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My Post Was Locked?

The Glory Land

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Regarding the original topic of this thread:

I had a thread locked and they did the right thing. The other person (it seemed to me) was being rather argumentative, it looked like it was going nowhere, and I was looking for a gracious way to end it without compromising what I thought was the truth. They locked it and it was a blessing. All I can say is GOOD JOB :clapping:

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I guess, I'm confused. Your point is about getting the last word in?

I've not yet read the closing of the thread in discussion so my comment here is in general, not specific to the other thread at all.


When a thread is closed it's good when the reason is simply stated. I do think it would be best if whoever closed a thread didn't make further comments which no one can respond to. That, to me, wouldn't be about someone having the last word, but simply a matter of when the thread is being locked, even the locker should refrain from posting more than a simple reason.


I hope this came out in a way that's understandable.

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John, I can't understand you at all...I think we should lock this topic, then start another one to argue about it!



That's because you're obsessed with paydays! Or was that Paydays? I like eating those, they are pretty filling. Nutrolls are good too. They do require something to go with them :coffee2:

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I will always close my threads with a reason and what I believe God has revealed as the truth of a matter of discussion which may or may not make everyone happy :)

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Glory Land.... Some times when you get your thread closed it has nothing to do with you or your thread but others posting in it. It's not your fault your thread was closed, so don't worry about it.....it was a valid topic and discussion, but if it gets too difficult to keep a good spirit in the thread, it might get locked. It's not a negative reflection on you or your thread, however.

SFIC....since when does it truly matter if strangers on the Internet agree with you anyway? You have 234 positive points by your name, so obviously people agree with you. Your whining seems a bit childish to me.

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When a thread is closed it's good when the reason is simply stated. I do think it would be best if whoever closed a thread didn't make further comments which no one can respond to. That, to me, wouldn't be about someone having the last word, but simply a matter of when the thread is being locked, even the locker should refrain from posting more than a simple reason.


I agree with John here. In addition, and I think I'm in a minority with this view, I've always thought that only admin should be able to lock threads. If someone starts a conversation, why does that mean they may also dictate when others stop talking? Always seemed a bit control-freakish to me, and it would be unthinkable behaviour in person. But most forums do allow people to lock their own threads. Just my thoughts--not a complaint! :icon_smile:

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In that last one a fellow claimed that I called him a liar.  I didn't get to defend myself and say, no, I didn't.  Ok, done.  


Just as said fellow argues a point from Scripture and when folks counter with Scripture, they're still ALL wrong.  It's little different then when a Papist comes in here and does the same thing.  Seems blinded by too much pride and not enough humility. 

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Maybe I should just close my threads after opening them since nobody agrees with me anyway. 

I just agreed with you and I clicked "like this" to show you I agree with you...


I'm just kidding...anyway, I clicked on that link you had in your post "boldclaimer".  I see this person agrees with you.  After I read a little about pastors working, I scrolled down and looked at a few of the other posts, this person is seriously bitter about "tithing".  Post after post after post about tithing.  Wow, talk about "hang-ups". 

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Glory Land.... Some times when you get your thread closed it has nothing to do with you or your thread but others posting in it. It's not your fault your thread was closed, so don't worry about it.....it was a valid topic and discussion, but if it gets too difficult to keep a good spirit in the thread, it might get locked. It's not a negative reflection on you or your thread, however.

SFIC....since when does it truly matter if strangers on the Internet agree with you anyway? You have 234 positive points by your name, so obviously people agree with you. Your whining seems a bit childish to me.

The child does come out me sometimes. You have a piece of bubble gum.... :)
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When there is a discussion between two or more people on a matter that can be a good thing. However, when it becomes a debate (a debate is when one or more involved is intent upon proving their point right and there is no reasoned discussion looking for truth), that's not a good thing. As we've seen all too often here, debates tend to become personal (no longer a reasoned discussion) and name calling and accusations go forth.


When a matter in a thread reaches such a point we need to recognize this, step away, change the subject, stop replying to certain posts and let it come to an end. By that point each side (or sides) have already stated their positions so there is really nothing further productive to be said.


We need to be sober minded, mature, and avoid quarrels and unedifying disputations. As Scripture says, we should learn to police ourselves.

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When there is a discussion between two or more people on a matter that can be a good thing. However, when it becomes a debate (a debate is when one or more involved is intent upon proving their point right and there is no reasoned discussion looking for truth), that's not a good thing. As we've seen all too often here, debates tend to become personal (no longer a reasoned discussion) and name calling and accusations go forth.


When a matter in a thread reaches such a point we need to recognize this, step away, change the subject, stop replying to certain posts and let it come to an end. By that point each side (or sides) have already stated their positions so there is really nothing further productive to be said.


We need to be sober minded, mature, and avoid quarrels and unedifying disputations. As Scripture says, we should learn to police ourselves.

Amen and Amen

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When there is a discussion between two or more people on a matter that can be a good thing. However, when it becomes a debate (a debate is when one or more involved is intent upon proving their point right and there is no reasoned discussion looking for truth), that's not a good thing. As we've seen all too often here, debates tend to become personal (no longer a reasoned discussion) and name calling and accusations go forth.


When a matter in a thread reaches such a point we need to recognize this, step away, change the subject, stop replying to certain posts and let it come to an end. By that point each side (or sides) have already stated their positions so there is really nothing further productive to be said.


We need to be sober minded, mature, and avoid quarrels and unedifying disputations. As Scripture says, we should learn to police ourselves.

I will say Amen to that also. (I have not noticed any threads closed in a "poor" way, that's probably why they are moderators, they have some discernment) As far as not getting the last word in ... well it's easy to say now, but sometimes we get a beam in our own eye and can't see it's time to drop the topic ... the ultimate question here is do you trust the moderators? If you had a thread locked are they unapproachable to ask about the issue for clarifiacation? Everybody needs to be subject to somebody ... I think that's why having lot's of versions is convenient, have it your way at multi-version McDonalds ... no, moderators are necessary and threads should be lockable by them, no doubt in my mind. This does beg the question: Facebook blocked my conservative posts during election time ... thus we want a godly moderators.

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