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This would be funny if it weren't so frightening.  These students are the nations future?  This is what our hard earned tax dollars go for?  :verymad:





God bless,


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I know that's accurate because I used to go around doing that, without a camera.


I've had high school and college students tell me they thought Hitler was an American president or general. Most couldn't name the last three presidents or the first three presidents. Most had no idea who fought in WWI or WWII. Most knew almost nothing about colonial America or the American Revolution and very little about the "civil war". Hardly anybody knew anything at all about the space race between the Soviet Union and America in the 50s and 60s, and didn't even know when man first walked on the moon, who walked on the moon or what country reached the moon first. It didn't seem to matter if the questions were about things 200 to 300 years ago, 150 years ago, 30 or 10 years ago, most knew little to nothing that was once commonly taught.


Ask them about contemporary movies, TV shows or music and they have lots to talk about. Ask them about anything historically significant, whether older or contemporary, and they are clueless.

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This has been going on, at this level, since the 1970s.  These poor kids know nothing of importance and worse yet, have not been taught to think.  The NEA has met the goals they set forth many many decades ago, that children need not know the three Rs, that they be conditioned to listen to and carry out the dictates of those in government authority over them (not their parents!).

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It's not just high school students it's also grown adults too! John81 is correct if you ask any of them who can't answer basic US history they can tell you all about TV shows and actors, etc.. "Politics is too boring" they whine. But "wow" on who borders the US! The only they'll tell you about politics is gay marriage should be allowed and so should marijuana.

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From what this woman said, it sounds like they are trying to backtrack now and teach the kids how to reason.  But, just as in the "spell it like it sounds" phonics, common core is rotten.


The lady speaker's mother and grandmother were likely pushing the same agenda when they were young under different names.  Phyllis Schlafly exposed and fought against this in the 1970s and 1980s.  I experienced it first-hand as a government school student.  For those interested, her book, "Child Abuse in the Classroom" is a great read and very informative.

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Canada a STATE??!? :verymad::shootme::frog:

I have actually had both high school and COLLEGE students tell me that! Considering several in the above video thought there were 51 or 52 States, they needed to add someone in there!!


Once a high school senior said Chicago was a guy! This from a girl who had lived most of her life in Illinois. When I asked why she thought that, she told me about some song she had heard. As it turns out, the song was about the city of Chicago but somehow she thought it was about a guy named Chicago. When I told her Chicago was actually a place in her old home state she blushed a little and then said, "Oh, Chicago is the capital of Illinois". Well, again, no...never mind...

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