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People Standing Firm In Christ?

The Glory Land

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I never trusted in a pastor, I always trusted in Christ, & checked everything the pastor said out against what's in the Bible, while following Christ, not the pastor.

Amen, Jerry.  I haven't either.  In fact, my pastors have always told the flock to check out what they say with the Word of God.  The pastor is the "Under-shepherd" of the flock.  He is a man who can be wrong.  The Word of God is truth and "never returns void." 

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Standing Firm in Christ, the member here that is named, has very much knowleage and is very good with the living Word the Bible. He speaks the truth.


Do you agree with me, my friend? 

I certainly do, my friend! :)

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My glasses hide my crossed eyes.  They attempt to hide my poor vision, but they don't succeed at that.

I first grew my beard when I was 17.  Not because I wanted a beard, but because I did not have time to shave.  LOL

I had joined the circus the day before.  And anyone who has been a animal handler/trainer can tell you that there rarely is free time.  I let the beard grow and only shaved it once in the four years I traveled with the circus.  (that was so I could put clown makeup on for a show; one of the clowns was sick and I knew his act, so I replaced him for a night)

In later years, I had grown accustomed to the beard and decided I would keep it.  I occasionally shave it off, but that is on rare occasion.

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Amen, Jerry.  I haven't either.  In fact, my pastors have always told the flock to check out what they say with the Word of God.  The pastor is the "Under-shepherd" of the flock.  He is a man who can be wrong.  The Word of God is truth and "never returns void." 




Right, if a pastor had ever told me to trust in him, well, I don't know that I could have stayed where I was.


And what you said is true, most pastors will say check out what I say against the Bible. yet the person who does not attend church regularly may miss hearing him say that. I mention that from time to time, yet I do not mention it every Sunday.


What has gotten to me before is to have a person who hardly ever attends say the pastor thinks he is perfect, that he is above sin. I've had two people say that to me in my life. It was hard for me to hold my temper. If they had attended regularly they would have known better knowing that he was a humble man, or at least should have.


PS. That's what the pope & his buddies state, that is without us its impossible for your to follow Christ & this church.

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Standing Firm in Christ, the member here that is named, has very much knowleage and is very good with the living Word the Bible. He speaks the truth.


Do you agree with me, my friend? 


I agree, somewhat, i will try to explain.


I agree with him that the subject of tithing is not taught in the new Testament, I disagree with some of the ways he explains it, & I disagree with how harsh he is towards those that disagrees with him.


My hope & prayer is that soon we will ALL be able to discuss this & other subjects without being harsh on those who disagree with us. There some one here that are very good about this, some not so good.


My first experiences on a religious forum taught me to say all kinds of unkind things, for that is what everyone was doing. And finally I left that place because of that. At that time I had started to improve, that is post & leave off many adjectives & personal attacks, I'm still trying to improve while standing firm on my beliefs.


Standing Firm please forgive me for using your Display name right above this.

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Right, if a pastor had ever told me to trust in him, well, I don't know that I could have stayed where I was.


And what you said is true, most pastors will say check out what I say against the Bible. yet the person who does not attend church regularly may miss hearing him say that. I mention that from time to time, yet I do not mention it every Sunday.


What has gotten to me before is to have a person who hardly ever attends say the pastor thinks he is perfect, that he is above sin. I've had two people say that to me in my life. It was hard for me to hold my temper. If they had attended regularly they would have known better knowing that he was a humble man, or at least should have.


PS. That's what the pope & his buddies state, that is without us its impossible for your to follow Christ & this church.


When I was growing up in the RCC, the priest was always right.  Even though he wasn't reading and studying from the KJV, and the religion was based on works not salvation by grace through faith alone.  Not to mention idol worshipping, praying to the dead, the saints and a plethora of odd things.

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