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Pastor That Dress Right Preaches Right...

The Glory Land

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I spent 15 years of my life working in building construction and 12 years driving over the road and I never looked like that.  Come to think of it I also worked on a cattle ranch and also a dairy form and still never looked like that.  And I thought I had a terrible upbringing but I guess it wasn't as bad as some since my time.


God bless,


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Hmmm --- KOB, second hand doesn't have to be worn out and frayed, SFIC, a good suit can be afforded.
I've owned excellent suits (worth $200-$2000) that were obtained at yard sales, estate sales, thrift stores or flea markets for $5-$25. I'm talking new in appearance. Once I got a dozen barely used HIGH dollar suits (that fit) from the widow of a lawyer who had just died.
I have also preached in overalls.  I don't generally wear a tie like in the picture -- mine's usually a "string tie", a "bolo tie".

maybe it can be afforded by you. But I cannot afford it. Not even at a yard sale. I have never seen a suit in a yard or a thrift shop I coud afford. Our neighborhood is not that rich to have such suits. And we can't afford to waste our gas riding around looking for yard sales or thrift shops that may or may not have suits. We need the gas to get to the store for our monthly groceries.
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Hmmm --- KOB, second hand doesn't have to be worn out and frayed, SFIC, a good suit can be afforded.


I've owned excellent suits (worth $200-$2000) that were obtained at yard sales, estate sales, thrift stores or flea markets for $5-$25. I'm talking new in appearance. Once I got a dozen barely used HIGH dollar suits (that fit) from the widow of a lawyer who had just died.


I have also preached in overalls.  I don't generally wear a tie like in the picture -- mine's usually a "string tie", a "bolo tie".



I am wearing my "bolo tie". today...  :)


I would like to have one like this.



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Reminds me of when rap "music" first became such a big thing and there were all these Christians saying we had to embrace that to reach the lost youth. These Christians, most of them white folks, were trying to dress like ghetto gangstas, mimic their exaggerated moves as they talked and walked, and tried to rap. I don't know how many were actually won to Christ through these people, but I do know they managed to make Christians look pretty foolish and caused many youth in that day to think Christians were out of their mind and a few to wonder what being a Christian had to offer if the Christians were copying them.

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For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)


Personally, if I am purposefully going somewhere to be in the presence of the Lord, whether to preach or be preached to, I want to look the best I can. I believe the God who saved my soul from hell is worthy of that honor and respect.


What that dress may be may vary from culture to culture. What is considered well dressed in America will certainly not be appropriate in the wilds of Africa or New Guinea, but wherever we are God deserves our best.


It is a sad fact that there are certainly those that cannot afford the best of clothes (even from Goodwill), but that is no reason why they cannot be dressed with the best that they have. When my parents were growing up during the ‘30s and ‘40s they lived from paycheck to paycheck, but every Saturday evening they shined up their best shoes, primped up their best slacks, dress shirts, and dresses in preparation for church the next day. What has changed from then to today? Is God no longer worthy of the same respect? Was their salvation better than ours?


As far as I can see, the only difference is in attitude, but then maybe that is one of the reasons why that generation is called the “Greatest Generation” and the people of today are called the “Me Generation”.

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For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)


Personally, if I am purposefully going somewhere to be in the presence of the Lord, whether to preach or be preached to, I want to look the best I can. I believe the God who saved my soul from hell is worthy of that honor and respect.


What that dress may be may vary from culture to culture. What is considered well dressed in America will certainly not be appropriate in the wilds of Africa or New Guinea, but wherever we are God deserves our best.


It is a sad fact that there are certainly those that cannot afford the best of clothes (even from Goodwill), but that is no reason why they cannot be dressed with the best that they have. When my parents were growing up during the ‘30s and ‘40s they lived from paycheck to paycheck, but every Saturday evening they shined up their best shoes, primped up their best slacks, dress shirts, and dresses in preparation for church the next day. What has changed from then to today? Is God no longer worthy of the same respect? Was their salvation better than ours?


As far as I can see, the only difference is in attitude, but then maybe that is one of the reasons why that generation is called the “Greatest Generation” and the people of today are called the “Me Generation”.


The funny thing is that people in Africa dress better to go to the market than Americans dress to go to church.

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For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)


Personally, if I am purposefully going somewhere to be in the presence of the Lord, whether to preach or be preached to, I want to look the best I can. I believe the God who saved my soul from hell is worthy of that honor and respect.


What that dress may be may vary from culture to culture. What is considered well dressed in America will certainly not be appropriate in the wilds of Africa or New Guinea, but wherever we are God deserves our best.


It is a sad fact that there are certainly those that cannot afford the best of clothes (even from Goodwill), but that is no reason why they cannot be dressed with the best that they have. When my parents were growing up during the ‘30s and ‘40s they lived from paycheck to paycheck, but every Saturday evening they shined up their best shoes, primped up their best slacks, dress shirts, and dresses in preparation for church the next day. What has changed from then to today? Is God no longer worthy of the same respect? Was their salvation better than ours?


As far as I can see, the only difference is in attitude, but then maybe that is one of the reasons why that generation is called the “Greatest Generation” and the people of today are called the “Me Generation”.

I am out of my "likes" quota for the day, but your post is excellent Mikado.  Even when I was growing up in the RCC, people wore their best to church.  And, I am 50.  There has been such a rapid decline, in just a short period of time.  You are so right about our parents.  "The Greatest Generation" has almost died off.  I was raised with two parents from that generation.  I like your phrase about the "Me Generation."  How true.

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When I attended Methodist Sunday school in the late 60s into the 70s, all us little boys wore suits and the little girls wore dresses.


It didn't matter how young or old, the males were dressed in suits (full suits, dress shirts, vest, tie, jacket, dress pants, dress shoes, you get the idea) and the females wore dresses (modest dresses, long and not clingy or sizes too small).

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