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8 Foods We Eat That Other Countries Ban


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I watched on Fox news Sunday night a report by John Stossel interviewing a congressman, don't remember who, but he was the one behind some recent consumer food change that I don't remember either, but now he wants to ban salt shakers on tables in restaraunts because Americans eat too much salt! Now HE'S a food Nazi!

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So you believe asbestosis and mesothelioma are myths? If so, you're the first person I've heard make that claim. Even the manufacturers acknowledge that workers in the past got lung damage from asbestos fibres.

*SOME* workers who worked around asbestos got mesothelioma, but MANY did not.

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I watched on Fox news Sunday night a report by John Stossel interviewing a congressman, don't remember who, but he was the one behind some recent consumer food change that I don't remember either, but now he wants to ban salt shakers on tables in restaraunts because Americans eat too much salt! Now HE'S a food Nazi!

Such is the way of governments. Once they get their nose into something it isn't long before they want to have full control over it all, which always comes with oppressive and crazy rules and regulations...and usually taxes in the mix somewhere.

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Such is the way of governments. Once they get their nose into something it isn't long before they want to have full control over it all, which always comes with oppressive and crazy rules and regulations...and usually taxes in the mix somewhere.


There is a HUGE problem with fats, particularly sat fats - they are the scapegoats for ever-increasing obesity & heart disease. The truth is that sat fats are well tolerated, & are beneficial, do not cause obesity or heart disease.


A guy names Ancel Keys started the myth & a search for him will locate lots of papers.

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There is a HUGE problem with fats, particularly sat fats - they are the scapegoats for ever-increasing obesity & heart disease. The truth is that sat fats are well tolerated, & are beneficial, do not cause obesity or heart disease.


A guy names Ancel Keys started the myth & a search for him will locate lots of papers.

The major reason for the health crisis in America stems back to the government prompting more use of processed grains and encouraging the population to eat high carb diets.

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*SOME* workers who worked around asbestos got mesothelioma, but MANY did not.


Check on the MANY that it did, my wife's sister did not work around it. It had the same effect on MANY others who did not work around it.


Of course one is to many when they knew what it would do to humans, greed kept it going so many others died because of it.

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Check on the MANY that it did, my wife's sister did not work around it. It had the same effect on MANY others who did not work around it.


Of course one is to many when they knew what it would do to humans, greed kept it going so many others died because of it.

Like many things in life, this can be dangerous to some but not to all.

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Something doesn't have to be 100% lethal to be dangerous.


So true, & the topic as hand is about a silent killer, a killer that will kill you 30 to 50 years later. Oh how hard the ones making millions of dollars tried to fight against the truth that that stuff actually kills people, & even today many ignorantly take up for them, them there's some that take up for them because of greed.

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Ok but seems a trivial point. What I was addressing was Swath's implication that asbestosis and mesothelioma are myths.

I understood your point, which was correct, I was simply pointing out that asbestos doesn't ill effect all people as your post seemed to say.

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No, its dangerous to many, you have a computer, an internet connection, you can check it out for your self.

Millions have worked with the stuff, millions more have lived and worked around it, millions more have been involved in its removal and disposal, and yet of those millions only some contracted the disease while most did not.


In my own life I know of many who worked with this stuff in the construction industry as well as many others who worked with and around the stuff in the navy. Of these, only a few came down with the cancer while the rest did not.

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