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Spooky Dreams

Left the Bldg

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Ew, that's scary, Laura. I hate having those kinds of dreams.  Usually when I do, it's because my blood sugar and/or blood pressure is low. I can feel myself in my dream trying to wake myself up, and then when I do my heart is really pounding away.  And I am usually not able to get back to sleep (not that I want to, in case the dream comes back).

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Ew, that's scary, Laura. I hate having those kinds of dreams.  Usually when I do, it's because my blood sugar and/or blood pressure is low. I can feel myself in my dream trying to wake myself up, and then when I do my heart is really pounding away.  And I am usually not able to get back to sleep (not that I want to, in case the dream comes back).

The body does strange things, huh.

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I cannot remembers dreams: is there the possibility that some folks do not have dreams?

It is said that everyone dreams. I don't know how they can scientifically state that, but they do.  I do know that dreams we remember are the ones that are just minutes before we wake up.

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Repeat this before you go to bed, Lord Jesus, I want to rest now. Please be with me as I sleep, Lord that I may have no bad dreams. In Jesus name Amen.  You will sleep like an Angel. :)

I don't believe angels sleep... :bleh:


I do pray before bed - and will often ask the Lord to help me rest and not have the bad dreams. I don't have them often, but even with prayer, if my blood sugar or blood pressure are down, I have the bad dreams.  The heart does funny things to the body...

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It is said that everyone dreams. I don't know how they can scientifically state that, but they do.  I do know that dreams we remember are the ones that are just minutes before we wake up.

I would think its where they attach all these sensors to the head and monitor same while the individual is asleep. I assume their assumption is based upon the activity of the brain during when one is asleep; versus while he/she is awake. My wife keeps reminding me I don't have much "up there";  guess she must be right.

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I would think its where they attach all these sensors to the head and monitor same while the individual is asleep. I assume their assumption is based upon the activity of the brain during when one is asleep; versus while he/she is awake. My wife keeps reminding me I don't have much "up there";  guess she must be right.

I figure that's how they do it, and then the assumption is that it carries over to everyone.  LOL - I think I'd like to meet your wife.  :clapping:

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I figure that's how they do it, and then the assumption is that it carries over to everyone.  LOL - I think I'd like to meet your wife.  :clapping:

I can arrange to have her come to meet you; she'll be driving a U-Haul truck on a one-way trip. No Returns accepted. :biggrin:

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I had a bad night the other day where I felt so oppressed that I began trying to call on the name of Jesus. Had the hardest time trying to actually speak the words. I think I was actually dreaming and of course you can't really speak when you're asleep - think I finally actually was able to speak Jesus' name and probably woke myself up a bit doing so. Dreams like that are not fun, and I think demonic-themed ones can definitely be an attack of the devil.  :thumbdown:

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I have been having dreams where demons are in my computer or lamps and trying to attack me.  


And no I haven't been watching spooky movies or anything like that.   

What you been eating? Sometimes something in your diet can cause such things.


When my wife was very sick, we watched some of the Pirates of the Carribean movies and they gave her terrible, vivid dreams about the creatures from those.

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Spicy food or a guilty conscious, maybe. Demons influencing your sleep, uh...no. I think the mind is weak enough that if you dwell on signs/wonders and demons chasing you enough, you will dream about it. That same subconscious makes folks hear bumps in the night when they are awake too.


Satan is attacking however, but through that TV, movie or music we like so much (no one specific, I am speaking generally).


And who says you can't speak in your sleep? I have revealed secrets many a time that way

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