume setting a boundary during non-breeding season. My rabbits are different-there, the alpha buck will just kill off the competition. At one time we ended up with only 6 males, after one of my dogs broke into the rabbit pen and killed everything else. The males lived together just fine, no problems. Then we finally got a few females, and within about a week, each day we'd find one dead rabbit, each time a buck, until we only had one-the alpha decided he would be the only one to set the new herd. No sexual alpha behavior-just death.

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