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Christian Heavy Metal Singer Pleads Guilty In California Murder Plot


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Christian Heavy Metal Singer Pleads Guilty in California Murder Plot 10:00AM EST 2/26/2014 Marty Graham/Reuters Tim-Lambesis-serious-blackandwhite-FacebTim Lambesis, lead singer for the heavy metal Christian rock band As I Lay Dying, pleaded guilty to a charge of soliciting an undercover detective posing as a hit man to kill his estranged wife. (Facebook)

The lead singer for the heavy metal Christian rock band As I Lay Dying pleaded guilty in California on Tuesday to a charge of soliciting an undercover detective posing as a hit man to kill his estranged wife.

Tim Lambesis, 33, entered the plea in a San Diego court as part of a deal that will net him a nine-year prison sentence, said his attorney, Thomas Warwick. Lambesis remains free on $2 million bail until his May 2 sentencing hearing, Warwick said.

Lambesis had been in a custody dispute with his wife, Meggan, regarding their three adopted children when in May he asked a personal trainer at his gym if he knew anyone who could kill his wife, according to charging documents in the criminal case.

The trainer contacted the San Diego Sheriff's Department, which sent an undercover detective to meet with Lambesis.

Lambesis gave the detective $1,000 in cash, a photo of his wife, her address and the security gate code, and suggested the killing be carried out on dates when he would be with his children and have an alibi, according to the documents.

Meggan Lambesis filed for divorce in September 2012. In seeking sole custody of their three children, she argued that Lambesis had become obsessed with body-building to the point of neglecting his children when they were with him, documents from the divorce case showed.

Lambesis "basically told the undercover agent that his wife was making things very difficult for him and he wanted her gone," City News Service quoted Deputy District Attorney Claudia Grasso as saying outside the court on Tuesday.

The San Diego County District Attorney's Office confirmed in a statement that Lambesis pleaded guilty to a charge of solicitation of murder.

Lambesis has been ordered to stay away from his wife and children, to surrender his passport and to remain in San Diego County on GPS monitoring, according to the District Attorney's Office statement.

After Lambesis' arrest last May in Oceanside, north of San Diego, his attorney said at a court hearing last year that his client had been using steroids and that the drugs had dangerously altered his thinking.

The band As I Lay Dying, named after the classic novel by William Faulkner, has been on hiatus, according to their website.

The band was formed in 2000 and has released six albums of new material and two compilations. They have toured extensively, and their 2007 album An Ocean Between Us debuted at No. 8 on the Billboard 200 list.



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Interestingly just a few days ago I heard a song buy this group as I was listening to a drum demo video someone sent me. I had never heard of the group and would have never guessed there was anything Christian about the group. Also, the song I heard, was not "heavy metal" but more along the lines of skinhead type metal (or thrash, punk thrash or whatever they call that mosh pit noise) with the lead singer sounding like someone growling out lyrics that are mostly unintelligible.


In any event, I found it odd that I would accidently hear a horrible song from this group and then see that group name again a few days later in this story.

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I know nothing of this person or his band, only accidently heard one of their songs and it was horrible and I noticed not one bit of even the slightest that would indicate the band was Christian.


The fringes of CCM are filled with those who couldn't get a secular contract so they try elsewhere. Kind of like those who fail to make it in secular pop/rock often try to make it in country music.


If I saw that guy my first impression would not be that he was a Christian. The lyrics to the song I heard were almost totally unintelligible, with no hint of Christianity, and they were sang in a hardcore skinhead or thrash, punk or something like that manner which sounds more like a growling talk than actual singing, and there is no way anyone, Christian or not, would think there was anything remotely Christian about any aspect of the song.


Considering there are many false preachers out there looking to make their way by being a worldly Christian, it's no surprise there are those in the music business too.

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I listened to 10 seconds of that stuff :peek: and it is what I would imagine the noises from hell might sound like in one of my worst nightmares. :(:wacko::o:eek   :icon_sad::reaction:

I wish I would not have given in to the temptation to listen.  It definitely did not leave me with the good feeling one would expect from something from the Holy Spirit.  So I guess there must be some other spirit involved.


God bless,


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My wife and I was in the grocery store not long ago when one of these fellows came into the store, I noticed that he had tatoos all over his body and was wearing a ragged t-shirt that said Jesus, his hair was long an dirty he looked like a biker and smelled like one as well, I thought how could some wear the name of Jesus and look like such filth. I was hoping to confront him with just that but some how he got in front of the line and left before we did.when we were leaving he passed by us in the parking lot driving an old school bus that had Jesus painted all over it and a load speaker blasting out some form of music that sounded if it was right out of hell, I believe that his mission was to mock the name of Jesus, there could be nothing seen nor heard of such that would show any Honor nor glory to the Lord Jesus. I stopped the car and told my wife we needed to pray for this fellow right now. Satan may have blocked the way of a seed to be planted but he couldn't block the prayer.      

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There are a lot of worldly Christians, some of which hold to a "hippie Jesus" type view, along with others who hold to various other wrong and radical views of Jesus.


You know, the "Jesus is all about love and do your own thing" sorts.


Indeed we can, and should, pray for them. Most are difficult to speak with because they believe they are on some higher plain and tend to view "organized religion" as corrupted and not representing the "true Jesus" and "His ways".

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