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Founder Of Westboro Church In Kansas Excommunicated, On Deathbed


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Yeah - I didn't read any of the comments - some of the article titles I saw were enough!  I can't believe that he was saved, not with what he taught.  It saddens me to think he's in Hell.  And it saddens me that I doubt his people will change their ways.


Although I've not spent any time looking into the group, I've seen public statements they've made from time-to-time and also interviews on the telly where they've explained their beliefs. It's always seemed to me that their beliefs are equivalent to baptist beliefs about God and salvation.


In a similar vein, although they are clearly quite an extreme 'package', so to speak, most of the things they do, taken in isolation, I've seen other Christians defend. For example, they live in a close-knit group and don't associate with the world, even for business, but Brethren churches often do that. They excommunicate family members, but many Christians support that even if they don't do it. Their preaching is done in a uncompromising and arresting way--again many Christians support such a thing when they see other preachers/groups doing it, even if they don't do it themselves.

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Some of the things they do might seem similar, but the aren't, really.  They teach that God hates the world.  That is their premise, and it is flawed because it is unbiblical.  


They proudly preach hate, claiming that the Bible does.  

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2 Peter 2:1But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.


Claiming to be an IFB, teaching Calvinism and hate.......I hope he got right with God before he checked out.

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Wow, never heard that one before. When did Fred Phelps claim to be a communist, Swath?


About ten years or so ago I read an interview he gave and watched a short video clip attached to it.


For many years one of my hobbies was studying communism and as an aside learned to ferret them out.  The left today and for the last one hundred years or more has been infested with Marxist-Leninists.  Even as far back as the War of Northern Aggression, the Union Army was infested with '48ers, communists who fled Europe after their failed 1848 takeover and came to America to serve in Mr. Lincoln's Army whom they revered, even Karl Marx himself greatly admired Lincoln.  It's no accident that Commies like Martin King and Barack Obama have made speeches in front of the Lincoln Memorial.


These people are patriots for government liberty, not man's liberty.


Jeremiah Wright is little different than Phelps.  He too is an avowed Marxist-Leninist and socialist first, before God.  Just like Jim Wallace, an old Soviet spy still running around in a clergy collar while promoting the devil's agenda.

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