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The Fellowship Is Sweet


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Great jOB moderators for cleaning up this forum.  Gone are the worst of the heretics, those that only sewed discord, and the pot  stirrers.  The fellowship on this site for the last several weeks has been for the most part sweet, fun, and very uplifting and informative.  That said, I am missing some dear friends that have gone away.  Members like Candlelight, Swathdiver, and others.  Is there any way to contact them and let them know the house has been cleaned and invite them back?  


Bro. Garry



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Oh...I am still relatively new here, so my history of participants to this site is less than 6 months old.  Judging by the number of likes in relation to posts though, it seems there are some great members (some I have never met)  who may have gotten burned, or weary of the nasty nature this site had for a short period of time, and walked away.  I will leave that up to the moderators who have been around a lot longer than I have.  

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I read much more than I write. It goes without saying that it is always of benefit to hear God's Word and discussed, with the goal to edify His people (2Tim 3:16-17).


It has been frustrating when some join OB only to attack.


Also some believers need to behave somewhat  a little better at times with the understanding of not knowing who may be reading (Rom14:13) (1Cor10:31-33) 


Some who have left may still look-in without logging on, so some may yet come back.


All in all OB is a great site to access and mingle with fellow believers.



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Oh...I am still relatively new here, so my history of participants to this site is less than 6 months old.  Judging by the number of likes in relation to posts though, it seems there are some great members (some I have never met)  who may have gotten burned, or weary of the nasty nature this site had for a short period of time, and walked away.  I will leave that up to the moderators who have been around a lot longer than I have.  

Likes are no indicator of correct doctrine but rather that people agree in groups to certain doctrines or teachings they have heard and parrot without true and in depth study.  Some, I have found agree by liking, and this includes Mods, with the snarky attacks without the original poster they like getting any rebuke from the Mods.  That is they get the like but no rebuke.

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AVBB, cut it out.  You've gotten likes without rebuke for some of your posts (some of which do engender strife - just as other posters do), too.  Just stop.  And remember we are all human and nothing is ever perfect.  The mods cannot (and don't try to) please everyone on here. Consider that no member knows all that goes on behind the scenes, and so charges of not rebuking those whom we "like" are bogus.  


Now can we get back to fellowshipping.  :clapping:

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AVBB, cut it out.  You've gotten likes without rebuke for some of your posts (some of which do engender strife - just as other posters do), too.  Just stop.  And remember we are all human and nothing is ever perfect.  The mods cannot (and don't try to) please everyone on here. Consider that no member knows all that goes on behind the scenes, and so charges of not rebuking those whom we "like" are bogus.  


Now can we get back to fellowshipping.  :clapping:

you only think they were geared to gender strife go back and read them again you would have to be a mind reader to read between the lines without written indicators and there are any.  But in reality there were none.


now go back and read what no nic and you just like and you can see he is gendering strife of which you liked.


truth is a hard fruit to swallow when you have to eat it.

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you only think they were geared to gender strife go back and read them again you would have to be a mind reader to read between the lines without written indicators and there are any.  But in reality there were none.


now go back and read what no nic and you just like and you can see he is gendering strife of which you liked.


truth is a hard fruit to swallow when you have to eat it.

Here's a truth for you to eat, AVBB. STOP IT RIGHT NOW.  You are engendering strife in this thread whether you want to admit it or not.  Now behave.

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